Show 397 Notes: Kevin Randle

Simulcast on YouTube and KGRA Radio

Tuesday March 24, 6-8PM EDT (-4GMT)


Kevin D. Randle is a retired Army lieutenant colonel who served in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot and Aircraft Commander, accumulating more than 1100 hours of combat flight time. In 2003 he deployed to Iraq as an intelligence officer. He served on active duty with the Army and later the Air Force. He was a member of the Iowa National Guard on his deployment into the Middle East. He retired from the military with more than 22 years of service in 2009.

His interest in UFOs began as a teenager when he investigated a sighting while living in Colorado. His big question then was if the object had been sharply defined or had a been a ball of misshapen light. From that point on he has investigated hundreds of sightings around the country including nearly three decades researching the events in Roswell. He now hosts A Different Perspective, the No. 2 rated radio show/pod cast on the X-Zone Broadcast Network. Among his latest books are Roswell in the 21st Century, Encounter in the Desert about the Socorro landing and the recently published The Best of Project Blue Book. His next book, UFOs: The Deep Start and AFOSI will be out in the fall. His blog can be found at

One thought on “Show 397 Notes: Kevin Randle

  • March 25, 2020 at 8:16 am

    I like Kevin Randle for what he does but I am so tired of people complaining about the History Channel’s Project Blue Book. It’s a television show not a documentary. The program is for entertainment purposes. ENTERTAINMENT. If the show was only about taped up windows, probable dull conversations and the information in the documented files of Blue Book I have a feeling that that idea would have never been purchased and put on the air. Come on, enjoy the show for what it is. If you don’t like the program then don’t watch the show, you can watch shows like Hanger 1.

    Heavy sigh, sorry, now I feel better.

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