Upcoming Part B: Former CIA Officer | Whistleblower John Kiriakou

Simulcast on YouTube, Facebook, Rumble & Twitch – Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 9:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)

Former CIA officer and whistleblower John Kiriakou offers a revealing look into the shadowy world of government secrecy, shedding light on topics that have long intrigued the public. Drawing from his extensive background in intelligence operations, Kiriakou provides insights into UAP crash retrieval programs, mysterious drone incursions, and the persistent efforts to keep these matters hidden from public knowledge. Kiriakou delves into his own personal UAP sighting, offering a unique perspective shaped by years of experience within classified government programs. He discusses the implications of unexplained aerial phenomena, the potential security risks posed by unidentified drones operating in restricted airspace, and the broader implications for national defense. Emphasizing the urgency of preparedness, Kiriakou argues that failing to investigate and retrieve UAP technology would leave the United States at a strategic disadvantage. He explains why developing a comprehensive UAP retrieval initiative is not only a matter of curiosity but a critical step toward understanding and safeguarding against potential threats. With firsthand knowledge of intelligence practices and covert operations, Kiriakou’s revelations provide a compelling argument for greater transparency in addressing these mysterious aerial encounters and unexplained incursions.

Check out: https://unifyd.tv/programs/cia-declassified-with-john-kiriakou-collection

BIO: John Kiriakou is a journalist, former CIA counterterrorism officer, former senior investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and former counterterrorism consultant for ABC News. He was responsible for the capture in Pakistan in 2002 of Abu Zubaydah, then believed to be the third-ranking official in al-Qaeda. In 2007, Kiriakou blew the whistle on the CIA’s torture program, telling ABC News that the CIA tortured prisoners, that torture was official U.S. government policy, and that the policy had been approved by then-President George W. Bush. He became the sixth whistleblower indicted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act — a law designed to punish spies. He served 23 months in prison as a result of the revelation.

In 2012, the Ralph Nader family honored Kiriakou with the Joe A. Callaway Award for Civic Courage, an award given to individuals who “advance truth and justice despite the personal risk it creates.” He won the PEN Center USA’s prestigious First Amendment Award in 2015, the first Blueprint International Whistleblowing Prize for Bravery and Integrity in the Public Interest in 2016, and also in 2016 the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence, given by retired CIA, FBI, and NSA officers.

His portrait, made of Legos by the famed Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei, is in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian University. Another, done by Andres Serrano, is in the collection of London’s Tate Museum. A third is in artist Robert Shetterly’s series Americans Who Tell the Truth, which features notable truth-tellers throughout American history.

Kiriakou is the author of eight books, including The Reluctant Spy: My Secret Life in the CIA’s War on Terror; Doing Time Like a Spy: How the CIA Taught Me to Survive and Thrive in Prison; The Convenient Terrorist: Abu Zubaydah and the Weird Wonderland of America’s Secret Wars; and The CIA Insider’s Guide to the Iran Crisis.

Cash-Landrum, A 1980 Case That Seemingly Involved Radiation Burns

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 
In 1980, The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz and William Moore was published that told the sensationalized story of a forgotten 1947 report by the U.S. Army Air Forces that they recovered a “flying disk” on a ranch in New Mexico, north of Roswell Army Air Field. This was also the year of the Rendlesham Forest Incident, which is sometimes referred to as “Britain’s Roswell” (December 26-28), and the Cash-Landrum Incident (December 29). The Cash-Landrum Incident is significant because the witnesses, Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum, and her grandson, Colby Landrum, showed symptoms of what seemed like radiation poisoning after they reportedly saw a large craft, seemingly in distress, being escorted by as many as 23 Chinook helicopters. While all of the above cases continue to be discussed and continue to fascinate, a case that got a lot of attention that same year has been largely forgotten. It is interesting to note that it also involved what seemed to be the effects of radiation on the witnesses prior to the Cash-Landrum incident.

