by Martin Willis

I was lucky enough to accidentally be right under the Chinese Spy Balloon last Saturday when it was shot down. I was unaware the balloon was near Myrtle Beach until a real estate agent told me to look up. Within 5 minutes, the F-22 shot it down right in front of my eyes. See the BBC as they interviewed me HERE.
Since Saturday, there has been three more shoot-downs. It makes you wonder what is going on.
Why is all this happening?
Some may think it is an alien invasion, but I ask you not to draw quick conclusions before the facts are in.
NORAD observes up to 10,000 objects per day for threats. After the Chinese Balloon incident, purportedly they reset their filters to include objects at a slower speed.
If this is so, I personally think that just like most UFOs, these objects will be explainable.
There was the Alaska Shoot-Down on Friday, purportedly a cylinder form.
Feb. 11 as NORAD tracked and shot down an object in northwest Canada, the Yukon Territory.
Today the 12th, another shot down over Lake Huron.
My biggest wonderment is, when will we be told what is going on? Are these threats to our national security?
We have to be patient and see what happens, meanwhile how many more will be shot down? Is shooting down the right thing for the US to do? Comment below if you wish.