Check Out the SCU’s First Livestream, Analysis of the “Ubatuba” material by Robert Powell

Robert Powell reviewed recent testing he completed on a 99.88% pure magnesium sample first obtained in the Ubatuba region of Brazil in 1957. Powell also reviewed the history of the sample, previous chemical testing, isotopic analysis of the magnesium as well as isotopic analysis of impurities in the sample that were in 100ppm levels, namely strontium, barium, zinc, and copper. Lastly he discussed the meaning of the results that he obtained. For more information about the SCU visit:

2 thoughts on “Check Out the SCU’s First Livestream, Analysis of the “Ubatuba” material by Robert Powell

  • May 7, 2020 at 3:32 pm

    Rich Hoffman said he would gladly go on the podcast to talk about the testing and materials. It’s in the comments toward the end and is about Podcast Ufo specifically

    • May 28, 2020 at 8:44 am

      I had Rich on fairly recently, otherwise I would invite him back. Thank you

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