Bowing Out of UAP Crossfire

by Martin Willis

Thank you all for participating in the Thursday, UAP Crossfire Show!

A recent listener survey revealed that a majority of listeners thought I should distance myself from UAP Crossfire, mostly because of rants and politics. We are a divided country and if you speak on a show like this of either Trump or Biden | Republicans or Democrats, YOU ALIENATE HALF THE LISTENERS. Case in point; in some of the messages I have been getting; people are degrading me because of their assumptions of my political stance. I have warned the show producer repeatedly that if the show kept jumping into politics of any kind, I am out. I am not blaming this on the producer, because he has attempted to get this reeled in. Politics is not what I came to the UAP Crossfire to talk about. In my opinion, if there is not a direct link relating to UFOs/UAP that includes politics, it has no business on the show. The co-host I have an issue with, and everyone else has a right to their opinions. I respect freedom of speech, but there are other suitable platforms for political opinions. I will probably run some type of show on some Thursdays at 7:00PM ET. Crossfire shall continue with someone taking my place:


One thought on “Bowing Out of UAP Crossfire

  • June 14, 2024 at 9:00 pm

    So proud of you and your principles. I was quite dismayed during the UAP witness hearing watching questions morph into rants about that damn Chinese balloon…as if that had some relation to the hearing at all. I just want to thank you for standing by your principles and I will continue to watch your live You Tube streams although I can’t figure out how to ring that bell using ROKU.


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