The MJ-12 Documents: Who, Why, What, Where, When

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 
In the midst of the excitement created by the publication in 1980 of The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz and William Moore, a set of documents reportedly came into Moore’s possession that seemed to support the story of a flying saucer recovery near Roswell and a secret government body, Majestic 12, that handled such things. These became known to UFO researchers and later, the general public. They consist of eight pages, seven of which are seemingly a briefing document for President Eisenhower, and an additional page, which is a letter dated September 24, 1947, from President Harry Truman to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal authorizing the creation of Majestic 12. The subject of the briefing document is “Operation Majestic Twelve,” and the collection of pages is often referred to as “The MJ-12 Documents.” Naturally, UFO researchers considered the possibility that the documents had been forged. Barry Greenwood and Brad Sparks came to the conclusion that they had, as did the FBI, which has made copies available on their website with “BOGUS” written across every page. The questions we’ll look at in this blog are who might have forged them and why. Read more

PART IV: Abducted by Hairy Dwarves in Brazil

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

This is the fourth part in a series looking at an early Brazilian abduction case. In 1969, José Antônio Da Silva reported that on May 4, in Bebedouro, near the Brazilian town of Pedro Leopoldo, he was taken aboard a craft by three hairy dwarves, one of whom shot a beam of light that hit him in the legs and paralyzed them. He said that he was flown through space, and that they landed at a place where he saw human bodies, drawings of animals on the walls, and answered questions put to him about Earth. According to him, he was taken back to Earth and left off at Colatina, 350km east of Pedro Leopoldo. The case was reported in a Brazilian newspaper article that was quoted in its entirety by Gordon Creighton in the November-December 1971 issue of Flying Saucer Review. In parts 2 and 3 we looked at the report of the principle investigator, Húlvio Brant Aleixo, who formed the very first Brazilian UFO organization in 1954. His report appears in the article “Abduction at Bebedouro” published in the December 1973 issue (page 7 of pdf) of Flying Saucer Review. We noted some major differences in the accounts and got as far as Da Silva being taken off the craft and finding himself in a room where he saw pictures on a wall, four human-looking bodies, and 10-12 small, long-haired, bearded men, one of whom stood five meters in front of him and seemed to be the “chief.” Read more

PART III: Abducted by Hairy Dwarves in Brazil

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 
This is the third part in a series looking at an early abduction case reported in Brazil. In 1969, José Antônio Da Silva reported that he was taken aboard a craft by three hairy dwarves, one of whom shot a beam of light that hit him in the legs and paralyzed them. He said this took place in Bebedouro, near the Brazilian town of Pedro Leopoldo, that he was flown through space, that they landed at a place where he saw human bodies, drawings of animals on the walls, and answered questions put to him about Earth. According to him, he was taken back to Earth and left off at Colatina, 350km east of Pedro Leopoldo. The case was reported in a Brazilian newspaper that was directly quoted by Gordon Creighton in an article in the November-December 1971 issue of Flying Saucer Review. Last week we looked at the report of the principle investigator, Húlvio Brant Aleixo, who formed the very first Brazilian UFO organization in 1954. His report appears in the article “Abduction at Bebedouro” published in the December 1973 issue (page 7 of pdf) of Flying Saucer Review. We noted some major differences in the accounts and got as far as Da Silva being taken aboard the craft. Read more

PART II: Abducted by Hairy Dwarves in Brazil

by UFO History Buff & Author, Charles Lear 

In last week’s blog, we looked at the case of José Antônio Da Silva who, in 1969, reported that he was taken aboard a flying saucer by three hairy dwarves, one of whom shot a beam of light that hit him in the legs and paralyzed them. He said this took place in Bebedouro, near the Brazilian town of Pedro Leopoldo, that he was flown through space, that they landed at a place where he saw human bodies, drawings of animals on the walls, and answered questions put to him about Earth. According to him, he was taken back to Earth and left off at Colatina, 350km east of Pedro Leopoldo. His story was reported in the November-December 1971 issue of Flying Saucer Review in an article by Gordon Creighton, who quoted directly from a Brazilian newspaper article and then commented that the creatures had tricked Da Silva into believing he’d been to space. We noted that this fitted in with Creighton’s beliefs based on the ideas of Jacques Vallée, John Keel, and particularly those of anthroposophy. This week, we’ll look at the case as reported by Brazilian investigator Húlvio Brant Aleixo, who formed the very first Brazilian UFO organization in 1954, around the same time as the first United States organizations. Read more

Abducted by Hairy Dwarves in Brazil

by UFO Author, Charles Lear 

The history of civilian UFO/flying saucer research in Brazil goes back as far as that of the United States. The first organization to be formed there was Civil de Objetos Aéreos Nao Identitificados (Civil Investigation Center for Unidentified Aerial Objects) founded by Húlvio Brant Aleixo in Belo Horizonte in 1954. Aleixo was a professor of psychology at the Catholic University of Minas Gerais and was an active investigator for much of his life. He was one of the people Bob Pratt worked with when he did his investigations for his 1996 book UFO Danger Zone, and according to his biography in a memorial (he seems to have passed away on World UFOlogy Day, June 24, 2005) posted January 9, 2006, on the UFO Magazine website,  he was a consultant on UFOs for the Brazilian Air Force. Documents describing a case he reported to the Brazilian Ministerio Da Aeronautica in 1974 can be found online. He was the principal investigator of a reported abduction said to have occurred over a period of approximately four and a half days (109 hours) from May 4, 1969, to May 9, 1969, in Bebedouro, (not the municipality of São Paulo) an area over 100 miles north of Belo Horizonte, and that is the case we’ll be looking at in this blog. Read more

