Show 656A Notes: Jacques Vallée 

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Rumble & Twitch – Tuesday, March 25, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)

Topics Discussed:

  • Corrections in the first release of “TRINITY: The Best-Kept Secret”

  • Deep dive into “Forbidden Science 6: Scattered Castles”

  • Independent field research in Brazil, Argentina, Europe, and Russia

  • How Silicon Valley innovation influences Vallée’s UFO research

  • Historical UAP crash retrieval cases

  • The U.S. Government’s evolving stance on UAP transparency

If you’re intrigued by cutting-edge UFOlogy, the potential intersections of science and new technology, and the historical threads of UAP phenomena, you won’t want to miss this conversation.

BIO: Born in France in a family with long international traditions, Jacques studied mathematics at the Sorbonne, earned a Master’s degree in astrophysics at the University of Lille and was recruited to the first French team that tracked early artificial satellites at Paris Observatory. Moving to the U.S. in 1962, he pursued his passion for science working on NASA projects at the University of Texas in Austin (notably, coding the first computer-based map of Mars) before joining Northwestern University where he completed his PhD in artificial intelligence. Jacques continued his computing and entrepreneurial career at Stanford Research International and the Institute for the Future as one of the Principal Investigators on the early Internet before serving as a founder of a family of venture capital funds in Silicon Valley, specializing in information technology and biotech investments. The funds, including the first NASA venture fund, have financed 60 high-technology startups and led 20 companies (including several “unicorns”) to the public markets. Dr. Vallée remains an active high-tech investor in Silicon Valley while serving on the scientific advisory board of the French Space Agency’s group officially studying UFO reports. He has published his research in books that have been widely translated around the world. He was the real-life model for the character portrayed by François Truffaut in the film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Forbidden Science 6: Scattered Castles is available for purchase at Amazon and  Barnes&Noble

Show 655 Notes: [ret] Lt. Col. Dr. John Blitch, PhD

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Rumble & Twitch – Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)

PALE BLUE DOT ~ Carle Sagan

Astronaut Rescue, Alien Mask

Jack Weiner, Allagash Incident on Stars, Love and more.

BIO: Dr. John G. Blitch (LTC, USA RET) is a retired cognitive scientist with a current research focus on trauma-induced memory repression and human-robot interaction. As an emerging author and popular public speaker, he endeavors to share his many lessons learned from occasionally hilarious misadventures conducting operational research in naturalistic settings outside the laboratory with military personnel, explorers, entrepreneurs, and emergency response professionals. John’s website:

Show 654 Notes: Roger Stankovic and Irene Previn

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Rumble & Twitch – Tuesday, March 11, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)


BIO: Roger Stankovic is an Australian UFO researcher and experiencer of the UFO phenomenon. He is the National Director for MUFON Australia and New Zealand and a community access member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP studies (USA).
Roger has appeared as a guest on Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Radio, Mix 94.5 FM radio, and Channel 7’s ‘A Current Affair.’ He has appeared on numerous podcasts and his articles on the UFO phenomenon have been published extensively by the Australian media including 7 News, The Daily Telegraph, and the Saturday Telegraph. He was also recently featured in a six-part documentary series “Close Encounters Down Under.”
Graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree, Roger later completed a Doctorate in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sydney. As a former neuroscientist, Roger was employed in the Department of Pathology at the University of Sydney. In this capacity, he had published several scientific research papers in this field.
He is currently a lecturer at the Technical & Further Education (TAFE) institute in Sydney and has a keen interest in astronomy and cosmology and is a semi-professional musician.

