EES: Alan Pearce | Exploring Coma Experiences of Alternative Lives

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, & Rumble | Thursday, July 25, 2024 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)

Guest Alan Pearce discusses the profound and often surreal journey of coma survivors and delves into the mysteries of consciousness unlocked by near-death experiences. In his book COMA and Near Death Experiences he explores, from the stunning liberation of the mind from the body to the risks posed by coma-inducing treatments, this exploration unveils a spectrum of conscious states experienced during comas, revealing both the beautiful and disturbing dimensions of these encounters.

BIO: Alan Pearce is a journalist, broadcaster, former BBC correspondent, and author of several books. He has contributed to numerous publications, from Time Magazine to The Sunday Times of London.

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