Show #587 Notes: Michael Schratt

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, December 12, 2023 @ 7:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

Some images will be added soon

BIO: Michael Schratt (private pilot/aviation historian) has been investigating UFO encounters for over 25 years. Between 2008 and 2009, Michael meticulously reviewed a minimum of 50,000 cases which were preserved at the CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies) archives in Chicago. In an effort to maintain an important part of our national history, Michael has re-created dozens of highly credible UFO cases by the use of drawings, illustrations and commissioned artwork. Many of these include USO (Unidentified Submerged Objects), actual extraterrestrial encounters, and pre-history UFO cases which have never seen the light of day. Michael has appeared on multiple media platforms including the following: Coast to Coast AM, History Channel, Paranormal Matrix, UFO Hunters, Fade to Black. In addition, Michael has been a guest speaker at multiple UFO conferences including the following: Phoenix MUFON, Orange County MUFON, International UFO Congress, MUFON Symposium and UFO CON.

Show Transcript


00:37.895 –> 01:07.450
hello and welcome to the show i’m Martin Willis, your host and i’ve got one of my favorite guests coming up tonight michael schratt uh he has done great research over the years as a aviation historian and uh he does meticulous work in his investigations and tonight we’re going to be talking about ufo crash retrievals it should be a very interesting show uh thank you all for showing up here thank you those who support the show anyone can do that over podcast under

01:07.930 –> 01:08.730
support the show.

01:10.931 –> 01:11.691
A couple of things.

01:11.971 –> 01:22.515
The blog this week is from Charles Lear, as usual, is a 1665 UFO report from Strassland, Germany.

01:23.135 –> 01:27.697
It talks about a lot of the work of Chris Aubeck, who I’ve been trying to get on the show.

01:27.737 –> 01:29.597
Hopefully, I’ll get him on one of these days.

01:30.358 –> 01:34.039
But it’s a great article, and check that out over at

01:34.819 –> 01:36.440
A lot of you know this already.

01:36.781 –> 01:41.184
It’s old news to most of you out there that pay attention to what’s going on.

01:41.224 –> 01:49.330
But basically, the Schumer rounds act was more or less gutted, unfortunately.

01:49.690 –> 01:52.893
And, you know, something is passing, but it’s very, very weak.

01:53.393 –> 01:58.457
And so it’s you know, I’ve heard people say it’s up to, you know, all of us to decide.

01:59.157 –> 02:04.681
push this thing along and perhaps maybe we’ll have some more whistleblowers coming forward.

02:04.781 –> 02:12.507
I know someone sent me something saying to look for David Grush’s op-ed coming out soon.

02:12.547 –> 02:13.588
It’s going to be more revealing.

02:13.628 –> 02:14.188
I’m not sure.

02:14.649 –> 02:16.030
We’ll see how all that goes.

02:17.431 –> 02:20.773
But one of the things that came to mind is if

02:22.014 –> 02:36.638
If one of the things that was gutted was the eminent domain and for any hardware or anything that these private corporations like Lockheed Martin or places like that may hold, I say may because I don’t know.

02:37.278 –> 02:39.358
But all that was gutted.

02:39.998 –> 02:45.080
And my question is, why would it be gutted if there was nothing to hide?

02:47.360 –> 02:56.265
Maybe that’s kind of conspiratorial, but it makes sense to me that if they had nothing to hide, they wouldn’t care whether that was in there or not.

02:56.626 –> 03:04.150
And I’m talking about the people that are funded campaign funds that were involved in this from places like Lockheed Martin.

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And so I’m just name dropping, but I’m sure there’s many others.

03:09.736 –> 03:12.119
And it’s just too bad that this thing was gutted.

03:12.139 –> 03:16.184
And now it’s up to us and the whistleblowers to try to get more answers.

03:16.264 –> 03:17.886
And hopefully that will happen.

03:18.487 –> 03:20.830
So I’m ready to bring in the guest.

03:20.950 –> 03:22.732
Michael, welcome to the show.

03:23.193 –> 03:23.533
Hi, Martin.

03:23.693 –> 03:24.294
Good to be with you.

03:25.219 –> 03:26.300
Yeah, great to have you back.

03:26.520 –> 03:30.582
It’s been a couple of years and I really enjoyed the last time.

03:30.642 –> 03:33.644
And I remember there was a person that was doing your illustrating.

03:33.664 –> 03:37.487
Is that we’re going to be seeing the same illustrations this evening?

03:37.507 –> 03:43.170
Well, I’ve got three illustrators that I’m working with and you’ll see you’ll see all of that tonight.

03:43.230 –> 03:43.410

03:44.371 –> 03:44.591

03:44.811 –> 03:45.111

03:45.151 –> 03:45.391

03:45.472 –> 03:46.632
Some great, great work.

03:46.652 –> 03:50.775
Do you want to go ahead and you want to dive right into it and we can do that.

03:50.815 –> 03:51.455
Hold that right up.

03:51.755 –> 03:52.176

03:52.556 –> 03:52.636

03:54.540 –> 04:19.101
right so would you like me to make this a full page uh let’s see here oh it doesn’t matter okay i think we can see that pretty good yeah all right so you see that full screen right i do yeah okay good all right so i’m gonna i’m gonna move forward here and this presentation is called retrievals of the third kind cosmic crashes corpses and cover-ups and i want to kind of

04:19.711 –> 04:42.605
lay the groundwork here and i always like to start here ufo crash retrieval is the ultimate holy grail of ufo research uh why why am i calling it the holy grail it’s because it’s very simple the crash retrievals contain everything we need to move this field forward now they just axed this uap disclosure legislation last week

04:43.425 –> 05:05.817
So now it’s really up to the whistleblowers and people who are in this field that are trying to release and get access to, and this is part of this whole Holy Grail here, the bodies, the debris and the craft, because these are the three key elements that we’re going to need to move this field forward, to bring this into congressional hearings.

05:06.738 –> 05:09.900
This is the vehicle that is going to bring about disclosure.

05:10.820 –> 05:13.822
All right, a couple of quick announcements before we get into this here.

05:14.662 –> 05:20.965
The content of each case highlighted in this presentation has remained intact for the description of the original source.

05:21.866 –> 05:28.329
The identity of first-hand sources will be protected per Leonard Stringfield’s original agreement with his military contacts.

05:29.010 –> 05:34.733
The visual aids used in this presentation are computer generated forensic composite illustrations and sketches.

05:35.694 –> 05:39.477
which originated from the specific details provided by Leonard’s sources.

05:40.457 –> 05:43.820
Sources for the material covered in this presentation include the following.

05:43.840 –> 05:53.727
So here are the firsthand military sources that Leonard Stringfield used to basically compile his crash retrieval accounts.

05:55.008 –> 05:58.471
Three-star US Air Force generals, US Air Force fighter pilots,

05:59.534 –> 06:22.208
astronauts, commercial pilots, air traffic controllers, neurosurgeons, pathologists, theoretical physicists and mathematicians, US Army officers, US Navy officers, military police, high-level Pentagon officials, top military brass, scientists and engineers who worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and other government facilities.

06:22.228 –> 06:26.590
So that’s just a cross-section of the people that we’ll be examining here tonight.

06:26.610 –> 06:28.492
A couple of quick quotes here.

06:28.552 –> 06:28.992
Number one,

06:30.450 –> 06:52.927
ufo crash retrievals can’t be real because if they were i would have read about them in the local newspaper that’s the general public talking here number two there are not now nor ever have been any extraterrestrial visitors or equipment on wright patterson air force base this is their uh very own press release july 1980 so that’s what they’re saying

06:53.917 –> 06:57.762
And what we’re going to do here tonight is we’re going to challenge them.

06:58.283 –> 07:02.728
We’re going to challenge them with our best top military witnesses.

07:02.808 –> 07:06.754
So it’s going to be the witnesses against this press release and the government.

07:07.254 –> 07:08.996
And let’s see who comes out on top here.

07:09.887 –> 07:12.788
Okay, this is the gentleman that we’re highlighting his work.

07:13.569 –> 07:17.751
Leonard Stringfield is the godfather of these crash retrieval cases.

07:18.171 –> 07:21.393
He actually coined the term UFO crash retrievals.

07:22.133 –> 07:31.358
And over at least a 30-year period, he collected dozens, I count 119 total, of these crash retrieval cases.

07:31.398 –> 07:33.058
And that’s what we’re going to talk about here.

07:33.078 –> 07:35.880
A couple of quick biographical points here.

07:35.960 –> 07:37.100
Leonard Stringfield was born 1920.

07:38.661 –> 07:40.023
grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio.

07:41.004 –> 07:46.272
By the time he graduated from high school in 1939, he had already memorized the entire dictionary.

07:46.892 –> 07:50.998
He joined the military as soon as he heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

07:53.075 –> 07:56.657
He was employed by a chemical company in Ohio and retired after 30 years.

07:57.057 –> 08:05.701
He wrote two books, one in 1957, one in 1977, which was called Situation Read the UFO Siege.

08:05.762 –> 08:06.142
Next one.

08:06.202 –> 08:14.466
His lecture on UFO crash retrievals at the 1978 MUFON symposium in Dayton, Ohio, caused an international sensation.

08:14.526 –> 08:15.727
Yeah, it did, because.

08:16.667 –> 08:21.889
This whole concept about UFO crash retrievals was still very early back then.

08:21.909 –> 08:24.411
This is something that wasn’t really talked about.

08:25.151 –> 08:31.434
And the agreement that Leonard made with his firsthand witnesses is that he could

08:32.833 –> 08:39.056
retained an important part of our national history by getting the story out, but he could not use their names.

08:39.557 –> 08:43.919
And so that’s why there was a little bit of pushback when he was at this Mufon symposium.

08:44.379 –> 08:45.940
He passed away December 18th, 1994.

08:46.880 –> 08:49.482
Okay, so this is Cincinnati Inquirer.

08:50.262 –> 08:50.582
July 19, 1993.

08:51.363 –> 08:56.887
It says, author continues quest for truth about UFOs.

08:57.568 –> 09:00.871
Quote, what I’ve collected has staggering implications for mankind.

09:00.911 –> 09:03.252
This would be the biggest thing since Christ, really.

09:04.233 –> 09:06.595
And you could make an argument, yes, it would be.

09:07.376 –> 09:15.382
Actual contact, debris, bodies, craft, the actual physical evidence, it is the biggest thing since this time period.

09:15.422 –> 09:17.324
So that’s what we want to look at here.

09:17.404 –> 09:17.544

09:19.142 –> 09:31.532
Somewhere out there, we believe there are 22 bank boxes of original letters, correspondence, drawings, tapes, sketches, illustrations from Leonard’s firsthand witnesses.

09:31.652 –> 09:40.579
I know about 15 years ago, there was probably a six figure sum offered for this collection, but it was turned down.

09:41.840 –> 09:43.922
I’ve been kind of on the trail of tracking this thing.

09:44.002 –> 09:47.005
I’ve been told that most of this has been thrown out

09:48.007 –> 09:52.591
And Leonard only wanted some things published from his anonymous sources.

09:53.451 –> 09:54.332
Maybe that’s true.

09:54.773 –> 09:57.895
I have reason to believe perhaps that there might be still something left.

09:57.955 –> 10:03.500
So at the very least, there were 22 bank boxes somewhere around 1991 timeframe.

10:03.580 –> 10:06.722
And it’d be great to track these original boxes down.

10:07.243 –> 10:12.707
So everything that we’re going to be talking about Martin this evening comes from Leonard’s book here.

10:13.408 –> 10:39.676
ufo crash retrievals 1978 to 1994. so if anyone wants to follow along and i would recommend if you’re interested in the subject matter you can get this book on amazon it’s a hundred dollars it’s not cheap it’s relatively thick it’s not for the faint of heart there’s a lot of technical reading in here i mean we’re talking about crash retrievals we’re talking about bodies we’re talking about military covert operations uh bringing these craft on

10:40.496 –> 10:49.683
18-wheeler tractor-trailer lowboys and shipping them to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Eglin Air Force Base, McDill Air Force Base, Homestead Air Force Base.

10:49.944 –> 10:57.289
All of the interworkings of these crash retrieval cases are examined and explained within this book.

10:57.389 –> 11:02.193
And it gives you, of course, the page number, the case number, and that’s what I’m going to provide here tonight.

11:02.293 –> 11:02.774
All right, so…

11:04.252 –> 11:13.039
Martin, if you went to Vegas and you knew the odds were 119-1 in your favor, would you go to Vegas, Martin?

