646B. Ryan Graves | UAP Flight Safety | Drones

Special Edition Part B: An in-studio interview, with Ryan Graves, former Lt. US Navy and F/A-18F pilot, to discuss the recent drone sightings, and UFO phenomena. Ryan shares his firsthand accounts, including his squadron’s experience witnessing the “Gimbal” — the first UAP video declassified by the Department of Defense. This extraordinary sighting took place aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt off the coast of Jacksonville, FL, in 2015. We also explore recent reports of drone sightings and their connection to the ongoing investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). Are these drones part of advanced technology, or do they point to something even more mysterious?


646A. Terri Randall | NOVA | What Are UFOs

Special Edition Part A: Film producer, Terri Randall on the making of PBS | NOVA | What Are UFOs. A discussion on how Terri put together this episode with NOVA’s science based format. Featuring both sides of witnesses, data, and the possibilities of conclusions.

Show Notes

645. James Fox

Join us for an in-depth conversation with acclaimed filmmaker James Fox as he delves into his latest groundbreaking film, The Program. This timely documentary explores the ever-growing conversation surrounding UAPs/UFOs and their implications, particularly as Capitol Hill intensifies its focus on these phenomena.


Special Show: Nick Pope, Marc D’Antonio, & More DRONES, DRONES, DRONES

Join us for an intriguing discussion featuring former UK Ministry of Defence UFO investigator Nick Pope as he shares his insights on the recent surge in drone sightings. We’re also joined by Marc D’Antonio, a former government contractor specializing in drone technology, to explore the potential implications and mysteries behind this so-called ‘drone invasion.’ Plus, first hand witness Trisha Bushley, and a clip from Lue Elizondo adding even more depth to this fascinating topic! Lue Elizondo, full videoHERE.

640. Don Schmitt, Roswell & More

Explore the fascinating world of UFOs with Don Schmitt, this is a fascinating discussion with the leading investigator and authority on The Roswell Incident. A seven-time best-selling author, Schmitt has dedicated his career to uncovering the truth behind the most compelling UFO cases. From co-authoring UFO Crash at Roswell—the inspiration for a Golden Globe-nominated film—to serving on the executive council of the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER), Schmitt is at the forefront of global efforts to understand and disclose the reality of UFOs. Don speaks on what he considers the most compelling aspects of the Roswell Incident, and how it holds up still after 77 years.

Show Notes