BIO: Irene Previn is an Australian visual artist and designer, and keen on uncovering the mystery behind UFOs.
About five years ago, after moving from her home town to work on a new project in Melbourne, Irene heard about Westall incident from her workmates. This occurred in the neighbourhood of her new workplace. At that time, she had never heard of it, let alone of a UFO sighting with over 200 witnesses, so her curiosity was piqued. She then took some of her workmates with her to have a look at the place where it happened.
She was allowed in to Shane Ryan’s private Westall Facebook group and learned more about the incident by watching Rosie Jones’s documentary, Westall 66: A Suburban UFO Mystery.
Surprised to see that no-one was organising any kind of celebration or acknowledgement marking the 50th anniversary of the event, Irene organised one herself. She posted a public invitation to join a picnic at The Grange Reserve, where the saucer was seen hovering close to the ground.
To her surprise, people turned up, even including some of the witnesses who willingly shared details of the experiences. Following the event, James Rigney contacted her requesting a meeting. She did not know him from a bar of soap, and was concerned that he might be a weirdo UFO guy. Prior to hearing about the Westall incident, her idea of anyone that took the sighting of flying discs seriously was, that they needed urgent medical attention.
Over coffee, James convinced Irene that he was perfectly sane, in fact he’s quite a nice architect and family man. Irene shared her vision to invite the public to a screening of Rosie’s film, followed by a Q&A panel with the witnesses. James organised the support of a local UFO investigation group to provide funds and helping hands to help make the event happen.
The event was a success, they sold all of the tickets two week before the event! James and Irene worked together to bring James Fox over to visit and film the Westall bits for his film, The Phenomenon.
Through this Irene met her new boss, a mad scientist who works in robotics. She now works as part of a team doing 3d modelling for prototypes and mechanical drafting for fabrication. She also creates collages in her spare time for her online visual art gallery. Luckily for Irene, her boss is equally keen in pursuing the UFO question.



Show 653 Notes: Former Marine, Bill Carter

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Rumble & Twitch – Tuesday, March 4, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)


BIO: William Carter was born in Athens, Georgia, on January 24, 1974. In 1994, he joined the Marine Corps and attended boot camp on Parris Island, South Carolina. After boot camp, he proceeded to Marine Combat Training (MCT) at Camp Geiger in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Upon completing MCT, he was transferred a few miles down the road to Camp Johnson, also in Jacksonville, North Carolina, for Food Service School. Once he completed Food Service School, he was reassigned to Parris Island as permanent personnel. While stationed there, he attended Range Coaching School to train new recruits in the use of the M16-A2 service rifle. He remained there for the rest of his enlistment until receiving an honorable discharge in 1998.
Upon being placed on terminal leave, he enrolled in Northeast Alabama Community College in Rainsville, Alabama, in 1998. Pursuing a general studies program, he earned an Associate in Science degree in 2000. Following graduation, he transferred to the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where he studied for a year.
From 2003 to 2006, he enlisted in the Alabama National Guard and soon after enrolled at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Alabama. While a senior at Jacksonville State, his National Guard unit was activated for Operation Enduring Freedom. The unit was sent to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for military police school, and after graduation, they were deployed to Germany. There, they performed garrison security and assisted in transporting suspected terrorists from Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Like many service members during the war, he was subject to stop-loss orders. Upon returning home, his enlistment ended, but he had still not completed college.
After re-enlisting in the military for a third time from 2009 to 2012, in 2011, he completed a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology from Troy University.
However, in 2009, during a deployment with his military police unit to Eglin Air Force Base in Fort Walton, Florida, his past resurfaced in a way that profoundly affected his life. The unit had been sent to Eglin for two weeks of annual training in preparation for an upcoming deployment. Their official mission included garrison security and marijuana eradication. During this time, he visited a restricted radar facility known as Site C6 at Eglin Air Force Base.
A long-forgotten memory resurfaced during this visit. As a child in the late 1970s, he, along with his mother and sister, had witnessed a UFO on the ground in a field near their home in Georgia. Until his time at Eglin, this memory had been buried. The experience at the base led him to realize that not only were extraterrestrial encounters real, but that the government actively monitored them.


Show #651 Notes: Sarah Gamm | on UAP Task Force

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Rumble & Twitch – Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)


🔍 Are these objects extraterrestrial?
🛰️ How does satellite imagery contribute to UAP investigations?
⚠️ What’s the government’s stance on disclosure?

Bio: Sarah Gamm’s education is a B.S is in Astrophysics and M.S. is in Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction. Most of her career has been in the Intelligence Community focused on satellite imagery analysis and as an image scientist. She has worked at ODNI-National Counterproliferation and Biosecurity Center where she was a nuclear counterproliferation strategist and led a new campaign initiative and briefed senior leaders in the US government. While Sarah worked with the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) on the Mosul Dam Task Force, years of imagery collection led to a co-authored published paper that provided precise ground truth data blended with satellite imagery to remotely monitor dams. Sarah recently supported the Air Force as a Nuclear Campaign Analyst in the Pentagon, and now works for USACE as a scientist in the Army’s Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities (TENCAP) office. She was an analyst for the UAP Task Force.