11:13.520 –> 11:14.200
What do you think?

11:14.721 –> 11:18.424
I’d be on a jet, the next private jet I could find, yes.

11:18.484 –> 11:18.944
That’s right.

11:19.344 –> 11:23.748
So I’ve got this picture here on the right, and let’s just say there’s 120 spaces here, and you bet 119-1.

11:28.263 –> 11:29.424
You’re going to win every time.

11:29.844 –> 11:31.565
You almost cannot lose.

11:31.585 –> 11:34.187
I mean, the odds are in your favor.

11:34.227 –> 11:35.388
That’s what we’ve got here.

11:35.788 –> 11:38.130
We’ve got 119 crash retrieval cases.

11:38.870 –> 11:42.633
All we need is for one of these to be authentic.

11:42.733 –> 11:43.974
And then the whole concept

11:44.634 –> 11:48.701
about this whole thing being a non-event completely falls apart.

11:48.841 –> 11:49.822
All we need is one.

11:49.862 –> 11:51.565
So really the odds are in our favor here.

11:52.246 –> 11:58.356
I want to give credit to my artist, Rudy Gardea, who did all of the pencil sketches in this illustration.

11:58.416 –> 11:59.578
And we’re going to start right here.

12:00.831 –> 12:03.472
This is Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, 1946.

12:03.653 –> 12:08.535
It had not become Wright-Patterson Air Force Base because the Air Force didn’t exist back in 1946.

12:08.675 –> 12:10.516
Now, this was a private.

12:11.057 –> 12:12.477
He worked in records management.

12:13.078 –> 12:17.420
And the book for this is Space the Final Frontier, page 59 by Clark McClellan.

12:17.440 –> 12:19.441
This is the only time we’re going to divert from this.

12:19.561 –> 12:24.304
But on page 59, this is the cover of the book here for anyone who’s interested.

12:24.884 –> 12:26.325
And I’m going to move forward to the sketch.

12:26.405 –> 12:28.506
Here’s what this craft looked like.

12:28.947 –> 12:29.867
This is in the book here.

12:30.388 –> 12:30.768
Now, this is 1946.

12:30.988 –> 12:32.909
This is before Roswell.

12:32.929 –> 12:37.392
This craft came in on a railroad flat car from Arkansas.

12:37.913 –> 12:39.334
It was 15 feet across.

12:39.394 –> 12:40.534
It was seven feet high.

12:41.035 –> 12:44.797
It had a series of rectangular windows wrapped around the outer circumference.

12:45.378 –> 12:47.379
It was highly polished, mirror reflective.

12:47.419 –> 12:52.783
There was a central column that rose from the bottom of the craft all the way to the top.

12:52.803 –> 12:54.564
And when they looked inside,

12:56.065 –> 12:57.645
It was antiseptically sterile.

12:57.805 –> 13:03.348
The exterior skin, as I mentioned before, had this chrome polished exterior finish to it.

13:05.068 –> 13:06.149
Basically no seams.

13:06.289 –> 13:07.329
There were no rivets.

13:07.389 –> 13:08.390
There were no fasteners.

13:08.430 –> 13:10.010
There were no socket head cap screws.

13:10.051 –> 13:11.151
There were no weld marks.

13:11.771 –> 13:16.493
It looked like this thing was done on a 3D printer on an atomic level.

13:16.993 –> 13:19.935
So here’s my technical drawing that shows you what this thing looks like.

13:20.695 –> 13:27.899
If you look at the upper right hand corner, I’ve cut back the skin and now you can see the central column that rose from the bottom all the way to the top.

13:28.540 –> 13:30.581
And this thing was three feet in diameter.

13:30.601 –> 13:32.402
That’s the diameter of the central column.

13:33.222 –> 13:37.565
Looking in the craft, it appeared to be antiseptically sterile.

13:37.605 –> 13:40.747
There were no display screens, there were no seats, no nothing.

13:41.451 –> 13:57.448
now i want to bring your attention to this little red dot on the front window here and this is the attempted point of entry that these lab coat technicians according to this military source they were using a diamond tip drill but trying to breach

13:58.189 –> 14:27.462
this glass pane window if you want to call it that if that’s what it was they could not get in so let’s take everything we do that we have from the sketch from the original eyewitness and this is my first pass color illustration of what this thing may look like and then this is my friend joseph wraith he did a good job uh doing a nice colorized version of this and if you look on the right hand corner we pulled back the skin now you can see inside here and they’re using these diamond tip drill bits

14:28.581 –> 14:31.464
to get inside these craft and they can’t do it.

14:32.005 –> 14:38.753
They’re desperately trying to reverse engineer the metallurgical technology and apply it to the aerospace industry.

14:38.813 –> 14:39.934
That’s clearly what they’re doing.

14:40.435 –> 14:45.841
And that’s one reason why they totally canceled this whole UAP legislation

14:46.843 –> 14:48.865
That’s definitely one reason why for sure.

14:49.386 –> 14:52.329
So here is the drawing by Rudy that gives you an idea.

14:52.810 –> 14:54.712
So we’ve got the private and records management.

14:54.792 –> 15:02.582
We have his MP friend that he met when he was delivering a letter to one of these higher ups at right field date in Ohio back in 1946.

15:02.682 –> 15:04.985
And this guy said, you know what?

15:05.922 –> 15:07.062
I got something I want to show you.

15:07.122 –> 15:08.823
So he brings him in this hanger.

15:09.443 –> 15:11.883
They go to this far area in the back of the hanger.

15:11.983 –> 15:15.644
And this craft is sitting on the concrete floor of the hanger.

15:16.384 –> 15:18.104
There’s a toolbox in the foreground.

15:18.504 –> 15:21.805
It has an electric drill off to the left with a diamond tip drill bit.

15:22.185 –> 15:25.445
There’s a folded up tarp off to the right-hand bottom section.

15:25.545 –> 15:27.266
And he’s just looking at this thing.

15:27.866 –> 15:29.066
He can’t believe what he’s seeing.

15:29.846 –> 15:34.187
So I told my friend Joseph Wraith, okay, we’ve got to do…

15:35.518 –> 15:45.981
a color illustration, putting together everything from Rudy’s sketch right here, putting everything together from the original sketch, from the eyewitness report, from his two-page report.

15:46.681 –> 15:51.602
All is put together, and let’s see if we can get there as though we were actually there.

15:52.242 –> 15:53.823
And so here’s what we came up with.

15:54.323 –> 15:58.844
This is the closest approximation that we could get, something that looks similar to this.

16:00.044 –> 16:05.208
It may still be there, or they may have moved the assets underground or to another location.

16:05.288 –> 16:10.673
But back in 46, this is what these military sources are telling us that’s there.

16:10.733 –> 16:11.113
Next one.

16:11.713 –> 16:14.636
Papagos Indian Reservation, west of Globe, Arizona, 1947.

16:16.557 –> 16:39.949
and this is north of superstition mountains the witness served in the u.s navy during world war ii and this is page 93 from the book that i already talked about it’s case a10 and let’s go to the drawing by rudy here so these two men are going down this unimproved area it’s this desert terrain if you’ve been anywhere around the superstition mountains you know it’s it’s pretty desolate there

16:40.769 –> 17:03.461
and they come across these two mps with carbides and they’re challenged they’re not allowed to go any further about another 50 foot off to the left augured in at about a 40 degree angle is this 30 foot diameter dish shaped craft has a dome on top it has these two rims wrapped around the outer circumference there’s these indented sections wrapped around

17:04.201 –> 17:09.066
And they’re challenged about this and they’re told to evacuate the area immediately.

17:09.126 –> 17:11.788
But they did get a good look at this thing.

17:12.289 –> 17:15.752
And I provided the page number so you can read about the reference.

17:15.812 –> 17:20.076
But now let’s take this sketch and let’s go to a full color rendering.

17:20.797 –> 17:23.880
And this is what my friend Joel Payne came up with.

17:23.920 –> 17:25.161
I wanna give him credit for this.

17:25.842 –> 17:29.846
And you can see this military operation ongoing.

17:30.066 –> 17:30.206
It’s 1947.

17:31.047 –> 17:34.330
We haven’t even made it to Roswell yet, actually.

17:34.970 –> 17:36.852
So we’re already two in.

17:37.392 –> 17:40.215
And if we factor in Cape Girard, we’re three in.

17:40.375 –> 17:47.422
And if we factor in 1942, Battle of Los Angeles, now we’re looking at four to five craft they’ve already recovered.

17:47.462 –> 17:48.743
And this is before Roswell.

17:48.783 –> 17:50.905
So we’re at least five in.

17:51.912 –> 18:10.166
retrieval cases in and we haven’t even made it to roswell yet okay so let’s keep on going here white sands missile range july 4th 1947 so now we’re we’re finally here we’re finally here this is a u.s army air force technical sergeant page 196 in the book now i’ve got the

18:11.287 –> 18:13.808
white sands perimeter shown on this map here.

18:14.308 –> 18:18.090
And I want to stress that this entire retrieval operation took place at night.

18:19.010 –> 18:20.531
And here is Ruby’s drawing.

18:20.591 –> 18:22.671
This thing was about 150 feet in diameter.

18:23.332 –> 18:27.733
When it came down, they had this military convoy go over to this thing.

18:27.753 –> 18:31.195
It was kind of tipped off on an angle, somewhat buried in the sand.

18:32.375 –> 18:46.562
And they brought in lightalls, they brought in spotlights, they brought in high intensity lights, they had people with Geiger counters, they had people with still cameras, they had motion picture film reels rolling, and this is all at night.

18:46.642 –> 18:47.862
They’ve got this, Martin.

18:48.383 –> 18:54.806
They have got the craft and they’ve got the motion picture film reel, they’ve got the still camera photography.

18:55.606 –> 19:19.009
probably eight by ten black and white glossy photographs so they’ve got it the question is can our senators and our congressmen do they have a high enough security clearance and a need to know to get access to this information and that’s where this brick wall keeps on coming up here all right so let’s see if we can make this into a a nice full color rendering

19:19.870 –> 19:22.212
Just one quick question for you, Michael.

19:22.833 –> 19:32.661
In a situation like this, if they actually recover something that’s like 100 or 150 feet wide, how could they possibly transport something like that?

19:32.781 –> 19:33.902
Okay, two things.

19:33.942 –> 19:37.004
Number one, in some of these cases, they find out that

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These things disassemble in pie segments, and they put the pie pieces on M123 tank transporters, and they move it over to the base.

19:47.688 –> 19:49.209
That’s one way they can do it.

19:49.569 –> 19:54.271
That has happened in a number of different retrieval operations, including 1948 Aztec New Mexico.

19:54.391 –> 19:54.551

19:58.962 –> 20:04.248
So on this one, you can see the lights, you can see the tents in the background here off to the right.

20:04.288 –> 20:06.050
You can see the motion picture film reel.

20:06.570 –> 20:08.292
We’ve got people with Geiger counters.

20:08.332 –> 20:16.020
And so, and another thing too, is when these things get to be too big, the logistics of moving them are just too much.

20:16.801 –> 20:19.603
And Martin, as you know, they bury these at the site.

20:20.204 –> 20:22.045
And that’s happened multiple times as well.

20:22.145 –> 20:25.407
So this is 1947 White Sands Missile Range.

20:25.568 –> 20:26.548
And let’s move on here.

20:26.949 –> 20:28.170
We kind of talked about here.

20:29.050 –> 20:29.891
Actionable item.

20:30.191 –> 20:40.939
Since still photography and motion picture film was recorded of this event, senators and congressmen with the appropriate security clearances should track down and utilize this evidence for future public hearings.

20:40.999 –> 20:41.199

20:41.700 –> 20:42.340
Needs to happen.

20:42.440 –> 20:42.860
Next one.

20:42.881 –> 20:43.381

20:44.309 –> 20:51.332
UFO crash retrievals, 1947, seen at a warehouse at Berkeley University, of all places.

20:52.152 –> 20:56.975
Albert Bruce Collins, now deceased, he’s the primary witness on this case.

20:57.555 –> 21:01.296
He was a metallurgical engineer, and this is UFO crash retrievals, page 197.

21:01.837 –> 21:04.418
So here we’ve got this engineer.

21:05.218 –> 21:06.859
He’s at the right place at the right time.

21:08.424 –> 21:14.667
This 18-wheeler tractor-trailer little boy backs into this warehouse at Berkeley.

