A UFO, Creature, and MiB Report from the Broad Haven Triangle

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

The reported sighting on February 4, 1977, of a UFO and creature by students at the Broad Haven Primary School in Pembrokeshire, Wales, was the beginning of a flap throughout the county. The area where reports were most concentrated has been dubbed “The Broad Haven Tringle.” Multiple witnesses were willing to go on record, including with the Ministry of Defense, saying they had seen not only strange craft, but silver-suited creatures as well. One dramatic encounter was recalled by a witness for Episode 3 of the 2023 series, Encounters, produced for Netflix by Steven Spielberg’s company. While this is many years later, the story told by the witness is the same as that told by the witness to an investigator who spoke to her and her mother closer to the event just months later. Read more

PART II: A Reported UFO Encounter and Visits by MiBs

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

In last week’s blog, we looked at a case from Maine (we failed to identify the location) involving two young men, David Stephens and Glen Gray, who reported encounters with multiple UFOs, a period of missing time, physical symptoms, possible poltergeist activity, and a visit by a man wearing a dark blue suit (not quite an MiB) who told Stephens, “Better keep your mouth shut if you know what’s good for you.” The account up to this point, as reported by Brent Raynes in the article (page 12 of the pdf) headlined “The Twilight Side of a UFO Encounter” published in the July 1976 Vol. 22, No. 2 Flying Saucer Investigator, all came from conscious recall by Stephens and Gray. Stephens later underwent regressive hypnosis to try to fill in the missing time and details came out that involved possibly being aboard a craft and examined by strange, non-human creatures. Read more