499. Ted Roe & Jack Brewer

Ted Roe stops in for a few minutes to discuss the AIAA statement on UFOs, NARCAP, pilot encounters, then guest Jack Brewer got interested in the many overlaps between NICAP and intelligence agencies. Then, through the FOIA, various archives, newspaper clippings and so on, it got increasingly interesting, to the point that he wrote about it. Frankly, Jack was surprised how much material he has obtained that suggests the CIA facilitated the birth of NICAP.

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498. Dr. Garry Nolan & Lue Elizondo

Joining us for the first hour is, Stanford University School of Medicine professor, Garry Nolan discusses his years of research into the UFO phenomenon, as well as the study of alleged UFO crash materials. Joining us later in the discussion and for the remainder of the show is guest, ex-Pentagon official, Lue Elizondo for updates on what he has been involved with in the last year, what is upcoming book will entail and much more.

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496. Kevin Randle and Albert Wain

HOUR ONE: Kevin Randle discusses UFO encounter/vehicle stall incidents as well as his book, LEVELLAND, about a multiple witness and multiple encounters case of a red glowing object witnesses in 1957 and more. HOUR TWO: Albert Wain talks about some family UFO encounters including one he witnessed at 9 years old, plus elaborates on his sighting at 17 years old with multiple witnesses.

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