21:14.707 –> 21:17.268
And this guy is, I can’t believe I’m seeing this here.

21:17.328 –> 21:20.049
And this is what he is seeing, according to the witness here.

21:20.749 –> 21:23.351
This was a 30-foot-long egg-shaped craft.

21:23.431 –> 21:24.711
It was 15 feet high.

21:25.552 –> 21:28.013
It had a crack in it, so it looked like a cracked egg.

21:28.053 –> 21:31.034
And you could see the interior yoke, which was three feet in diameter.

21:32.429 –> 21:37.231
Off to the forward section of this cracked egg, it looked like they had a composite panel.

21:37.251 –> 21:42.612
And then there was another composite panel that wrapped around the outer circumference of this yolk.

21:42.692 –> 21:49.254
And then off to the right, there was the shrapnel, like there was an internal implosion, and it kicked out this debris.

21:50.234 –> 21:51.855
So here’s a couple of questions.

21:51.895 –> 21:54.556
Number one, first question is, is this…

21:55.618 –> 22:01.844
the entire craft itself, or is this the propulsion system for something much larger?

22:01.944 –> 22:06.789
If this thing’s already 30 feet in diameter or 30 feet across, what could this be powering?

22:07.269 –> 22:08.531
Where did they get this thing?

22:09.131 –> 22:12.414
It could go to something much larger, or it could be the actual craft itself.

22:12.454 –> 22:13.355
And then the other thing is,

22:14.252 –> 22:17.294
He talked about being involved in the debris.

22:17.354 –> 22:19.196
So obviously they had samples.

22:19.236 –> 22:26.642
They had probably smaller samples, maybe three inches by six inches, something like that, something more manageable.

22:27.422 –> 22:32.927
Can we get access to some of that debris for analysis by the scientific community?

22:32.987 –> 22:34.188
Is that even possible?

22:34.688 –> 22:38.991
It’s going to be hard to get this egg, but maybe we could get a piece of the debris.

22:39.091 –> 22:40.913
It would be much easier to get.

22:41.033 –> 22:43.115
And so here is our full-color rendering

22:43.815 –> 23:06.625
by Joel Payne just to give you an idea of what this retrieval operation is looking like here so now we’re we’re five and six in we’re at the Roswell time frame and you can see that the body count goes up the craft count goes up the debris that they have goes up and it’s being farmed out to defense contractors to different universities all around the country

23:08.356 –> 23:17.062
The deal that they’ve cut with the government here is they made a deal with the contractors, and they said, I don’t care what you do.

23:17.722 –> 23:19.223
You can commercialize this.

23:19.343 –> 23:20.424
You can profit from it.

23:20.524 –> 23:24.107
I don’t care what you have to do, but we want to exploit this.

23:24.907 –> 23:43.130
the technology and propulsion systems for weapons advancement like they always do that’s absolutely one reason why so you can see this dirty deal that the government cut with the defense contractors okay next one fort polk louisiana summer 1953 private in the army this is case a1 page 80.

23:44.508 –> 23:45.348
Very good case.

23:46.089 –> 23:47.189
Here’s what this thing looked like.

23:47.269 –> 23:49.810
It’s a very similar egg that we already talked about here.

23:50.531 –> 23:52.692
Egg-shaped craft, 30 feet across.

23:53.412 –> 23:57.193
It had what looked like a fin that was wrapping around the outer portion of it.

23:57.273 –> 23:59.875
It was still rotating when the retrieval team got there.

23:59.915 –> 24:05.377
Now, when they got there, it had this kind of burnt red embers on the ground.

24:05.417 –> 24:06.317
They were still hot.

24:06.357 –> 24:07.198
They were still warm.

24:08.283 –> 24:16.729
And what they ended up doing is there were at least two military, you could call them ambulance type medical personnel.

24:17.310 –> 24:21.993
They were assisting three ET beings coming out of the craft from this hatchway.

24:23.394 –> 24:25.355
One of them had already been carried out on a stretcher.

24:25.435 –> 24:36.320
And in the report that you can read if you get this book, it says that the three comrades were trying to establish communication with their fallen comrade who was being carried off to the ambulance truck here.

24:37.041 –> 24:39.582
These things were three and a half to four feet tall.

24:40.082 –> 24:41.363
They had oversized head.

24:41.423 –> 24:42.784
They had oversized eyes.

24:42.804 –> 24:43.884
They had a slit for a mouth.

24:43.904 –> 24:45.085
They had a minute nose.

24:45.805 –> 24:47.986
They were wearing a one-piece tight-fitting flight suit.

24:48.046 –> 24:49.327
They had a helmet on.

24:49.828 –> 24:51.729
And then Martin, and I’m not making this up.

24:51.749 –> 24:52.649
This is in the report.

24:53.150 –> 24:55.191
It said that they were wearing mittens.

24:55.811 –> 24:58.073
And then it also said that they had no knee joints.

24:58.153 –> 25:04.537
So when they were walking across this terrain, they were walking with only their hip joints.

25:05.097 –> 25:07.999
It was this staggered, bizarre-type way to walk.

25:08.019 –> 25:10.280
But that’s what this report talks about here.

25:11.001 –> 25:12.802
So here is my friend Joseph Wright.

25:12.822 –> 25:14.283
This is his full-color rendering.

25:15.202 –> 25:17.224
just to give you an idea of what the scene might look like.

25:17.684 –> 25:23.489
You can kind of see on the ground, it’s got this red burnished dirt type appearance.

25:24.150 –> 25:25.571
You can see the hatchway open up.

25:25.611 –> 25:29.454
Now I want to zoom in here so we can get a little bit better look here.

25:29.474 –> 25:34.518
Now you can see these ETs coming out the craft being assisted by the medical personnel.

25:35.419 –> 25:37.280
And then we’ll move on to the next one here.

25:37.320 –> 25:42.883
This gives you an idea what this stretcher scene might look like, carrying him off to the ambulance truck.

25:43.384 –> 25:45.005
And this is a little bit of a blow-up here.

25:45.045 –> 25:58.393
But this whole concept of these one-piece tight-fitting flight suits that are fully integrated almost into the skin of the beings themselves, that keeps popping up again and again.

25:58.413 –> 25:59.833
An interesting technology here.

25:59.954 –> 26:00.154

26:00.914 –> 26:03.416
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 1953.

26:03.456 –> 26:07.079
This is an Army Reserves warrant officer.

26:07.139 –> 26:08.040
We have his name.

26:08.380 –> 26:09.681
His name is Michael Olvey.

26:10.582 –> 26:13.905
This really is the final curtain call on disclosure.

26:14.105 –> 26:22.312
We’re at this point now where we need to make a critical management decision because if we don’t get this information out there,

26:24.212 –> 26:29.414
this is going to pass like two ships in the night, and we’re never going to get to the bottom of all this.

26:29.854 –> 26:31.415
So this really is the final curtain call.

26:31.655 –> 26:33.015
We’ve got to come together.

26:33.495 –> 26:41.018
We’ve got to make a management decision, and we’ve got to identify these surviving witnesses so that they can come forward.

26:41.338 –> 26:45.439
We can find their bosses that will bring us to the debris, the craft, and the bodies.

26:45.499 –> 26:46.880
So this is 1953, page 15, abstract number 8.

26:51.474 –> 26:58.537
So the scene here is a four-engine cargo aircraft lands at night at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

26:58.617 –> 27:02.118
And I believe it may have been this hangar complex here.

27:02.178 –> 27:02.818
Number four.

27:03.218 –> 27:04.179
I don’t know for sure.

27:04.299 –> 27:04.959
It didn’t say.

27:05.419 –> 27:07.800
It just said a hangar at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

27:08.460 –> 27:11.841
And it might be this last one, Bay E. I’ve actually been in that hangar.

27:11.881 –> 27:13.402
This is a photograph of that hangar.

27:14.102 –> 27:16.143
And so you’ve got this DC-7 aircraft.

27:17.443 –> 27:23.445
and picture this scene taking place inside a hangar.

27:23.485 –> 27:41.932
So the four engine DC-7 taxis onto the tarmac, it goes into the hangar, the hangar bay doors shut, and there’s a port aft cargo bay door that opens up, and then they bring a forklift and they bring these crates down, Martin, and inside this hangar, this warrant officer is looking at this whole scene.

27:42.572 –> 27:45.233
He’s close enough to see as these forks come down,

27:45.973 –> 27:48.815
There’s three wooden crates on top with their lids off.

27:49.415 –> 27:50.736
And he looked over inside.

27:50.776 –> 27:52.677
I’m going to take you inside this hangar now.

27:53.337 –> 27:55.038
And he sees three bodies.

27:55.738 –> 27:57.499
They’re three and a half feet long.

27:57.960 –> 28:00.101
They’re wearing a one piece tight fitting flight suit.

28:00.981 –> 28:02.122
They have an oversized head.

28:02.162 –> 28:03.503
They have oversized eyes.

28:04.163 –> 28:05.264
One of them was female.

28:05.804 –> 28:08.746
They were all being supported off of the wooden crates.

28:09.406 –> 28:35.829
with this white netting that protected it from the dry ice freezer burn below you know he’s watching all this he’s looking at this he’s got a close enough view on all this he later learned uh about the debris that came from the crash retrieval operation and what i want to do now is i’m going to take you to the full color illustration as though we were actually there by my friend joseph ray and this is what it looks like here

28:37.062 –> 28:42.643
the best approximation that we could put together of what we’re talking about here.

28:42.723 –> 28:47.644
I mean, it’s just staggering the implications of what this means.

28:47.744 –> 28:53.685
They’re keeping this information from the general public, from America, from all around the world.

28:54.445 –> 28:55.846
Can we handle this truth?

28:56.866 –> 28:58.086
I think at this point we can.

28:58.126 –> 29:00.486
We’re gonna examine this concept here.

29:00.526 –> 29:03.007
Now let’s do a top view looking down.

29:04.571 –> 29:06.792
He did say that one of them had breasts.

29:07.052 –> 29:10.414
So it was his assumption that at least one of these was female.

29:10.894 –> 29:15.537
And they were wearing this one-piece tight-fitting flight suit that we’ve heard again and again.

29:15.577 –> 29:16.738
That keeps on popping up.

29:17.358 –> 29:20.620
So this is 1953 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

29:20.760 –> 29:22.901
All right, let’s go to the next one here.

29:22.961 –> 29:23.881
Just a second there.

29:23.921 –> 29:25.943
It looked like they had opposable thumbs.

29:28.469 –> 29:29.770
Yeah, in this case, yes.

29:30.210 –> 29:31.531
Yeah, yeah.

29:32.251 –> 29:41.097
A question for you is I was just thinking about my audio listeners because I have a vast, you know, audio audience.

29:41.637 –> 29:49.662
And the only thing I can think to say is to go into the show notes and breeze through the video that will be in the show notes.

29:50.423 –> 29:55.266
But I just wanted to get that out there because to see all these illustrations are really nicely done.

29:55.936 –> 29:56.296
Thank you.

29:56.436 –> 29:58.137
Well, I can’t take credit for it all.

29:58.277 –> 30:00.338
It’s a united coalition here.

30:01.158 –> 30:06.480
Next one, Walker Air Force Base, New Mexico, April 12th, 1954.

30:06.660 –> 30:08.861
Served in the Air Force 1954 to 1955.

30:09.881 –> 30:10.962
That’s our source here.

30:11.002 –> 30:11.622
It’s on page 82.

30:11.902 –> 30:15.444
So if you want more information, it’s on page 82 of the book.

30:15.504 –> 30:17.204
Now, I want to keep this in mind.

30:18.605 –> 30:21.306
Walker Air Force Base used to be

30:22.617 –> 30:24.442
Roswell Army Airfield back in 1947.

30:24.542 –> 30:28.232
It later became Walker Air Force Base.

30:29.420 –> 30:31.482
So essentially, we’re talking about the same place here.

30:31.522 –> 30:32.563
So this is 1954.

30:33.564 –> 30:40.010
And this particular witness, he was told to board an H-19 helicopter, like right now.

30:40.090 –> 30:41.551
So he jumps in this helicopter.

30:41.611 –> 30:42.492
This is at night.

30:43.112 –> 30:43.813
They take off.

30:43.833 –> 30:44.814
They head northbound.

30:45.274 –> 30:46.435
They make a left-hand turn.

30:46.495 –> 30:50.959
Now they’re heading northwest toward Corona, like where the original crash was back in July 1947.

