Taken aboard a UFO and Turned Into a Mutant?

By Charles Lear

With UFO reports, there are common elements that give one a sense of the nature of the phenomenon. However, there are some reports that contain elements that are unique to the point that a researcher might be inclined to dismiss them. The case of Herbirito Garza is one of these.

Garza’s case was written about by Scott Corrales in his article “Abductions: The Crucible of Nightmares,” published in the May 2000 issue of Fate magazine (See page 5).  According to Corrales, the case was investigated in 1972 by Jorge Reichert, Salvador Freixedo, and Ian Norris. Garza, a Mexican ceramics technician who lived in the city of Puebla, claimed to have been visited by an alien from the planet Auko and taken aboard a spaceship. According to him, he had just gotten into bed when he heard a noise in the living room. Thinking someone had broken in, he went to investigate. He came upon a “man” that was over two meters tall with a distinguished, almost-feminine-looking face.

Garza demanded to know how the being had gotten in and he answered that  he could overcome obstacles and go where he pleased. He said he was there to give Garza an experience “many would wish to have.”

Garza said he was then taken aboard a spaceship where he met other similar creatures. One of them took blood from the ring finger on Garza’s left hand, and he then suddenly found himself back in his apartment with no memory of how he got there. The hallway door was open and he was sitting in his easy chair.

Soon after the experience, while he was shaving in front of his bathroom mirror, his reflection faded out and then reappeared. After that, he heard alien voices speaking to him in a language he couldn’t understand. Later, he started receiving telepathic messages, and he was moved to seek psychiatric help.

While all this might seem like another “average” abduction case, things took a strange turn when Norris and Reichert returned for a follow-up visit. Garza, who had formerly been articulate, was now speaking sluggishly. He said, “I want to show you what is happening to me.” He unbuttoned his shirt, and the researchers saw a number of nipples growing on his abdomen. Some were large with a good deal of hair, and some were smaller. Norris and Reichert concluded that Garza’s DNA had been tampered with.

The investigators attempted to conduct a more detailed study, but according to Corrales, Garza “disappeared.” Corrales wrote that visitors to Garza’s apartment building were angrily sent away by Garza’s son. Corrales speculates that Garza may have been “an early casualty of tampering by uncaring, nonhuman entities.”


2 thoughts on “Taken aboard a UFO and Turned Into a Mutant?

  • April 1, 2022 at 6:18 am

    I love this title! Lol. It made me laugh…..turned into a mutant 😀😂

  • April 16, 2022 at 8:16 pm

    My husband saw a triangle shaped ufo in 97 in Yuma, AZ. He and his brother and his brothers girlfriend at the time. I never did. But he told me a long time ago and described it to me. He said it went slowly over their heads and there was no sound at all. Then it went slowly towards the east.
    We later saw a show called Pheonix Lights and he said loudly to me “see, that’s what I saw” lol. I wish I had seen it too. But it’s cool hearing him tell me about it.

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