Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, December 29th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)
Thomas’ Podcast:

BIO Thomas Wertman
It is said we are all products of our environment. Growing up in the 60’s and watching television shows such as The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits fueled an interest in space and the unknown. Television shows and movies soon led to books, but unfortunately this interest had to be put aside to build a career, raise a family, and earn a bachelors in business and master’s in education.
Now with my family grown and pursing their own careers I decided to return to my lifelong interest in the unknown. The first step was in 2008 by joining the Ohio based group the Cleveland Ufology Project (CUP). CUP was primarily a discussion group that provided an avenue to explore various areas associated with ufology. In 2018 I stepped down as co-director of the group in order to allow more time for private UFO research.
The second step also in 2008 was becoming a member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Since that time, I have advanced from field investigator to State Director of Ohio. Currently have investigated over 300 cases in Ohio with one of the most interesting involving two fisherman who experienced over three and one-half hours of missing time. In addition to working Ohio cases I have also conducted over 230 investigations in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Puerto Rico for MUFONS Case Assistance Group. If that was not enough, I have participated in over 200 community outreach programs discussing UFO’s, been a featured guest on radio and television shows, participated in three documentaries, played an alien in a short film, and host a podcast called UFOdyssey.
In the back of my mind I’ve often wondered why I’m so passionate about ufology. A series of regressions explored my past in search of a possible connection. The regressions indicated personal encounters with UFOs and nonhuman beings beginning in the 1960s. These experiences if true explain that connection.