30:52.461 –> 30:54.142
So they’re hovering over this scene.

30:55.243 –> 31:03.568
And on the starboard side of the helicopter, which is on the far side, he opens up this bay door and he’s looking down at the scene.

31:03.588 –> 31:04.488
And what does he see?

31:05.028 –> 31:05.769
He sees this.

31:05.829 –> 31:09.290
This is a 40 to 50 foot diameter dish shaped craft.

31:09.731 –> 31:11.532
They have a spotlight shining down on it.

31:11.612 –> 31:12.872
He has a handheld camera.

31:12.912 –> 31:14.613
He’s taking photographs of this.

31:15.134 –> 31:16.394
So they’ve got those photos.

31:17.415 –> 31:21.517
And he’s just shocked in total awe about what he’s seeing.

31:22.870 –> 31:26.551
They eventually land the helicopter where this craft was.

31:26.951 –> 31:36.354
And Martin, the very first thing that this gentleman noticed, he said that the whole surrounding localized area smelled like automobile battery acid.

31:36.874 –> 31:38.315
That’s the first thing that he noticed.

31:38.815 –> 31:44.679
And then they noticed that there absolutely were four small ET bodies next to the craft.

31:45.160 –> 31:47.562
There was an entryway hatch door that was opened up.

31:47.582 –> 31:48.342
They got inside.

31:48.382 –> 31:49.143
They looked inside.

31:49.163 –> 31:50.184
There were two more bodies.

31:50.224 –> 31:53.526
So they had six bodies with this retrieval operation.

31:53.546 –> 31:54.207
There were lights.

31:54.947 –> 31:59.169
around the outer circumference of the craft, they were still rotating when they got to the scene.

31:59.789 –> 32:05.652
So let’s go to the next color slide here by Joel, just to give people an idea of what this thing looks like.

32:05.712 –> 32:08.974
So again, this thing is approximately 50 feet in diameter.

32:09.454 –> 32:10.855
They’re hovering over this thing.

32:11.555 –> 32:14.556
And again, this body count just keeps on going up.

32:14.736 –> 32:18.798
As these years progress, the craft count goes up, the body count goes up.

32:19.459 –> 32:21.840
And early on in the 40s and 50s,

32:23.720 –> 32:27.081
it definitely appears that all roads lead to Rome.

32:27.141 –> 32:30.303
But in this case, all roads lead to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

32:30.363 –> 32:48.630
But later on, there does appear to be some good evidence that they started diversifying their portfolio and these assets started being shipped to other locations like Eglin Air Force Base, MacDill Air Force Base, Edwards Air Force Base, just three examples.

32:49.291 –> 32:51.111
Okay, next one, December, 1963,

32:53.464 –> 32:55.245
Cherry Point, North Carolina, U.S.

32:55.345 –> 32:56.626
Marine Roy Baker.

32:56.686 –> 32:57.347
That’s his name.

32:58.087 –> 33:00.509
This is page 152 from the book Case 2.

33:00.990 –> 33:06.454
Now, in this case, he is stationed at this Cherry Point facility here.

33:06.514 –> 33:08.635
And I’ve got the map that shows you where this is.

33:08.675 –> 33:12.998
This is just a little bit north of Havelock, North Carolina.

33:13.939 –> 33:16.761
And so he boards a plane with blacked out windows.

33:16.881 –> 33:21.925
He flies three hours by plane from Cherry Point, North Carolina to a location that

33:22.594 –> 33:23.596
he wasn’t told about.

33:24.196 –> 33:28.042
And when he got there, they opened up these hangar doors.

33:28.102 –> 33:30.926
He looked inside and he saw this.

33:32.628 –> 33:34.211
This was propped up on scaffolding.

33:34.231 –> 33:37.135
This is a 40-foot diameter hamburger-shaped UFO.

33:37.716 –> 33:38.397
It was 15 feet high.

33:39.648 –> 33:44.171
It had nine elliptically shaped windows wrapped around the outer circumference of the craft itself.

33:44.231 –> 33:46.693
They were opaque, so you really couldn’t look inside.

33:47.633 –> 33:53.718
There was a one-inch lip between the outer skin of the craft itself and the outer portion of these opaque windows.

33:54.558 –> 33:57.880
It was chrome, polished aluminum exterior finish.

33:58.861 –> 34:06.967
Really no seams, no visible means of propulsion, no socket head cap screws, no rivets, no nothing like that.

34:07.067 –> 34:08.668
Now, he did say…

34:10.376 –> 34:15.220
that there was just a very tiny hint of a seam, if you could call it that.

34:15.360 –> 34:17.022
You could not put a razor blade in there.

34:17.102 –> 34:25.388
And what they were doing in this case is they were taking a diamond tip drill bit and they were trying to pierce into the skin of the craft and they couldn’t do it.

34:25.889 –> 34:28.211
So this is the second time we’ve heard about this now.

34:28.911 –> 34:35.036
Here is Joseph Ray’s illustration that shows you all of these red dots are the attempted points of entry.

34:35.076 –> 34:39.000
So they were trying to drill into where the seams were and it didn’t work.

34:39.870 –> 34:41.692
Okay, so let’s move to the next one here.

34:41.792 –> 34:44.955
And these are the three avenues that they used.

34:45.015 –> 34:46.656
Number one was a diamond tip drill bit.

34:47.056 –> 34:48.017
That completely failed.

34:48.037 –> 34:49.539
Then they tried an acetylene torch.

34:50.159 –> 34:50.920
That didn’t work.

34:51.100 –> 34:55.424
And then the final opportunity was a laser, and that didn’t work either.

34:55.504 –> 34:59.507
So you can see here what they’ve been trying to do over the last…

35:00.228 –> 35:01.609
You could call it 70 years.

35:01.669 –> 35:03.090
That’s minimum 70 years.

35:03.631 –> 35:18.883
As they’ve been desperately trying to reverse engineer the metallurgical technology associated with these vehicles and implement them into our aerospace assets like stealth fighters, stealth bombers, and things that they don’t even talk about.

35:18.963 –> 35:19.964
That’s what they’re trying to do.

35:20.004 –> 35:21.105
There’s no question about that.

35:21.265 –> 35:24.848
Now, I want to bring this to your attention, Martin, this drawing here.

35:25.933 –> 35:29.874
This is a sketch by the Marine himself.

35:30.555 –> 35:31.915
This is not a copy.

35:32.035 –> 35:33.916
This is not someone else’s drawing.

35:34.356 –> 35:40.318
This is absolutely the gentleman who actually guarded this thing for two weeks at this location.

35:40.338 –> 35:42.639
I’m gonna break this down so you can see here.

35:43.559 –> 35:45.522
The craft is supported by this scaffolding.

35:45.562 –> 35:47.585
It’s a rough sketch, but it’s got some good things here.

35:47.906 –> 35:49.248
There’s two entryway points.

35:49.268 –> 35:50.149
There’s one on the left.

35:50.189 –> 35:50.970
There’s one on the right.

35:51.010 –> 35:53.454
They have a catwalk where you can walk around this whole thing.

35:53.494 –> 35:58.662
You could walk under this thing because it was propped off all off the hangar floor by about five feet.

35:59.523 –> 36:15.092
on the upper left and right hand corners you’ve got these lights and he said that they had this thing extremely excruciatingly well lit there were no shadows in here so that’s one thing you want to do is when you have a retrieval operation and you’re trying to reverse

36:15.772 –> 36:20.036
engineer the technology of these things, you want to have a very well lit area.

36:20.096 –> 36:24.340
Now, if you look on the bottom of the craft, you’ve got these black sections.

36:24.880 –> 36:30.465
Those are the pads that were used to support this craft on the scaffolding.

36:30.505 –> 36:39.272
And then if you look at to the second to the last window, that is one of these entryway points that they tried to drill with a diamond drill bit and it failed.

36:40.173 –> 36:43.156
So let’s go to Michael Johnstone’s drawing.

36:44.383 –> 36:44.903
This was done in 1986.

36:45.324 –> 36:49.026
He interviewed Roy Baker back in 1986.

36:49.647 –> 36:53.209
So this is a little bit more of a refined drawing now.

36:53.229 –> 37:00.775
And if you look to the left hand side of this craft where the window is, you can kind of see this one inch lip.

37:00.835 –> 37:09.421
It’s a little bit exaggerated in this drawing, but there was a one inch lip between the outer skin of the craft itself and the outer portion of these opaque windows.

37:09.521 –> 37:11.642
So let’s go to the cleaned up drawing here.

37:12.523 –> 37:27.641
and now you can see how this thing comes into view i did a little bit of a detailed drawing that shows you this lip here we’ve got a five foot dimension that is being propped up on the scaffolding off the floor and just going to go over a couple of these bullet items

37:28.757 –> 37:37.601
Number one, there was a white circle taped to the floor directly below this craft that no one was allowed to enter.

37:38.261 –> 37:41.022
So you’re talking about, you know, maybe someone came over here.

37:41.042 –> 37:42.783
There was a high up congressman or senator.

37:43.523 –> 37:49.286
If they went beyond that white circle, this Marine was told to shoot first and ask questions later.

37:50.687 –> 37:52.128
A couple other bullet points here.

37:52.649 –> 37:57.895
A team of between 20 to 50 engineers examined the craft but were unable to gain access to it.

37:58.816 –> 38:01.279
The window and the craft were indented toward the interior.

38:01.319 –> 38:03.301
That’s what we have with this detailed drawing here.

38:03.461 –> 38:05.723
Now, let’s go to the next one here.

38:05.743 –> 38:07.285
This is by Joseph Ray.

38:07.886 –> 38:10.489
Now we can kind of see what we’re actually dealing with here.

38:10.549 –> 38:10.929
This is

38:11.750 –> 38:13.311
Probably the best we’re going to get.

38:13.672 –> 38:14.853
It’s not going to get much better.

38:15.113 –> 38:18.015
This is like the best illustration that we can get.

38:18.095 –> 38:23.980
And you can see these lab coat technicians, you’ve got the scaffolding, you’ve got the catwalk that’s talked about.

38:24.541 –> 38:28.924
And we’re going to talk a little bit later is they had a color code badging system.

38:29.838 –> 38:32.020
So if you had a yellow badge, you could go here.

38:32.120 –> 38:36.743
If you had a green badge, you had access to one location, but not the other location.

38:36.823 –> 38:40.386
If you had a red badge, you had access to the entire facility.

38:40.426 –> 38:42.367
So we’ll talk about that a little bit later here.

38:42.427 –> 38:45.990
Now, this was the first pass color illustration.

38:46.290 –> 38:50.854
And you can see here when they failed with the acetylene torch,

38:51.886 –> 38:58.852
The report says that they brought in two tractor trailers with these electrical generating devices on them.

38:59.552 –> 39:06.538
They led these heavy gauge cables into the hangar and they were shining a laser on the side of the craft to get inside.

39:07.038 –> 39:11.942
And when they moved the laser away, it was warm to the touch, but it had no effect to the craft itself.

39:12.563 –> 39:15.705
The kind of material that you want our stealth fighters to be using.

39:16.366 –> 39:17.127
Okay, next one.

39:17.167 –> 39:18.608
Now, Martin, what do I want to do now?

39:19.983 –> 39:31.929
is I wanna take you inside this facility like we are a fly and we’re gonna penetrate this chain link fence and we’re gonna get access to this classified super secret facility here.

39:32.089 –> 39:33.850
And let’s move a little bit closer.

39:33.910 –> 39:35.791
Now we made it through this chain link fence.

39:36.551 –> 39:38.933
We’re gonna start getting this whole thing into view.

39:40.057 –> 39:41.437
Now we’re finally in the scene here.

39:41.917 –> 39:47.019
And remember, this thing is approximately 40 feet in diameter, approximately 15 feet tall.

39:47.459 –> 39:49.439
You’ve got the nine elliptically shaped windows.

39:50.239 –> 39:53.900
You can see here there’s this white circle that’s taped to the floor.

39:54.380 –> 39:55.960
You’ve got military personnel.

39:56.341 –> 39:57.841
You’ve got some suitors here.

39:58.241 –> 40:00.061
You’ve got the white lab coat technicians.

40:00.201 –> 40:07.023
And anyone who is not authorized to enter that circle was shot right on the spot, no question about it.