A 1970 UFO Encounter in Norway

by UFO Author, Charles Lear 

In the April 1971 issue (page 6 of the pdf) No. 1-2 of the Scandinavian Newsletter, published by UFO-Sweden, there is an article headlined “I met a flying saucer.” According to the abstract, the report that follows was first published in the Norwegian weekly magazine Hjemmet and translated into English by Anton Lidström of the Trondheim UFO Society. The case involves an encounter with a flying saucer reported by a man who said he came upon it while driving near Helleland, Norway, at around 5:30 p.m. on October 29, 1970. According to the report, the encounter left him without a windshield, and he seemed to have suffered some physical effects as well. Read more

Bowing Out of UAP Crossfire

by Martin Willis

Thank you all for participating in the Thursday, UAP Crossfire Show!

A recent listener survey revealed that a majority of listeners thought I should distance myself from UAP Crossfire, mostly because of rants and politics. We are a divided country and if you speak on a show like this of either Trump or Biden | Republicans or Democrats, YOU ALIENATE HALF THE LISTENERS. Case in point; in some of the messages I have been getting; people are degrading me because of their assumptions of my political stance. I have warned the show producer repeatedly that if the show kept jumping into politics of any kind, I am out. I am not blaming this on the producer, because he has attempted to get this reeled in. Politics is not what I came to the UAP Crossfire to talk about. In my opinion, if there is not a direct link relating to UFOs/UAP that includes politics, it has no business on the show. The co-host I have an issue with, and everyone else has a right to their opinions. I respect freedom of speech, but there are other suitable platforms for political opinions. I will probably run some type of show on some Thursdays at 7:00PM ET. Crossfire shall continue with someone taking my place:


The First Scientific UFO Field Study

by Author, Charles Lear 

UFOs were big news in 1973. Besides the Pascagoula and the Coyne incidents, there were flaps all over the United States. One in Piedmont, Missouri, got started that year in late February with UFO reports involving cars stalling and radio interference. These caught the attention of a physics professor, Harley D. Rutledge, who was chairman of that department at Southeast Missouri State University at Cape Girardeau. Rutledge became fascinated to the point that he put together an investigation team of scientists, arranged funding, and ended up spending more than seven years observing unexplained lights while collecting data and photographs. In late 1973, he gave a presentation of what he and the group had gathered up to that point at the fall meeting (attended by John Schuessler of the Mutual UFO Network) of the Missouri section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. Rutledge finally published a book describing the investigation titled Project Identification: The First Scientific Field Study of UFO Phenomena in 1981. Read more

UFOs After Project Blue Book

by Author, Charles Lear 

Seamans with Wernher von Braun and President Kennedy at Cape Canaveral 1963

On December 17, 1969, a news release from the Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) announced the termination of Project Blue Book. According to the document, Secretary of the Air Force Robert C. Seamans Jr. stated in a memo to Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John D. Ryan that “the continuation of Project Blue Book cannot be justified either on the ground of national security or in the interest of science.” An early indication that this was coming was Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a scientific consultant for Project Blue Book for the entirety of its existence and Projects Sign and Grudge before it, finding out that there was nothing for him in the budget for the upcoming year. Of course, not everyone agreed with the Air Force’s decision and people continued seeing UFOs, but they no longer had an official organization prepared to take reports. Read more

UFOs Over Essex, England

by Author, Charles Lear 

In last week’s blog, we looked at UFO reports by Pennsylvania citizens that made their way from various agencies, including local police, to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, which recently released records of these. On February 2, 2024, an article by Millie Emmett headlined “UFOs reported to Essex Police highlighted in data” was posted on the Daily Gazette website that describes sightings found in a list of UFO reports released by the Essex Police. This week, we’ll look at some of the sightings described there as well as others in the Essex area. Read more

PEMA (Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency) and UFOs

by Author, Charles Lear 

After Project Blue Book was deactivated in 1969, civilians were left with no official government body prepared to deal with UFO reports. This is still the case (the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office only takes reports from military personnel) and this has left local agencies, such as the police, as the organizations that people often turn to, and each one handles reports in its own way. It recently came as a surprise to Pennsylvania state representatives during a budget meeting when it was mentioned that UFO reports were received by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. Records recently acquired from PEMA provide an inside look into how they were handled by organizations in that state. Read more

Pictures of UFOs Over an Oil Rig in Mexico

by Charles Lear, author of the new book: Crashed Saucers

In our blog headlined “UFOs Over Scottsdale,” posted on April 15, 2024, we looked at a report of a blue, worm-like UFO captured on video over Scottsdale, Arizona. The main sources were two tabloid news agencies, Daily Mail and The US Sun, and their source was video footage posted on Instagram and Twitter/X. The reporters of both agencies failed to provide a date for the incident, properly represent witnesses, or make mention of the fact that Scottsdale is home to a UFO museum/attraction called “The UFO Experience.” We came across another intriguing case this week covered in the Mail and the Sun (U.K. edition), and this time, the reporting is much more thorough and reveals a long-standing belief by locals that there is an underwater alien base in the area. Read more