Rowley Regis UFO Era Encounter

Dad’s story goes like this: he was riding home on his bike one evening, late 70s I think (I’d left home not long before so after 77) between 9.30 and 10.15, as was his custom. He became aware of an unusually bright light in the sky looking westwards, which was to his left, which didn’t actually move. In fact, it seemed to be following him.
(At this point, a note on Dad: he was an RAF radar operator in WW2, Japanese POW, atheist and certainly not given to flights of fancy or imaginings.)
His take on UFOs was that any FO is U until it is I, then it is an IFO, and when it lands it’s an O. This one was behaving very strangely indeed, in that it was not exhibiting any of the behaviour he would expect from any celestial body, or any aircraft that he was familiar with: not even a helicopter coming directly towards him, which does give the illusion of being stationary.
This object continued to move with him until he pulled into our garden, and came in to the lounge. He looked out of the front window (we had a through room, windows on two sides) – and there was the object. Now that made him jump: it was not actually in the place he’d expect. It had moved to follow him into the house and became visible through that window! If it had stayed in the same place as it was when he was cycling, it would not have been visible as we lived in a row of terraced houses and his estimation of the expected location was that it would be hidden by the other houses.
He went to bed and left the curtains open, and the object was still visible through the window. Closer to midnight it just vanished…
and then a short while later it returned, again to the exact same spot.
Now if you can match it up with the rough timings in the reported Rowley Regis UFO they seem to match.
He never saw anything like it again.
Mom was with him while he was at home and witnessed what happened. Both are now deceased and have been for 20 (Dad) and 25 years (Mom).
To his dying day, Dad was adamant that it had been a UFO, and when he got to hear about the incident with the woman who saw the craft and its occupants, he was going to contact the local press with his experience – but Mom persuaded him not to as she didn’t want every journalist in the country turning up and labelling them as cranks!