40:07.683 –> 40:31.659
okay so we’re a little bit lower than eye level now you’ve got some spook groups involved in this whole operation and like i said before we’re already five six seven eight into this already and and these craft counts just keep on going higher now you can kind of see these elliptical shaped windows you can sort of see the one inch lip now we we’ve exaggerated these seams in here so that you can just get an idea of what these seams look like

40:32.691 –> 40:35.393
This is approximately a 45 degree look down angle.

40:35.613 –> 40:37.235
This is all coming into view here.

40:37.755 –> 40:39.457
Very well lit area.

40:40.497 –> 40:44.861
And I’m sure that they have duplicated the scene multiple times.

40:44.941 –> 40:46.582
Like they’ve got scaffolding.

40:46.923 –> 40:48.084
They’ve got a catwalk.

40:48.544 –> 40:50.646
They prop these things off the hangar floor.

40:50.726 –> 40:52.267
And this happens again and again.

40:52.988 –> 40:56.891
And a question on this one in particular, uh,

40:58.104 –> 41:03.327
Was there ever any talk on how this thing was downed in the first place?

41:03.947 –> 41:04.167

41:04.407 –> 41:05.528
And where it was?

41:05.568 –> 41:07.809
There was no mention of that by Roy Baker.

41:07.869 –> 41:08.049

41:08.789 –> 41:09.950
He was never briefed on that.

41:10.330 –> 41:15.572
His job was to guard this thing for a period of two weeks in December 1963.

41:15.812 –> 41:24.096
This is literally days and a week and a half or two weeks after the Kennedy assassination, November 22nd, 1963.

41:25.077 –> 41:27.558
So, no, he was never told how they got it.

41:28.140 –> 41:30.397
And he was never told where it went when it left.

41:31.144 –> 41:32.445
Yeah, that was the next question.

41:33.026 –> 41:39.751
And the thing that people always, you know, I always hear people’s opinions.

41:39.811 –> 41:40.912
I’m sure you hear this too.

41:41.852 –> 41:54.722
How could these things get here and why would they crash here if they can get here from, you know, I mean, it’s only opinions, but I mean, it just seems like there’s a lot more than I was ever aware of that reported crashes.

41:55.323 –> 41:56.003
I agree with you.

41:56.244 –> 41:58.525
And we can make a very good case

41:59.326 –> 42:12.329
that in a lot of these instances, there is a rogue group within the military industrial complex who is targeting, tracking, and shooting these things down for military weapons applications.

42:12.869 –> 42:20.390
They’re trying to reverse engineer the metallurgical technologies, the propulsion systems, and the free energy systems associated with these vehicles.

42:20.430 –> 42:23.371
That is appearing what’s going on here.

42:23.911 –> 42:52.614
that’s what what we seem the evidence is leading to that conclusion now on the last day that he was there he said that they were taking this craft off the scaffolding they had built kind of this cradle system they were putting it on an 18 wheeler tractor trailer low boy truck they dropped it down on this trailer and then they put tarps over it chains over that and then moving it to the next location so now we’re beginning this tarping operation

42:53.294 –> 42:54.715
and they have a cradle system here.

42:54.735 –> 42:57.497
Let’s start showing these tarps going over.

42:58.137 –> 43:02.640
So now we’ve got approximately 50% of the craft covered by this tarp.

43:03.641 –> 43:05.362
We’re fully tarped up at this time.

43:05.402 –> 43:06.623
We’re getting ready to ship out.

43:07.344 –> 43:09.065
And after the two weeks were over,

43:10.353 –> 43:12.755
This was like the last time we ever saw this thing.

43:12.795 –> 43:14.437
It was being moved to the next location.

43:14.957 –> 43:18.860
So now it’s completely out of the facility and they’re moving it to the next location.

43:18.941 –> 43:24.365
So the two ways that they keep a lot of this secret is number one, they compartmentalize this.

43:24.505 –> 43:29.570
No one person knows all of it because they keep compartmentalizing all of this.

43:29.650 –> 43:35.215
And number two, as they move these assets from location to location and they don’t spend any

43:35.965 –> 43:38.027
long duration at any one location.

43:38.547 –> 43:49.716
Maybe there’s something that’s been here for a while, but early on in these crash retrieval operations, early on, they kept moving these things so that no one could actually get tabs on here.

43:50.336 –> 43:52.458
All right, so this was Rudy’s drawing.

43:53.018 –> 43:57.722
This was our first past drawing just to give an idea of what it looked like as they were shipping this thing out here.

43:58.342 –> 44:01.905
Now, I want to mention this Marine, Roy Baker,

44:03.157 –> 44:04.299
and I hope he’s still alive.

44:05.261 –> 44:14.636
He said that when they brought the laser over to the side of the craft and they turned this laser on, it bounced off, reflected, and damaged a ceiling tile.

44:15.467 –> 44:16.387
over in this facility.

44:17.227 –> 44:18.748
He talks about this in great detail.

44:19.328 –> 44:21.388
Here’s the incident right here.

44:21.808 –> 44:24.309
It actually damaged this ceiling tile.

44:25.129 –> 44:27.489
Here is- Now in 1963, do we have that?

44:28.289 –> 44:30.770
Did we have the really good laser technology?

44:31.170 –> 44:32.810
That is the date.

44:33.110 –> 44:33.830
That is the date.

44:33.930 –> 44:35.191
And I’ve heard this before.

44:36.151 –> 44:39.251
I’m going strictly by what this Marine had stated.

44:39.651 –> 44:41.152
And the date is December, 1963.

44:43.157 –> 44:52.007
They were in their infancy timeframe, but apparently we did have some laser technology in 63.

44:52.708 –> 44:59.876
I don’t know the intensity, but at the very least that is adhering to the correct date according to the Marine here.

45:00.396 –> 45:02.697
Here’s his sketch on this very incident.

45:03.157 –> 45:07.959
And you can see the reflection off and then the damage to the upper section of the ceiling tile here.

45:08.579 –> 45:10.380
Now, here’s these color-coded badges.

45:11.060 –> 45:12.021
So off to the left.

45:12.221 –> 45:14.062
And these are all the white lab coat technicians.

45:14.642 –> 45:19.044
Green badge gave you access to this part of the facility, but not this other part.

45:19.704 –> 45:24.226
Yellow badge, you could go maybe off to the left of the craft or you could go under the craft.

45:24.781 –> 45:27.483
Red badge gave you complete access to the entire facility.

45:27.523 –> 45:35.848
So he definitely mentioned in the notes that I got from Michael Johnstone about three pages of detailed handwritten notes about this whole operation.

45:36.488 –> 45:38.510
He talked about the color-coded badges.

45:38.570 –> 45:39.630
He talked about the laser.

45:39.671 –> 45:40.831
He talked about the scaffolding.

45:41.011 –> 45:43.253
All of this is within the original notes.

45:43.773 –> 45:46.575
Now, he did say that when he was guarding this craft,

45:47.725 –> 45:48.806
for a period of two weeks.

45:49.646 –> 45:55.191
And his job was to basically shake down people who would go into this.

45:56.380 –> 45:57.961
because he was guarding this whole area.

45:58.402 –> 46:02.185
But there was one time where no one really checked him.

46:02.305 –> 46:08.790
So he got into this facility alone with a Minox camera, and he took a photograph of this thing.

46:08.850 –> 46:09.951
This is his direct quote.

46:10.691 –> 46:14.694
Someday I will tell this story, and by God, people are going to believe me.

46:14.834 –> 46:19.578
But unfortunately, Martin, that photograph was lost in a flood back in 1983.

46:21.195 –> 46:28.183
So, you know, we were this close of getting a good piece of evidence, but it got snapped right out of our hands.

46:28.544 –> 46:30.205
And this keeps on happening again and again.

46:30.786 –> 46:32.348
So I talked to my friend Joseph.

46:32.388 –> 46:38.655
I said, Joseph, let’s see if we can do a replica of what this Minox camera is.

46:39.315 –> 47:02.232
would have looked like if we were there and uh this is what he came up with so it’s got this gray brown tone to it it’s a little bit fuzzy out of focus but this is the best representation that we could put forward based on the time frame the type of camera perhaps the lighting but this is the best that we could come up with with a replica now he did say

47:03.240 –> 47:05.662
This is according to the Marine who was there and guarded this thing.

47:06.182 –> 47:13.647
He said that there was a secretary of the Navy who just about walked across that tape circle on the floor and he almost got shot.

47:14.307 –> 47:17.829
So obviously I started digging and I looked at the date, December 1963.

47:19.190 –> 47:21.332
Who was the secretary of the Navy back in December 1963?

47:22.232 –> 47:24.414
Well, it’s this gentleman, Paul Nitz.

47:25.194 –> 47:26.495
He would have been the one.

47:27.315 –> 47:31.498
I can’t guarantee it 100%, but he did say it was the Secretary of the Navy.

47:31.538 –> 47:36.181
So it would have been this gentleman that would have been in the facility.

47:36.201 –> 47:37.182
He would have saw this.

47:37.642 –> 47:40.984
He probably had a need to know about some part of it, but not all of it.

47:41.365 –> 47:42.866
And that’s why he almost got shot.

47:42.966 –> 47:44.066
So that’s another gentleman.

47:44.146 –> 47:47.849
Now, four-star Major General Melvin F. McNichol.

47:49.025 –> 47:52.187
He plays an interesting part of this whole story here.

47:52.988 –> 47:55.830
He was Base Commander, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma.

47:56.790 –> 47:58.391
And I’ve got his obituary here.

47:58.632 –> 48:05.236
Ex-Tinker Commander Melvin McNichol dies, Daly, Oklahoma, July 11th, 1986.

48:06.557 –> 48:08.258
Now, why am I bringing this up, Martin?

48:08.298 –> 48:12.401
Why am I switching gears to this Tinker Air Force Base guy?

48:12.441 –> 48:13.742
Well, it turns out,

48:15.250 –> 48:20.914
that this general is very good friends or was very good friends with Charlotte Mann.

48:21.375 –> 48:24.177
Charlotte Mann is involved in Cape Girardeau.

48:24.317 –> 48:27.500
People who follow this whole thing know who this Charlotte Mann is.

48:28.000 –> 48:32.243
She gave a lecture five and a half years ago at IUFOC in Phoenix.

48:32.984 –> 48:34.745
She talked about… I was there.

48:34.765 –> 48:35.226
You were there.

48:35.346 –> 48:35.566

48:35.606 –> 48:36.026
You were there.

48:36.747 –> 48:37.888
So did you see her there?

48:38.769 –> 48:40.891
Yeah, I actually had her as a guest on my show as well.

48:40.911 –> 48:41.231
Oh, you did?

48:41.351 –> 48:41.592

48:41.632 –> 48:42.472
Well, there you go.

48:42.492 –> 48:43.654
There you go.

48:43.914 –> 48:52.642
She held the photograph of the ET being propped up by farm personnel back in 1941 in Cape Girardeau.

48:52.682 –> 48:54.343
So she actually held that photograph.

48:55.064 –> 48:58.968
And she had a mutual interest with UFOs with Melvin McNichol.

48:59.048 –> 48:59.909
And they were friends.

49:00.329 –> 49:01.830
And they both had this UFO interest.

49:01.850 –> 49:04.353
So she turns to the general and says, General.

49:06.095 –> 49:07.235
Are you still my friend?

49:07.495 –> 49:08.716
We’ve been friends all these years.

49:08.736 –> 49:10.176
We’ve got this interest in UFOs.

49:10.196 –> 49:11.277
And you never told me anything.

49:11.297 –> 49:13.097
You never gave me one little bone.

49:14.098 –> 49:15.078
Are we still friends here?

49:15.118 –> 49:15.698
What’s going on?

49:16.318 –> 49:17.719
So he turns to Charlotte.

49:18.279 –> 49:25.321
And he says, Charlotte, if you ever repeat what I’m about to tell you, not only will I deny it, it could end my career.

49:25.361 –> 49:28.042
And this is what the general told Charlotte.

49:28.622 –> 49:32.704
Number one, he said he saw a UFO which was located in the West.

49:33.564 –> 49:39.188
That tracks with the Marine we just talked about because he said he was in Cherry Point, North Carolina.

49:39.248 –> 49:41.970
He boarded a plane with blacked out windows and he flew three hours.

49:42.590 –> 49:45.992
That will put you within the West, just barely.

49:46.032 –> 49:52.677
Number two, he said to Charlotte that he walked around a UFO on a catwalk, which was propped up by scaffolding.

49:52.737 –> 49:57.640
This is exactly what the Marine had told Michael Johnstone.

