UFOs in an Air Force Academy Textbook

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

After the termination of Project Blue Book was announced on December 17, 1969, throughout the early months of 1970, much was made in the press of the fact that the Air Force was no longer in the flying saucer/UFO game. Then, the existence of a physics textbook being used at the Air Force Academy that had an entire chapter devoted to UFOs became known to UFO researchers, and it was mentioned (briefly on page 4 of pdf) in the May-June 1970 APRO Bulletin that “it caused quite stir in UFO circles in the first half of 1970.” The mainstream press didn’t become aware of it until an article was published in the October 11, 1970, issue of the National Enquirer with the headline “Air Force Academy Textbook Warns Cadets that UFOs May be Spacecraft Operated by Aliens from Other Worlds.” As sensational as this headline is, it isn’t far from the truth, and after news of the chapter’s existence was published in the mainstream press, it was quickly revised. Remarkably, the author of the chapter was a major in the Air Force who was a physics professor at the Air Force Academy. Read more