#UFO #UAP #SarahGamm #Intelligence #Pentagon #Disclosure #Science #Space #Mystery #GovernmentSecrets

Show #650 Notes: Robert Powell & David Falch, Expose UAP FLIR Video Debunking Flaws

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Rumble & Twitch – Tuesday, February 11, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)

Rubber Ducky

David Falch YouTube Videos  

BIO: Robert Powell is a founding Board member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), a 300-member organization with the mission of bringing science to the investigation of UFOs. He was the Director of Research at MUFON from 2007-2017 and created MUFON’s Science Review Board in 2012. Robert is one of two authors of the detailed radar/witness report on the “Stephenville Lights” as well as the SCU report “UAP: 2013 Aguadilla, Puerto Rico”. He is also the primary author on the recently published paper, “A Forensic Analysis of Navy Carrier Strike Group Eleven’s Encounter with an Anomalous Aerial Vehicle” and a secondary author of a paper published in the journal Entropy entitled, “Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles.” Robert is a member of the Society for Scientific Exploration, the UFODATA project, and the National Space Society. Robert has just released a new book in April 2024: UFOs: A Scientist Explains What We Know (And Don’t Know). He is also a co-author of a book published in July 2012: UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry and is an author of a book designed for children published in Nov. 2020 entitled, The Truth About UFOs: A Scientific Perspective. Robert has a BS in Chemistry and is a former collegiate debater. He has 28 years of experience in engineering management in the semiconductor industry. He helped Advanced Micro Devices develop its first flash memory technology that is used in today’s flash cards for cameras, PCs, video cameras, and other products. His experience includes managing a state-of-the-art chemistry laboratory and managing a Research and Development group that worked on nanotechnology using atomic force microscopes, near-field optical microscopy, and other techniques. Robert is also a co-holder of four patents related to nanotechnology. Robert currently resides in Austin, Texas.

BIO: Dave Falch was born in St. Louis, Missouri. He obtained a B.A. in English in 1995, joined the U.S. Navy in 1996 and was trained as an Aviation Electronics Technician (AT). While in the Navy, Dave trained on SLAM-ER pods, Magnetic Anomaly Detection systems, Com/Nav and Anti-Submarine Warfare equipment, and a variety of avionics from different aircraft. After a tour in the Navy, Dave decided to rejoin the civilian workforce and worked a few jobs servicing aviation electronics and surgical equipment. Dave earned an A.S. in Industrial Management in 2006, along with starting a career in FLIR technology the same year. From 2006 to the current date, Dave has worked on a wide variety of FLIR systems, airborne radio systems, airborne news cameras, and associated wiring/equipment. He has been factory trained by FLIR manufacturers numerous times over many different systems and is familiar with hardware upgrades and software updates. Dave has worked with engineers at the factory level to implement new prototypes to interface the aircraft with FLIR systems. After test and evaluation, these prototypes have become approved tools and remain in the field today as operational systems. Dave works at the “depot level” of repair, which essentially means he thoroughly understands the operation of the system at hand, and he can break them down to nuts and bolts and rebuild them as needed. Dave has weighed in on many UFO/UAP topics regarding the analyzed FLIR video footage. Some of these include “Gimbal,” “Aguadilla,” “Bristol Channel,” “Jellyfish,” “A-10,” “La Bruja,” “Rubber Duck,” “Chilean,” “Omaha,” and others. He often will try to duplicate/simulate prosaic explanations and post his findings on YouTube under his name. Dave has been featured on the History Channel’s show The Proof Is Out There. Dave is a contributor to the Scientific Coalition of UAP Studies.

#UFOs #UAP #FLIR #RobertPowell #DavidFalch #AguadillaUFO #NOVA #UFOInvestigation #UAPDebunking #InfraredVideo

Show #649 Notes: Bob Salas

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Rumble | Tuesday, February 4, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

Bob’s Website:

Bob’s YouTbe Channel:

UFO Jack, Click Image your YouTube channel


BIO: Robert Salas is a 1964 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. He served seven years on active duty. He worked as a weapons controller, flew target drones, commanded intercontinental ballistic missiles as a launch officer, and a worked as an Air Force missile propulsion engineer on the Titan III program. From 1971–73 he worked as a safety and reliability engineer for Martin-Marietta Aerospace and Rockwell International on Space Shuttle design proposals. From 1974 until his retirement in 1995 he worked for the Federal Aviation Administration. In 2005 he published the book Faded Giant with coauthor James Klotz which details the UFO incident he witnessed in 1967. Mr. Salas has been publicly speaking about this incident at UFO conferences, on radio, and on television since 1996.