49:58.100 –> 49:59.361
So now we got two pieces.

49:59.782 –> 50:03.024
Number three, bodies were recovered and one was still alive.

50:03.985 –> 50:17.136
This Marine at this facility back in 1963, December 1963, he overheard water cooler talk by these lab coat technicians about bodies being recovered and one was still alive.

50:17.217 –> 50:23.662
And when I heard this from Charlotte, I said, I got it now because I knew this Marine was

50:24.443 –> 50:28.467
did not know this general.

50:29.408 –> 50:34.953
I have a good feeling that he didn’t know about this Marine, and certainly Charlotte didn’t know about this Marine from 1963.

50:35.033 –> 50:37.535
And when I heard that story, I said, Martin, I got it now.

50:38.236 –> 50:42.579
I can confirm this case because I have secondary independent confirmation

50:43.709 –> 50:46.711
basically describing the identical features.

50:48.192 –> 50:50.373
So I think we’ve got a real case here.

50:50.993 –> 50:52.354
Why would this Marine lie?

50:52.434 –> 50:59.418
He talks about this in great detail, and this is verified by this general here, almost like the identical characteristics.

51:00.171 –> 51:02.352
Next one, we’ll just keep on going here.

51:02.952 –> 51:04.933
Fort Riley, Kansas, December 10th, 1964.

51:06.794 –> 51:10.976
Primary witness was First Division Air in Quebec serving the infantry.

51:11.616 –> 51:13.557
This is crash retrievals, page 24, abstract 20.

51:15.518 –> 51:16.519
by Leonard Stringfield.

51:16.879 –> 51:18.080
I’m going to go to the map here.

51:18.120 –> 51:20.562
This is Camp Foresight, where this thing came down.

51:21.423 –> 51:26.147
Our witness boarded this 6×6 troop transport with a couple other personnel.

51:26.807 –> 51:28.589
They go about a half a mile down this road.

51:28.629 –> 51:29.289
They’re all toward it.

51:29.309 –> 51:30.170
This is all at night.

51:30.571 –> 51:32.812
They’re ordered to get out of the trailer of this vehicle.

51:33.353 –> 51:43.621
They start walking into this wide open area, and there’s a Bell UH-1 helicopter crisscrossing the screen, this whole entire area with a spotlight shining down.

51:44.762 –> 51:48.083
And when they got there, this is what they saw.

51:48.703 –> 51:51.223
This is a 48 foot diameter dish shaped craft.

51:52.164 –> 51:58.245
It had these strange square box like structures that were jutting out from the outer circumference of the craft itself.

51:58.285 –> 52:05.727
It was 18 feet tall and had what looked like a fin that originated from the center and tapered back to the end part of the craft itself.

52:05.887 –> 52:09.387
Below that fin, Martin, there was what looked like an exhaust port.

52:10.008 –> 52:11.708
And I’m going to go to the full color rendering.

52:12.328 –> 52:41.090
to give everybody an idea what this thing actually looks like this is back in 1964 and then here’s rudy’s drawing of what the scene looked like now you can see on the lower right hand corner there’s a gentleman with a geiger counter uh this guard um he actually was told to guard this thing overnight he got a real good look at this thing up close they had retrieval operation there other military personnel so now what i want to do is i want to take it to the next level

52:41.790 –> 52:46.797
And let’s go to the full color rendering to give you an idea of what this may have looked like.

52:48.243 –> 52:53.085
You could call them MIB black suitors at this facility, military facility.

52:54.005 –> 52:55.726
You’ve got the UH-1 helicopter.

52:56.206 –> 52:59.247
Now you can see this fin on the F part of the craft.

52:59.707 –> 53:02.208
You can also see this exhaust port.

53:02.628 –> 53:07.650
And then if you look closely, you can see these box-like structures that wrap around the outer circumference of the craft itself.

53:07.690 –> 53:11.331
I’m going to go to another illustration to give you a different angle now.

53:12.091 –> 53:17.912
little bit different angle, this kind of a 45 degree angle, but still off to the left just slightly.

53:18.433 –> 53:20.733
And we can kind of see this exhaust port at the back.

53:20.773 –> 53:30.175
So as we continue to go through these, it’s just mind boggling how the cases and the craft just keep on adding up.

53:30.296 –> 53:39.878
Now, the only reason that I bring this case up is because there was a secondary independent source not known by the original source

53:40.919 –> 53:45.513
who stated that right after this happened, he saw an M123,

53:46.872 –> 53:51.957
pre-tractor trailer tank transporter going up this winding hill road.

53:52.257 –> 53:53.778
He was coming in the opposite direction.

53:53.898 –> 53:54.819
It was blocked off.

53:55.380 –> 53:58.162
He saw the same craft on this trailer.

53:58.182 –> 53:59.283
I’m sorry.

53:59.323 –> 54:02.266
I’m going to have to interrupt just for a second.

54:02.606 –> 54:05.048
I have to say, because it’s a hard stop here tonight.

54:05.889 –> 54:09.432
Thank you all at KGRA Radio, and we’ll see you next week.

54:09.452 –> 54:10.653
And now we can continue on.

54:11.374 –> 54:11.614

54:12.275 –> 54:12.655
No problem.

54:12.675 –> 54:13.016
No problem.

54:13.656 –> 54:18.058
So he saw the same craft that our witness saw, but this thing was on this trailer.

54:18.558 –> 54:19.679
It had a tarp on top.

54:19.759 –> 54:25.181
There were chains over that, and he was being ordered to evacuate the area immediately.

54:25.241 –> 54:31.043
So we had two sources now that confirmed this particular craft coming from this facility here.

54:31.643 –> 54:36.906
And the people who were by the trailer were wearing these biological hazard protective suits on.

54:36.946 –> 54:37.726
That’s what he mentioned.

54:37.746 –> 54:38.726
This is in great detail.

54:39.447 –> 54:40.187
All right, next one.

54:41.239 –> 54:47.341
This is going to be a very bizarre case, but I’m including it anyway because it’s part of this whole narrative here.

54:47.421 –> 54:55.523
So this is Dayton, Ohio, 1965, Air Force Museum, UFO crash retrievals, page 93, case 11.

54:57.003 –> 55:01.584
And anyone who wants to play a role in this case can actually do this today.

55:02.184 –> 55:04.225
You can actually go here today.

55:05.402 –> 55:11.263
And in this case, there was a couple that was looking at the V2 rocket display.

55:11.343 –> 55:16.464
This is the exact same V2 rocket that they were looking at back in 1965.

55:17.164 –> 55:21.665
So you’ve got this husband and wife, and they’re just looking at this V2 rocket display.

55:21.705 –> 55:26.486
The husband leaves his wife stranded by the V2 rocket.

55:26.566 –> 55:32.627
He starts wandering the back halls of the Air Force Museum, completely leaving his wife stranded at this

55:33.305 –> 55:34.707
German V2 rocket display.

55:35.508 –> 55:40.735
He busts through, he’s going through these corridors of the back portion of the Air Force Museum.

55:41.236 –> 55:46.764
He busts through these off limits double doors and he is met with the shock of his life.

55:46.864 –> 55:50.128
He sees an ET being about three and a half feet tall,

55:50.929 –> 55:55.273
Very large head, very large brow ridge, oversized eyes.

55:56.014 –> 56:00.518
It was wearing a one-piece, loose-fitting Mercury spacesuit.

56:00.578 –> 56:02.961
It had this crinkled aluminum exterior to it.

56:03.001 –> 56:06.524
And I’m going to go to Rudy’s drawing to give you an idea of what this thing looks like.

56:06.584 –> 56:10.107
It was pointing its index finger toward our witness here.

56:11.028 –> 56:28.080
and this guy is like completely shocked out of his mind he can’t believe what’s going on here uh this thing had a slit for a mouth minute nose pointing its index finger at the witness within 10 seconds of him seeing this et being who apparently escaped its underground containment center

56:29.000 –> 56:55.038
over on the patterson side of the base the military portion of it not directly at the air force museum but there may have been a connecting tunnel way where he escaped out and got through 10 seconds later all these buzzers and sirens and lights started going off in the air force museum and there were mps ushering people outside the doors and so that’s what rudy’s drawn here in this detailed view on the lower right hand corner

56:55.558 –> 56:56.259
So this is back in 1965.

56:56.640 –> 57:05.771
So did this guy come across an ET being that was accidentally brought out of his containment center?

57:05.851 –> 57:06.372
Who knows?

57:06.932 –> 57:08.034
But it’s part of the story.

57:08.414 –> 57:10.477
It’s part of the Leonard Stringfield collection here.

57:11.178 –> 57:11.879
All right, next one.

57:13.069 –> 57:14.229
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 1966.

57:14.449 –> 57:18.431
This is page 17, abstract number 13.

57:19.271 –> 57:20.791
Civil service electrician.

57:22.112 –> 57:24.592
He had just come home from working at the base.

57:24.792 –> 57:29.934
His son was still up, and he had a trench coat on, and he said, you know what?

57:31.004 –> 57:32.184
I got something I want to show you.

57:32.264 –> 57:34.925
So he reached inside his breast coat pocket.

57:34.945 –> 57:37.846
He pulled out a black and white 8×10 glossy photograph.

57:38.506 –> 57:41.047
And this is what it was depicting, Martin.

57:41.107 –> 57:47.409
There was a deceased ET wearing a one-piece tight-fitting flight suit.

57:47.869 –> 57:50.250
It was about three and a half feet tall, oversized head.

57:51.410 –> 57:54.573
It was being propped up by its wrist by two personnel.

57:54.733 –> 57:57.676
One off to the left was this lab coat technician.

57:58.217 –> 58:02.320
The one off to the right was wearing khakis and military-looking boots.

58:03.181 –> 58:06.724
And he is just shocked at what his father is showing him.

58:06.784 –> 58:07.545
He can’t believe it.

58:08.085 –> 58:09.186
Now, the next morning…

58:09.887 –> 58:20.355
When the father brought this photograph back to the base, it was discovered that it was missing, and they tracked it down to him, and he was fired on the spot.

58:20.976 –> 58:25.459
It did not end well for this contractor, this electrical contractor.

58:25.880 –> 58:30.263
Now, in the background, it talked about this being a southwestern scene, so it could be New Mexico.

58:30.803 –> 58:33.646
It could have been Arizona, one of the two, but there absolutely was –

58:34.506 –> 58:55.934
a southwestern landscape in the background so this could have been an earlier retrieval somewhere in arizona or new mexico next one southwest july 3rd 1967 this is a marine rank was private in first class and he was told to guard a 30-foot diameter dish shape craft back in 1967 this is page 86 case a5

58:59.955 –> 59:04.318
And in this case, you can see this Quonset-style prefabricated hangar.

59:05.619 –> 59:09.522
And by the third day, curiosity got the best of him.

59:09.963 –> 59:14.806
So he walked over to this, you could call it an aircraft prefabricated hangar.

59:15.386 –> 59:18.209
He kind of pulled back these flaps, and he looked inside.

59:18.269 –> 59:21.351
He wasn’t supposed to do this, but he just couldn’t stand it anymore.

59:22.031 –> 59:25.874
So he looked inside, and he saw this 30-foot diameter dish-shaped craft.

59:26.495 –> 59:27.555
It had a dome on top.

59:28.519 –> 59:34.363
There were these, you could call them tables, lab technician tables.

59:34.423 –> 59:36.965
There was micrometers, there were calipers on there.

59:37.445 –> 59:40.147
They had other metal type equipment there.

59:40.387 –> 59:48.133
Off to the right hand corner of this hanger, which you see here, there was a walk-in freezer and there were body bags near the walk-in freezer.

59:48.193 –> 59:52.696
He did not see any bodies, but he definitely said that he could see this walk-in freezer.

59:52.736 –> 59:54.838
There were MPs with carbides on there.

59:55.618 –> 59:59.639
he was eventually reprimanded for looking inside.

59:59.859 –> 01:00:03.080
And so in a nutshell, that’s this case from July 3, 1967.

01:00:04.681 –> 01:00:10.723
And let’s go to the full color rendering just to give people a little bit clearer idea what this may have looked like.

01:00:10.763 –> 01:00:12.443
So you see these workbenches.

01:00:13.043 –> 01:00:14.264
You’ve got the craft itself.

01:00:15.104 –> 01:00:16.304
You’ve got the walk-in freezer.

01:00:16.364 –> 01:00:17.945
We’ve got the body bags there.