In the September 11, 1980, Anderson, South Carolina, Daily Mail, there is an article (page 8 of the pdf) by Louise Ervin headlined “Jerry McAlister saw ‘something strange.’” Ervin, begins her article asking, “Did a vehicle from another world pay a visit to the Broadway lake area this morning?” According to her, “Jerry McAlister of Parnell Road” wasn’t sure, but was “positive he saw something strange in his back yard” at 4:20 that morning, and since then, “the news media has beaten a path to his door.” Read more

A ‘Typical’ UFO Abduction Account Before it was Typical

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

Budd Hopkins

UFO abduction accounts of grey aliens taking people from their homes and examining them in their spaceships started becoming typical after the publication in 1981 of Budd Hopkins’s book Missing Time. However, there is an early account with these elements in the 1977 book Abducted!: Confrontations With Beings From Outer Space by the founders of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Coral and Jim Lorenzen. The case was investigated by APRO Field Investigator Kevin Randle and APRO Consultant and Director of Research Dr. James Harder. Years later, Randle presented his thoughts on the case, which provide some insight into how the typical UFO abduction narrative might have evolved. Read more

A Lessor Known Australian UFO Encounter From 1971

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

As far as well-known Australian UFO cases go, a 1988 report of an encounter in a desolate area known as the Nullarbor by the Knowles family, a mother and her three adult sons, is on a lot of lists, including Wikipedia. According to the article headlined “UFO Encounter on Nullarbor Plain Reported” in the January 21, 1988, Canberra Times, the family told police in Ceduna that they were chased by a UFO after watching it chase a truck and a car going in the opposite direction. They reported that it picked up their car, shook it violently, and then put it back down facing the other way with such force that one of the tires was blown. Sergeant Fred Longley of the Ceduna Police is quoted as saying “We have to take it seriously, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t. There were too many witnesses, the car was damaged and was covered in ash from the object and they were clearly shaken up.” While there has been much speculation as to what might have happened (and some doubt as to the validity of the story) there was another instance in Australia in 1971, that not only involved a UFO reportedly picking up a car, but seemingly carrying it for long distances. Read more

Blog: A 1989 UFO and Occupant Report From Voronezh, Russia

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

When I mentioned to my Russian co-worker, Sasha (in the construction shop at the Metropolitan Opera), that I was going to write about a 1989 UFO, occupant, and robot report from Voronezh that got the world’s attention thanks to a Tass article he said, “Oh, yeah, there were all kinds of crazy reports in the newspapers back then. We didn’t take them seriously.” He explained that because of glasnost (the opening up of Russia to the West and loosening of restrictions under Gorbachev), news companies felt free to report on UFOs and other paranormal subjects that they knew would sell papers. He said they called papers that carried such stories “yellow papers.” My knowledge of the case came from sensationalized narratives on UFO websites, but after actually taking the time to find the original newspaper reports, it seems that the story is the result of a combination of over-zealous UFO researchers, credulous reporters, and perhaps less than scrupulous editors taking advantage of the new political climate.

On October 9, 1989, the Russian newspaper Tass, carried a story under the headline “A UFO Said to Have Landed in a Park at Voronezh.” According to the article, witnesses reported that “an enormous ball or luminous disc” landed in a park, “two or three extraterrestrial beings” and a “small robot” came out, walked around the craft, and then went back inside. The creatures are described as 3-4 meters tall with “tiny heads.” The craft is said to have then taken off silently and to have “disappeared in a wink.” Read more

A 1978 UFO and Occupant Report From Italy

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

In the fall of 1978, there seems to have been a flap in the comune (municipality) of Torrita di Siena in the Tuscany region of Italy from September 13th to the 20th. This is mentioned by Maurizio Verga in his introduction to the article (page 6 of the pdf) he translated by Dr. Roberto Pinotti headlined “Landing, E.M. Effects and Entities at Torrita di Siena” published in the Vol. 25, No. 4 (November 1979) Flying Saucer Review. According to Verga, during that week, “there was a massive onset of the UFO phenomenon” with a peak of 40 reports on the 14th and a total of 120 cases. He speculates that many of these were the result of “the heavy TV, radio and press coverage of the main UFO sightings and encounters,” and he describes the case covered in the article by Pinotti, who did a thorough boots-on the-ground investigation, as “one of these.” He describes Pinotti as “the leading authority of Italian ufology and well known to FSR readers.” What Pinotti reported was apparently intriguing enough that this case ended up being recounted in numerous publications and was revisited in 2011 by a reporter from one of the first Italian newspapers to cover it. Read more

A 1972 UFO and Creature Report From Anderson, California

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

The first two years of the 1970s seems to have been a slow period for UFO reports, if the 1970 and 1971 UFO Chronology hosted on the National Investigations Committee on Arial Phenomena website is any indication, with the 1970 chronology consisting of 5 pages, and the 1971 consisting of 8 pages. As a comparison, the 1966 chronology page count is 35 and the 1967 count is a massive 85. This might have been expected after the conclusion by Edward U. Condon in his report that “further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby.” This prompted the U.S. Air Force, which had funded the study led by Condon at the University of Colorado, to shut down Project Blue Book in 1969. There is a comment to this effect in the 1971 chronology: “An apparent lull in sighting reports may be the result of the closing of Project Blue Book and the media coverage of this for several years, and may not reflect the actual situation.” By 1973, things would pick up in a big way (35 pages in that chronology) with high-strangeness cases dominating the headlines. In 1972, however, there was a report that seems to have presaged the things to come. Read more

