by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear
In the fall of 1978, there seems to have been a flap in the comune (municipality) of Torrita di Siena in the Tuscany region of Italy from September 13th to the 20th. This is mentioned by Maurizio Verga in his introduction to the article (page 6 of the pdf) he translated by Dr. Roberto Pinotti headlined “Landing, E.M. Effects and Entities at Torrita di Siena” published in the Vol. 25, No. 4 (November 1979) Flying Saucer Review. According to Verga, during that week, “there was a massive onset of the UFO phenomenon” with a peak of 40 reports on the 14th and a total of 120 cases. He speculates that many of these were the result of “the heavy TV, radio and press coverage of the main UFO sightings and encounters,” and he describes the case covered in the article by Pinotti, who did a thorough boots-on the-ground investigation, as “one of these.” He describes Pinotti as “the leading authority of Italian ufology and well known to FSR readers.” What Pinotti reported was apparently intriguing enough that this case ended up being recounted in numerous publications and was revisited in 2011 by a reporter from one of the first Italian newspapers to cover it. Read more