01:00:18.565 –> 01:00:21.526
And what these craft really are looking like

01:00:22.819 –> 01:00:28.620
is they’ve got these smooth contouring composite curvature to them.

01:00:29.340 –> 01:00:30.821
There’s really no seams.

01:00:30.941 –> 01:00:32.441
There’s absolutely no rivets.

01:00:33.221 –> 01:00:35.101
That’s what these witnesses are telling us.

01:00:35.441 –> 01:00:48.904
And for 70 to 80 years now, it absolutely appears that elements within the military industrial complex, the defense contractors, universities are desperately trying to reverse engineer the technology

01:00:49.724 –> 01:00:50.805
of these particular craft.

01:00:50.905 –> 01:00:51.606
All right, next one.

01:00:51.926 –> 01:00:52.907
This is a very good case.

01:00:53.868 –> 01:00:56.771
This is Fort Hood, Texas, late 60s.

01:00:56.831 –> 01:00:59.413
So I believe 1968 timeframe.

01:00:59.913 –> 01:01:04.157
This is a private pilot and this is crash retrievals page 91.

01:01:04.958 –> 01:01:07.300
So in this case, we’ve got Fort Hood.

01:01:07.380 –> 01:01:15.087
Now I want to highlight this, that embedded within Fort Hood is a place called Robert Gray Army Airfield.

01:01:15.902 –> 01:01:19.603
And there is an unimproved runway near this facility right here.

01:01:19.783 –> 01:01:22.463
And our witness had to make an emergency landing.

01:01:22.503 –> 01:01:23.763
He was in a 172.

01:01:24.404 –> 01:01:26.004
He makes this emergency landing.

01:01:26.064 –> 01:01:28.264
And you can see Rudy’s sketch here.

01:01:29.104 –> 01:01:32.325
Off to the left, we’ve got the 172 pilot.

01:01:32.745 –> 01:01:37.206
As soon as he lands, literally within 60 seconds, this Jeep pulls up.

01:01:37.246 –> 01:01:38.166
There’s two MPs.

01:01:38.686 –> 01:01:41.007
They both pull out their 45 caliber pistols.

01:01:41.027 –> 01:01:41.927
They’re pointing it to the 172.

01:01:43.507 –> 01:01:46.228
He’s out of the airplane now with his hands up.

01:01:46.768 –> 01:01:54.431
And now while all this is going on, there is this massive bypass door that opens up probably 400 feet across.

01:01:54.911 –> 01:01:56.832
This massive bypass door opens up.

01:01:57.412 –> 01:01:59.012
Now it had shrubbery on top.

01:01:59.173 –> 01:02:00.933
It had rocks on there.

01:02:01.073 –> 01:02:05.155
It had low, you could call it desert terrain.

01:02:05.655 –> 01:02:07.455
It blends in with the surrounding background.

01:02:07.515 –> 01:02:08.436
You would never know.

01:02:09.141 –> 01:02:13.046
that there’s an underground facility here, let alone that there’s an underground runway here.

01:02:13.567 –> 01:02:16.190
He said that he could see what looked like Cray computers.

01:02:17.292 –> 01:02:21.818
He also said that there were what looked like droids that were monitoring the floor of this.

01:02:21.838 –> 01:02:22.979
They were going back and forth.

01:02:24.662 –> 01:02:26.264
And then we heard reports that

01:02:27.546 –> 01:02:33.189
There are UFOs coming from Gray Armory Airfield that are being escorted by military helicopters.

01:02:33.249 –> 01:02:37.851
So that would bring in the CH-47 double rotor Chinook helicopters.

01:02:38.392 –> 01:02:41.513
That’s absolutely consistent with what the witnesses are telling us.

01:02:42.174 –> 01:02:47.517
So if we take it back in time, we’ve got the Eddie Laxon craft from 1966.

01:02:48.257 –> 01:02:49.878
We’ve got other dish shaped craft here.

01:02:50.258 –> 01:02:51.459
If we go forward in time,

01:02:52.119 –> 01:02:55.662
The Cash Landrum craft could have originated from this facility.

01:02:56.163 –> 01:02:59.706
Any number of vehicles could have originated from this facility.

01:02:59.766 –> 01:03:10.696
But this looks, Martin, to be an underground staging area for test flights of manmade UFOs that are being escorted by military helicopters.

01:03:10.736 –> 01:03:13.819
We keep getting report after report of these things.

01:03:14.820 –> 01:03:27.817
um i’m going to go to the next slide here is there a top secret vast underground facility located at gray army airfield the witnesses are telling us there absolutely is okay now a couple of quick notes

01:03:28.737 –> 01:03:29.777
And this is all in the book.

01:03:30.577 –> 01:03:36.699
Tommy Blonde, who’s a researcher, he interviewed someone called Colonel X. And this is on page 100.

01:03:36.779 –> 01:03:38.459
I think it’s important that we look at this here.

01:03:38.859 –> 01:03:39.680
Here’s what he says.

01:03:40.420 –> 01:03:53.163
The colonel stated that underground installations, as well as isolated areas of military reservations, have squadrons of unmarked helicopters which have sophisticated instrumentation on board,

01:03:53.783 –> 01:04:12.957
that are dispatched to areas of ufo activity to monitor these craft or lymph lift them out of the area if one has malfunctioned so uh martin can you think of any ufo case where something malfunctioned oh you mean like uh

01:04:14.082 –> 01:04:15.403
Something of ours malfunctioned?

01:04:15.744 –> 01:04:16.925

01:04:17.085 –> 01:04:21.489
Malstrom or cars stalling out, things like that?

01:04:21.609 –> 01:04:29.316
Well, when you have a man-made UFO that had a malfunction, does anything come to mind?

01:04:31.058 –> 01:04:31.458
Oh, yes.

01:04:32.299 –> 01:04:33.040

01:04:33.479 –> 01:04:58.385
good well done okay good well yeah we’ll cover it here i was gonna i was gonna ask you about that uh oh sure i remember when i had colby landrum on you and i had a discussion way back way back yeah nice yep that’s right uh now the next one here is page 92. here’s what what this uh colonel said here quote the technology that is being applied in this underground complex would remind someone

01:04:59.392 –> 01:05:00.933
of a science fiction thriller.

01:05:01.473 –> 01:05:04.674
It is unbelievable what they know and can do from this area.

01:05:04.894 –> 01:05:07.175
That’s exactly what the witnesses are telling us here.

01:05:07.635 –> 01:05:16.778
Okay, so they’re saying that they’re seeing UFOs being escorted by these double rotor Chinook CH-47 helicopters.

01:05:17.238 –> 01:05:20.800
And so now I want to take it to the Cash Landrum incident.

01:05:21.320 –> 01:05:24.601
This is December 29th, 1980, Hoffman, Texas.

01:05:25.361 –> 01:05:26.162
It’s just after 9 p.m.

01:05:28.058 –> 01:05:32.282
So we’ve got Betty Cash, we’ve got Vicki Landrum, we’ve got Colby Landrum.

01:05:32.703 –> 01:05:38.108
They’re heading southbound, and they had already given up trying to find two bingo games.

01:05:38.188 –> 01:05:38.989
They already gave it up.

01:05:39.089 –> 01:05:42.333
So they’re deciding to go back to Dayton to drop off Vicki.

01:05:42.953 –> 01:05:44.435
And as they’re heading southbound,

01:05:45.933 –> 01:05:50.135
Colby, who was in the back seat, notices this white light off to the right.

01:05:50.375 –> 01:05:52.616
And this thing keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

01:05:52.656 –> 01:05:56.498
And all of a sudden, the entire area lights up, almost like daylight.

01:05:57.559 –> 01:06:05.583
And they see this 90-foot tall, as big as a water tower, double ice cream comb device with the large ends connected.

01:06:05.623 –> 01:06:11.306
There appears to be a slight flat section where the two mouths of the craft met.

01:06:11.846 –> 01:06:14.968
And there was lighted porthole windows.

01:06:15.808 –> 01:06:17.330
The bottom of it was chopped off.

01:06:17.410 –> 01:06:19.613
It almost looked like it was chopped off with a butter knife.

01:06:20.074 –> 01:06:22.437
And as this craft kept bobbing down,

01:06:23.524 –> 01:06:25.806
because they were all in the car and this is December 29th, 1980.

01:06:26.046 –> 01:06:33.453
There was a blue colored flame that came out of the bottom of the craft and then it bobbed back up again and this pattern would repeat.

01:06:33.513 –> 01:06:37.036
Now by this time, they’re essentially all horrified.

01:06:37.156 –> 01:06:47.045
Betty Cash gets out of the vehicle, she opens up the car door, she walks toward the hood of the vehicle and she stood there watching this thing for at least five minutes.

01:06:48.255 –> 01:06:52.278
Vicky Landrum and Colby Landrum also got out of the car very briefly.

01:06:52.358 –> 01:07:01.665
So it was Vicky who was off to the right and Colby was kind of pinned between Vicky and the car itself, the frame of the car entryway door on the right hand side.

01:07:02.305 –> 01:07:04.367
Eventually those two get back in the vehicle.

01:07:05.782 –> 01:07:26.762
betty walks back to the car door grabs the handle and burns her hand she had to use the uh flaps of her jacket to open up the handle and get inside now by the time they both got in and this is december 29th 1980 back in winter time it was so boiling hot inside the vehicle

01:07:27.932 –> 01:07:29.913
that Betty had to turn on the air conditioner.

01:07:30.053 –> 01:07:42.301
Now, one other thing I didn’t mention is that when this finally came down in front of them, it was only 150 feet in front of them, Betty slammed on the brakes and then Vicki went forward, putting her hands on the dash pad.

01:07:43.101 –> 01:07:47.504
And to this day, and if this vehicle is still alive, it’s still around,

01:07:48.977 –> 01:07:52.461
Vicky’s handprints are melted into the dash pad.

01:07:53.001 –> 01:07:55.904
That’s a piece of physical evidence that would still be there.

01:07:56.565 –> 01:07:59.327
Now you’ve got, as this thing now passes by,

01:08:00.470 –> 01:08:28.252
they counted no less than 23 double rotor chinook ch-47 helicopters there were at least two bell uh ones and one sikorsky sky crane chasing after this thing just like the colonel had talked about and this is all december 29 1980 so here is the clarion ledger december 25 1983 what did three texans encounter sighting of ufo brought illnesses uh but few answers

01:08:29.438 –> 01:08:38.444
Within minutes of Betty dropping off Vicky, all three of them felt the effects of radiation poisoning.

01:08:39.025 –> 01:08:39.725
They threw up.

01:08:40.586 –> 01:08:41.967
They lost their hair.

01:08:42.167 –> 01:08:43.128
They had sores.

01:08:44.008 –> 01:08:46.010
Vicky’s face swirled up completely.

01:08:46.570 –> 01:08:47.891
It was a horrible scene.

01:08:48.311 –> 01:08:48.952
Horrible scene.

01:08:49.312 –> 01:08:50.733
Betty is no longer with us.

01:08:51.333 –> 01:08:52.754
Vicky is no longer with us.

01:08:52.934 –> 01:08:56.457
Colby is the sole surviving witness to this whole encounter.

01:08:56.998 –> 01:09:00.934
now there’s one other thing i wanted two other things i want to highlight here number one

01:09:02.170 –> 01:09:14.135
is after this happened, like almost immediately after this happened, not too long after, the Army Corps of Engineers came in and they dug up the road and they repaved it.

01:09:14.975 –> 01:09:20.077
Two weeks later, they came back and they dug it up a second time and they repaved it a second time.

01:09:20.397 –> 01:09:27.660
So you tell me, Martin, if there’s nothing to this, why would the Army Corps of Engineers repave the once…

01:09:28.726 –> 01:09:31.148
the road once and then repave it again twice, second time.

01:09:32.129 –> 01:09:33.790
Nope, we got something going on here.

01:09:34.270 –> 01:09:44.498
It appears to be a craft that had a hole breach on the inside of the reactor and it started spewing out fissionable material and they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

01:09:45.098 –> 01:09:47.500
and got this radiation poisoning.

01:09:48.241 –> 01:09:50.823
That appears to be what’s actually going on here.

01:09:50.863 –> 01:09:54.165
Now here is the Florida Today, December 4th, 1983.

01:09:54.766 –> 01:09:58.588
And you can see X marks the spot here of where this all went down.

01:09:59.469 –> 01:10:02.071
So here is our full color rendering by Joel Payne.