UFO Over Wanaque, New Jersey

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

New Jersey, as everyone in UFO world is aware, was ground zero for a full-on flap involving what most witnesses reported as mysterious drones. What’s noteworthy is that this same region was where residents panicked during Orson Welles’s radio production of The War of the Worlds in 1938. It’s also the area where there were two flaps in 1966, one in January and another in October, with the most dramatic reports centered around the Wanaque Reservoir. In this blog, we’ll focus on the January flap. At that time, several different investigators arrived on the scene, and as a result, there are several different versions of what happened.

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Promise, Hope, and Disappointment as Another ‘Whistleblower’ Tells His Story

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

*Note: I have a different opinion than Charles, but respect other people’s opinions, Martin

Jake Barber, Whistleblower

On Saturday, January 18, there was a much hyped exclusive on NewsNation, presented by Ross Coulthart. What was promised was testimony from a “whistleblower” along with video to back it up that a government UFO crash retrieval program does indeed exist. There was much excitement on social media, but once the episode aired, there was much anger and disappointment, the main complaint being that the video was less than convincing. While there was a lot of focus on the video, there was another focus on what we believe should always be the first principle when examining claims of this nature, and that is: Consider the source. Read more

My Visit to the National UFO Historical Records Center

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

On Saturday, January 11, I paid a visit to David Marler at the new facility in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, housing the contents of the National UFO Historical Records Center. The NUFOHRC is a recently formed non-profit organization, and the facility consists of two buildings provided by Rio Rancho Public Schools on the campus of the Martin Luther King Elementary School. In one of the buildings is a treasure trove of, well, UFO Historical Records, including the case files of the big three in twentieth century UFO investigation: the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, the Center for UFO Studies, and the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. The APRO files had been in private hands since APRO ceased being active in 1988, and I was particularly eager to see those, as well as see the facility and offer congratulations to David. Read more

J. Allen Hynek Goes Public

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

From the very beginning of the flying saucer/UFO mystery, Joseph Allen Hynek played a huge role as an investigator.  According to him in his 1972 book, The UFO Experience, in 1947 he was asked to be a scientific consultant for the Air Force’s investigation program (which was then called Project Sign) based at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. He explains he was “then director of Ohio State University’s McMillan Observatory and, as such, the closest professional astronomer at hand.” He remained a scientific consultant for what operated as Project Sign, Project Grudge, and then Project Blue Book as of 1952, up until its termination in 1969. He went on with his own investigations, formed the Center for UFO Studies in 1973, and continued as its director until his death in 1986. In his almost 40 years of involvement with the mystery, Hynek’s beliefs and public stance evolved quite a bit. Read more

Pilot Reports of UFOs Over Oregon Captured on an ATC Recording

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

Pilot Joe Bulley

In last week’s blog, we looked at a case that is typical of UFO reports in the news these days: it originated on social media, there was no proper name for the source, and a great deal of fruitless speculation and arguing followed. As if in answer to our complaints, a case showed up that has just about everything a researcher/investigator could hope for. It involves an Air Traffic Control recording of multiple pilots reporting strange lights moving around in unusual patterns near Eugene, Oregon. Supporting the fact that the recording is genuine, one of the pilots has come forward and talked to the news media.

According to the article by Flynn Nichols headlined “Pilots told to ‘maneuver’ around Oregon ‘UFO’ in leaked cabin audio” published on the Newsweek website on December 12, 2024, a 44-minute recording was posted on Reddit by user SabineRitter on Sunday (which was December 8, 2024). The link to the original recording on LiveATC.net no longer works (the recording seems to have been deleted from the site), but there is an edited 13-minute, 28-second version still available on Youtube as of this writing. The article was updated later the same day with the statement from the FAA that “a pilot reported seeing unidentified lights while flying in Seattle Air Route Traffic Control Center airspace on Saturday, December 7.” It is explained by Nichols that “The URL of the archived recording from LiveATC.net contains a timestamp (Dec-08-2024-0430Z), which specifies the date and time the recording began: 4.30 a.m. on December 8 in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or 8:30 p.m., December 7, in Oregon (PST)” and that “The URL also contains the code KEU, which is the airport code for Eugene Airport, and ZSE, which is the official abbreviation of the Seattle Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC).” Read more