Simulcast on KGRA Digital Broadcasting, YouTube, Facebook, Rumble & Twitch – Tuesday, March 11, 2025 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)
BIO: Roger Stankovic is an Australian UFO researcher and experiencer of the UFO phenomenon. He is the National Director for MUFON Australia and New Zealand and a community access member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP studies (USA).
Roger has appeared as a guest on Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Radio, Mix 94.5 FM radio, and Channel 7’s ‘A Current Affair.’ He has appeared on numerous podcasts and his articles on the UFO phenomenon have been published extensively by the Australian media including 7 News, The Daily Telegraph, and the Saturday Telegraph. He was also recently featured in a six-part documentary series “Close Encounters Down Under.”
Graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree, Roger later completed a Doctorate in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sydney. As a former neuroscientist, Roger was employed in the Department of Pathology at the University of Sydney. In this capacity, he had published several scientific research papers in this field.
He is currently a lecturer at the Technical & Further Education (TAFE) institute in Sydney and has a keen interest in astronomy and cosmology and is a semi-professional musician.
BIO: Irene Previn is an Australian visual artist and designer, and keen on uncovering the mystery behind UFOs.
About five years ago, after moving from her home town to work on a new project in Melbourne, Irene heard about Westall incident from her workmates. This occurred in the neighbourhood of her new workplace. At that time, she had never heard of it, let alone of a UFO sighting with over 200 witnesses, so her curiosity was piqued. She then took some of her workmates with her to have a look at the place where it happened.
She was allowed in to Shane Ryan’s private Westall Facebook group and learned more about the incident by watching Rosie Jones’s documentary, Westall 66: A Suburban UFO Mystery.
Surprised to see that no-one was organising any kind of celebration or acknowledgement marking the 50th anniversary of the event, Irene organised one herself. She posted a public invitation to join a picnic at The Grange Reserve, where the saucer was seen hovering close to the ground.
To her surprise, people turned up, even including some of the witnesses who willingly shared details of the experiences. Following the event, James Rigney contacted her requesting a meeting. She did not know him from a bar of soap, and was concerned that he might be a weirdo UFO guy. Prior to hearing about the Westall incident, her idea of anyone that took the sighting of flying discs seriously was, that they needed urgent medical attention.
Over coffee, James convinced Irene that he was perfectly sane, in fact he’s quite a nice architect and family man. Irene shared her vision to invite the public to a screening of Rosie’s film, followed by a Q&A panel with the witnesses. James organised the support of a local UFO investigation group to provide funds and helping hands to help make the event happen.
The event was a success, they sold all of the tickets two week before the event! James and Irene worked together to bring James Fox over to visit and film the Westall bits for his film, The Phenomenon.
Through this Irene met her new boss, a mad scientist who works in robotics. She now works as part of a team doing 3d modelling for prototypes and mechanical drafting for fabrication. She also creates collages in her spare time for her online visual art gallery. Luckily for Irene, her boss is equally keen in pursuing the UFO question.