#UFO #BobSalas #UAP #Disclosure #USAF #Aliens #MilitarySecrets #Paranormal #Conspiracy #UFOsighting

Show 648 Notes: Dr. Rebecca Charbonneau

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Rumble | Tuesday, January 28, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)


BIO: Rebecca Charbonneau is a historian at the American Institute of Physics, as well as an affiliate of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and the St. Andrews SETI Post-Detection Hub. She holds an MSc in the history of science, medicine, and technology from the University of Oxford and a PhD in the history and philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge. Rebecca lives in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area with her husband, Jim, and their cat, Sputnik. 🔭 Order Rebecca Charbonneau’s book, Mixed Signals.

Bryce Zabel debates Carl Sagan

Book: Intelligent Life In The Universe by I.S. Shklovskii and Carl Sagan

#MixedSignals #RebeccaCharbonneau #ColdWarScience #CarlSagan #SETI #SpaceExploration #ScienceHistory

Show #647 Notes: Lue Elizondo, Kevin Wright & Martin

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Rumble | Tuesday, January 21, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

BIO: Luis “Lue” Elizondo is the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the Pentagon unit that researched UFOs, now known as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). Prior to AATIP, Elizondo oversaw counterespionage and counterterrorism investigations worldwide for the Department of Defense, and also worked for the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Elizondo is a proud Army veteran, and later served his country throughout the world including South Korea, Latin America, the Caribbean, Afghanistan, and other countries throughout the Middle East. Elizondo is a graduate of the University of Miami, where he studied microbiology and immunology.

BIO: Kevin Wright has 20+ years of experience in public relations, communications, and issue advocacy in Washington, DC. He founded Solve Advocacy, an issue advocacy and communications consulting firm dedicated to UAP and edge science issues. He advises the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU) Board of Directors on public affairs and public relations.

BIO: Martin Willis, has harbored a fascination with the subject of UFOs since his formative years. Initially wavering in his beliefs, his encounter with a UFO in Carmel Valley, CA, in 2007 served as an epiphany, solidifying his conviction in the existence of Unidentifiable Flying Objects. Since that transformative moment, Martin has attentively followed discussions surrounding the phenomenon, maintaining a stance of cautious skepticism tempered by an ever-open mind. With a firm belief that the truth behind UFOs/UAPs may forever elude us, including the enigmatic stance of governments such as the US, Martin regards the exploration of this mystery as one of paramount importance and unparalleled excitement. His interest in astronomy underscores his conviction that humanity is not alone in the universe, fueling a steadfast scientific curiosity regarding the vast cosmos. As a passionate advocate for the UFO community, Martin founded the acclaimed Podcast UFO in November 2011, conducting over 600 illuminating interviews on the subject (2024). His expertise and dedication have led to prestigious speaking engagements, including serving as the keynote speaker at the Pine Bush UFO Conference in 2022 and as a speaker at the Shag Harbour UFO Expo in in Nova Scotia, 2023. In 2024, he spoke at the Skywatchers Amateur Astronomers Club in South Carolina, had the role of Master of Ceremonies for the Annual MUFON International Symposium in Texas as well as the Shag Harbour UFO Expo in Nova Scotia (2024 & slated for 2025), further cementing his standing within the UFO community.


Show #646B Notes: Ryan Graves

Simulcast on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Rumble | Tuesday, January 17, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

Ryan Graves is known as the first active-duty military pilot to come forward about regular UFO sightings, paving the way for greater transparency and exploration of this fascinating subject.

🔗 Watch the full NOVA episode here:

Former Lt. U.S. Navy and F/A-18F Pilot
First active-duty pilot to come forward publicly about regular  sightings of UAPs
Ryan Graves is a former Lt. U.S. Navy and F/A-18F pilot who deployed twice in
support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Inherent Resolve. Graves
was the first active duty pilot to come forward publicly about regular sightings of
UAP and has been featured in “60 Minutes,” The New York Times, and The Joe
Rogan Experience.
Graves serves as co-founder and Executive Director of Americans for Safe
Aerospace (ASA), a military pilot led nonprofit dedicated to aerospace safety and
national security with focus on UAP.
Graves volunteers as the first Chair of the AIAA UAP Integration and Outreach
Committee (UAPIOC). The UAPIOC serves as a neutral, scientifically focused group
enabling greater aerospace safety.

#UFO #RyanGraves #NOVA #UAP #DroneSightings #Gimbal #MilitarySighting

Show #646A Notes: Terri Randall

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Rumble | FRIDAY, January 17, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

PBS | NOVA | What Are UFOs. A discussion on how Terri put together this episode with NOVA’s science based format. Featuring both sides of witnesses, data, and the possibilities of conclusions.

