UFO Sighting, Norfolk , England , November 2005

It was in early November 2005 about 9.30 pm South Norfolk , England , UK. The sighting lasted about 5 – 10 mins. It was a cold clear November night , where you could see your breath in the air.

I was a 16 / 17 year old schoolboy at the time. The sighting happened I think approximately mid-week.

Me and my room-mate David were requested to go and lock up the school classrooms for the night. which we did but as we were coming out of one of the buildings dead ahead straight in front of us about 50 metres / 164 feet away , above the senior boarding house and above the pine trees , ( so we could not get a perfect idea of scale ) , but i would guess about 25 feet across or 2/3 small cars , was this perfect spherical shaped ball / globe shaped object. it caught my / our attention because it was straight ahead and was very bright ( intermittently ).

A couple of things immediately seemed unusual – the shape of it – it had no wings , doors , windows or propellers etc. and no markings at all that i could see. it almost seemed like it was made from a mold in a huge crucible.

It was absolutely completely totally silent , no noise.

The luminosity of it – one second brilliantly bright and the next dim. The colour when bright was a deep fiery orange-yellow and when dim very jet black almost like the dark night sky , which could be interpreted as the object was transparent and we were seeing the night sky behind it or it was a jet black colour itself. the material it was made from was glass like , super shiny polished reflective and smooth.

The fact that it was stationary / completely still hovering meant that whatever it was , it had super advanced science / technology i.e. anti-gravity , although i did not see any entities , i find it hard to believe it was human made. Also if it was military / government why was it over a school at night?

We just looked at it in amazement , totally perplexed , mesmerised , just overwhelmed with what we were seeing and to be honest a little bit frightened / scared , i seemed to be frozen just staring at it , then we went to our bedroom for the 10 lights out bedtime.

We did not see it appear or leave but in the morning – the next day it was not there. so it went sometime during the night. it was there before we noticed it. maybe it was observing us first as we were locking up the rooms ? in other words it was aware of us before we were of it. I got the feeling it knew we were there.

I spent the next week or 2 trying to think what it could be , but nothing could fit the bill. I don’t know what it was to this day. I would like to know.  I did not see any entities or beings. so i cannot categorically say it was non-human but all the facts would point to that conclusion in my opinion.I know there are different theories about what the genuine UFOs could be. maybe it was a scout drone and not piloted ?

A few points :

I had heard strange noises in the night at the school before and possibly after , as well as the gravel stones being walked on late at night.

There may (?) be an element of missing time , i seem to remember the time was a bit slower than normal at the time but cannot be certain about that.

I have heard of other school sightings in Australia in the 1960s and Zimbabwe in the 1990s but they were mass sightings , not 2 people like mine.

I  have attached a drawing and the Documentary by Jack Turnbull , the MUFON UK man I spoke to.