Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, April 18, @ 7:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)
BIO: Graeme Rendall is an aviation historian and author with a long-standing interest in the UFO subject. He combined his studies of aviation history, German secret weapons programs and UFOs in his critically-acclaimed book on the Foo Fighters, “UFOs Before Roswell“, which was released in 2021. Graeme is an author and commentator on UFO-related issues, a member of UAP Media UK and will feature as a guest speaker at the Roswell conference in June and Manchester’s Awakening 2023 in August. Books include: “UFOs Before Roswell” ~ “Dawn of the Flying Saucers: Aerial UFO Encounters & Official Investigations 1946-1949″ (foreword by George Knapp) ~ “Flying Saucer Fever: Aerial UFO Encounters, 1950-1952″ (foreword by Lue Elizondo) and “Intercept and Identify: Aerial UFO Encounters, 1953-1954″