Premieres Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025, at 9 p.m.ET/8 p.m. CT on PBS
The Cast includes:

Ryan Graves: Former F-18 Hornet Pilot (next interview)

Alejandro Rojas: A UFO journalist from Enigma Labs
Jacob Haqq-Misra: An astrobiologist from the Blue Marble Space Institute
Michael Wong: A planetary scientist from the Carnegie Institute for Science
Hakeem Oluysei: An astrophysicist from George Mason University
Mick West: A UAP/UFO investigator
Shelley Wright: A professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California, San Diego
Matt Mountain: A member of the Association of Universities for Research and Astronomy
Joshua Semeter: A member of Boston University’s College of Engineering
Sean Kirkpatrick: A former director of the Pentagon office that decoded UAPs

BIO: Terri Randall studied painting and fine art photography in college, and it was her love of imagery that led her into filmmaking. She began by working as a researcher, finding photos and archival footage for historical documentaries. From researcher, to associate producer, to writer/producer she’s works in every phase of production. In the early days of her career, there weren’t many opportunities for female directors, so Terri created her own. She directed and narrated her 1998 independent documentary short Daughter of the Bride which was nominated for an Academy Award and aired on HBO. Another of her personal films, To Know Where They Are, tells the story of her trip to Poland with her father to uncover what happened to their family during the Holocaust. Funded by the Anti-Defamation League, it’s been used in schools across the country to teach students about the Holocaust.

Since 2008, Terri has directed more than a dozen documentaries for PBS’s NOVA series. Her 2022 documentary Ultimate Space Telescope, about the James Webb Space Telescope, was nominated for a News & Documentary Emmy.

Terri has also directed several short dramatic films for the History Channel, many of which are now permanently displayed at historical sites like George Washington’s Mount Vernon and Independence Hall in Philadelphia. These films follow the same approach she uses in her documentaries: letting compelling storytellers tell their own stories. One example is George and Martha Washington: A 40-Year Romance, which is based on Martha Washington’s letters to George, with Glenn Close as the voice of Martha Washington.

Show 645 Notes: James Fox

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Rumble | Tuesday, January 14, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)


🛸 The Program comes at a pivotal moment, coinciding with the Pentagon’s AARO Director testifying to Congress about UFOs, whistleblowers sharing explosive claims, and NASA’s push to shift UAP discussions “from sensationalism to science.” The film goes behind the hearings, leaving skeptics astounded by high-level insider assertions that we are not alone.

🔍 Narrated by Peter Coyote, the documentary features extensive interviews with key figures, including:

Senate Armed Services Committee’s Kirk McConnell
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon
Stanford University’s Dr. Gary Nolan
NASA Administrator Rep. Bill Nelson
USAF Master Sergeant Tim Burchett
UK Ministry of Defense’s Nick Pope
Former USAF Intelligence Analyst Lenval Logan
Congressman Andre Carson
Senator Harry Reid
Former Senior Advisor on UAP Program Dr. Hal Puthoff
🎬 James Fox, a leading voice in the UFO/UAP community, is renowned for his critically acclaimed films The Phenomenon, Moment of Contact, I Know What I Saw, and Out of the Blue. His work is regarded as some of the most compelling documentation on extraterrestrial life.

👉 Don’t miss this exclusive behind-the-scenes look at The Program and discover why it’s igniting global conversations.

#JamesFox #TheProgram #UFOs #UAPs #Filmmaking #Congress #NASA


Show #644 Notes: Dean Alioto

Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Rumble | Tuesday, January 07, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

🎥 Watch The Alien Perspective now:
📢 Connect with Dean:

BIO: Director and writer Dean Alioto is an award-winning filmmaker and documentarian with an impressive track record across film and television. He has produced acclaimed specials for A+E, Bravo, and Discovery, and consultant on James Fox’s hit UFO documentary The Phenomenon. Dean’s groundbreaking work in the found footage genre has earned him a place in the Paramount+ documentary Unknown Dimensions: The Story of Paranormal Activity, where he is celebrated as the creator of The McPherson Tape, the first-ever found footage film. He is also known for the enigmatic Paramount TV movie Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County, which has become a cult classic in the UFO and paranormal storytelling space. Dean is here with a groundbreaking new documentary called The Alien Perspective which James Fox says “will make you look at the UFO phenomenon in san entirely new way.

#TheAlienPerspective #DeanAlioto #UFOs #DocumentaryInterview #Filmmaking