01:10:02.551 –> 01:10:05.133
This is what this underground runway may look like.

01:10:05.193 –> 01:10:06.795
Now in the report within the book,

01:10:07.549 –> 01:10:14.033
It also talks about four-engine cargo plane C-130s landing at this facility.

01:10:14.053 –> 01:10:16.034
So you could land cargo planes in here.

01:10:16.534 –> 01:10:20.116
More than likely, you could land F-16s, F-15s in here if you had to.

01:10:20.677 –> 01:10:25.460
Other helicopters, CH-47s, would have no problem getting out of this facility and entering back in.

01:10:26.160 –> 01:10:30.923
So this just goes to show you that there is a massive underground world going

01:10:31.542 –> 01:10:57.912
going on beneath our noses that are paid for by these classified black budget programs okay so next one california move on just before go ahead next one just um i’m in touch with colby every now and then and yeah and he put out there publicly i mean i wouldn’t say this but i mean i think he’s having some health issues and i’m not sure if it’s related to the possible radiation

01:10:58.288 –> 01:11:00.489
But I mean, why else would they tear out the road?

01:11:00.509 –> 01:11:01.589
You’re right.

01:11:01.609 –> 01:11:04.610
It has to be something to do with radiation, I would imagine.

01:11:05.151 –> 01:11:07.351
And what about the vegetation in that area?

01:11:07.932 –> 01:11:08.412
Yeah, I know.

01:11:08.732 –> 01:11:15.354
I’m sure that the bark on the trees was affected and the surrounding vegetation and brush was also affected.

01:11:15.674 –> 01:11:16.435
There’s no question.

01:11:16.455 –> 01:11:17.015
It has to be.

01:11:17.195 –> 01:11:17.755
It has to be.

01:11:18.115 –> 01:11:20.816
Because that thing was spewing all over that entire area.

01:11:20.956 –> 01:11:21.797
And here’s the other thing.

01:11:22.657 –> 01:11:37.402
If there’s 23 double rotor Chinook helicopters and each one has a crew of three or more, plus the UH-1s and plus the Sikorsky Skycrane, we’re looking at at least 100 personnel.

01:11:37.943 –> 01:11:45.866
And I don’t think that they were shielded for radiation unless they were wearing lead suits the whole time.

01:11:45.886 –> 01:11:46.526
I don’t know.

01:11:46.646 –> 01:11:49.507
But so there’s another avenue to follow up on.

01:11:50.399 –> 01:12:00.342
So your thoughts on this is this is maybe some part of a reversed engineered craft or some type of craft, but it was like a nuclear.

01:12:00.862 –> 01:12:10.064
Well, according to John Schuessler and according to, and I don’t know how much we should believe him because he’s a disinformation agent, Richard Doty.

01:12:10.084 –> 01:12:11.065
Oh, yeah.

01:12:11.245 –> 01:12:15.066
Basically talking about it’s an ET craft with pilots on board.

01:12:15.706 –> 01:12:37.646
that had a retrofitted man-made propulsion stuff now i i lean to more of a a man-made aspect all the way i mean technically it could be either but i’m leaning much more toward a completely man-made craft with potential pilots on board with a atomic engine that had a whole breach in the reactor and that’s what this thing actually is

01:12:38.876 –> 01:12:47.201
And then the other thing I wanted to point out is that after all this was over, the Air Force tried to buy Betty’s car.

01:12:48.021 –> 01:12:50.562
That’s another point here.

01:12:51.183 –> 01:12:55.125
Why would the Air Force be interested in Betty’s car for no reason at all?

01:12:55.765 –> 01:12:56.686
Doesn’t make any sense.

01:12:57.226 –> 01:12:57.346

01:12:58.510 –> 01:12:59.210
That’s something.

01:12:59.650 –> 01:12:59.950
All right.

01:13:00.030 –> 01:13:02.411
So California City, summer 1971.

01:13:04.572 –> 01:13:06.392
Primary eyewitness is Debbie Clayton.

01:13:06.412 –> 01:13:07.933
This is page 233 in the book.

01:13:07.953 –> 01:13:12.674
And basically what they hear is this large booming noise.

01:13:13.574 –> 01:13:15.415
And this is a kind of a tight knit community.

01:13:15.435 –> 01:13:19.436
There weren’t too many people here at that local vicinity back in 1971.

01:13:19.496 –> 01:13:26.978
So there was about four witnesses that go down to the end of the block and they see this ten foot wide by five foot tall

01:13:27.558 –> 01:13:32.382
dish-shaped craft that has a mushroom top that rolls around, kind of got this mushroom appearance.

01:13:33.163 –> 01:13:38.807
Within minutes, there was a military convoy that showed up that had kind of a tank transporter.

01:13:38.827 –> 01:13:43.871
I wouldn’t call it exactly that, but definitely a six by six troop transporter.

01:13:44.452 –> 01:13:46.894
There was a trailer with an attached crane.

01:13:47.414 –> 01:13:52.378
They set up a lanyard system with an eye hook, and then they brought that back onto the back of the trailer.

01:13:52.438 –> 01:13:53.739
Now, while all this is going on,

01:13:54.480 –> 01:14:20.115
before the military got there that one of the witnesses had a handheld camera and he was taking photographs of this whole operation when this air force brass got to these witnesses he threw that camera down and told these guys to get out of here immediately but they saw this whole retrieval operation okay next one and how much time do we have here martin we can keep going until we wrap this up as far as i’m concerned

01:14:20.757 –> 01:14:24.021
Okay, so we’ll do a couple more cases here.

01:14:24.522 –> 01:14:32.551
So this is Norton Air Force Base, 1973, and this is an Air Force photographer who was stationed in Hawaii at the time.

01:14:33.655 –> 01:14:36.036
He had his security clearance upgraded.

01:14:36.116 –> 01:14:40.138
He was flown to Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino, California.

01:14:40.178 –> 01:14:42.179
He was joined by another Air Force photographer.

01:14:43.000 –> 01:14:44.580
They get inside this vehicle.

01:14:44.641 –> 01:14:51.124
They travel about an hour from Norton Air Force Base, and then the car stops, Martin, completely stops.

01:14:51.884 –> 01:14:54.845
And they drop down into this underground facility.

01:14:55.305 –> 01:14:57.025
They’re told to exit the vehicle.

01:14:57.806 –> 01:15:00.166
They go into another room in this underground facility.

01:15:00.206 –> 01:15:08.689
They’re told to disrobe completely nude and go into these medical smocks, these white medical smocks that covers their entire body up to their faces.

01:15:08.729 –> 01:15:12.470
And then there’s like a face covering here that’s got a transparent section here.

01:15:13.190 –> 01:15:17.231
And once they come out, they’re led into this large underground facility.

01:15:17.331 –> 01:15:18.792
And this is what they see, Martin.

01:15:18.812 –> 01:15:19.852
They see this crane.

01:15:20.885 –> 01:15:23.547
supporting by a netting or lanyard device.

01:15:24.867 –> 01:15:37.034
This is a 30-foot diameter dish-shaped craft, and they’re both told to go into a cherry picker and go inside the entryway of this craft and start photographing the interior of the craft.

01:15:37.074 –> 01:15:49.742
Now, I want to mention that this gentleman said that the craft was 30 feet in diameter, but when he got inside the craft, Barton, he said, quote, I could have thrown a football as hard as I could and not hit the other side.

01:15:50.771 –> 01:15:55.073
So there is something going on within the interior of this craft.

01:15:55.533 –> 01:16:02.637
There’s a space-time continuum, there’s a gravity well, there’s an optical warping going on, something going on.

01:16:03.550 –> 01:16:10.594
with gravity, space, and time that allows the interior to appear 10 times larger than the exterior.

01:16:10.814 –> 01:16:11.955
That absolutely happened.

01:16:12.715 –> 01:16:21.480
So on the upper left hand blow up enlargement here, I told Rudy to give me something that just shows the large vastness of this craft.

01:16:22.100 –> 01:16:26.503
So he was taking photographs of the interior panels, the display screens.

01:16:27.203 –> 01:16:29.905
And then when they were done taking photographs of the interior,

01:16:31.291 –> 01:16:36.373
He said they were led to another room and told to photograph the autopsy of three ET bodies.

01:16:36.853 –> 01:16:37.793
He mentioned that as well.

01:16:38.153 –> 01:16:39.934
And so that’s all within this case here.

01:16:39.974 –> 01:16:44.255
So now what I want to do is take you inside this underground facility.

01:16:44.295 –> 01:16:48.716
We’ve got an overhead crane in this particular case with this netting.

01:16:48.856 –> 01:16:50.317
And this thing is 30 feet in diameter.

01:16:50.877 –> 01:16:53.159
Here’s a little bit larger detail view.

01:16:53.279 –> 01:16:57.503
And now I want to take you inside the craft itself, Martin.

01:16:57.903 –> 01:17:00.305
And here’s what my friend Joseph Wraith came up with.

01:17:00.425 –> 01:17:05.750
Now, in this case, you could throw a football as hard as you could not hit the other side.

01:17:06.290 –> 01:17:12.996
This may have been what it looked like when this gentleman was inside photographing the interior components of this craft.

01:17:13.596 –> 01:17:15.538
But this is what these witnesses are telling.

01:17:15.598 –> 01:17:17.420
And this is not an isolated incident.

01:17:17.440 –> 01:17:18.440
There are other cases.

01:17:19.361 –> 01:17:45.666
um that also talk about the interior of these craft are at least 10 times larger than the exterior dimension okay so i’ve heard that many many times over the years and it’s like you know something that looks 30 feet wide and they go in and it just expands on and on and i think um you know the travis walton travis walton talks about you know this this whole strange thing after he wakes up and everything all the expanse of everything

01:17:47.600 –> 01:17:47.960

01:17:48.040 –> 01:17:49.182
It’s not an isolated case.

01:17:50.243 –> 01:17:52.966
Others talk about this in historical cases as well.

01:17:53.747 –> 01:17:54.008
All right.

01:17:54.068 –> 01:17:55.850
So then, of course, they started digging, right?

01:17:55.990 –> 01:17:58.173
Do we have any proof of these underground facilities?

01:17:58.213 –> 01:18:05.843
So here is the LA Times, June 11th, 1972, tube shuttle using electromagnetic suspension.

01:18:06.877 –> 01:18:12.759
It says here, LA to New York in half an hour, 10,000 mile an hour tunnel train plan developed.

01:18:13.219 –> 01:18:13.799
This is back in 1972.

01:18:14.459 –> 01:18:16.220
This is public literature here.

01:18:16.720 –> 01:18:18.240
Here’s the detailed view of the cutaway.

01:18:18.280 –> 01:18:21.761
And you can see these vacuum pumps, emergency bumpers, lateral coils.

01:18:22.342 –> 01:18:26.923
In this article, they talk about the intricate details of how they’re going to do this.

01:18:27.663 –> 01:18:29.824
So then I started digging even further.

01:18:30.484 –> 01:18:49.165
to try to support this case here and i ran across this document this is rand corporation proceedings of the second protective construction symposium deep underground construction volume 2 march 24 25 26 1959 by the rand corporation these are their own documents here here’s what they say martin

01:18:50.026 –> 01:19:02.355
Just as airplanes, ships, and automobiles have given man mastery of the surface of the earth, tunnel boring machines and shaft sinkers will give him access to the subterranean world.

01:19:03.015 –> 01:19:11.241
It is our aim to provide machines which will supply the ever increasing demand in mining and construction of underground facilities.

01:19:11.301 –> 01:19:17.305
So bottom line here, Martin, at least by 1959, they’re already talking about this

01:19:17.965 –> 01:19:21.687
underground world, these deep underground bases, these tunnels.

01:19:22.787 –> 01:19:23.608
It’s already a done deal.

01:19:23.628 –> 01:19:24.448
This is back in 1959.

01:19:24.949 –> 01:19:29.211
There’s no telling how evolved that this whole thing has gone.

01:19:29.971 –> 01:19:32.572
All of the bases, all the tube tunnel systems.

01:19:33.072 –> 01:19:34.833
There’s no telling how deep this really goes.

01:19:37.274 –> 01:19:39.295
Yeah, those boring machines are something else.

01:19:39.716 –> 01:19:44.018
I’ve seen some documentaries on them and they’re just…

01:19:45.080 –> 01:20:13.279
scary they could they really could keep tunneling and i i just don’t understand what happens to the dispersed you know uh rocks and everything like that i mean they there’s sort of like a melting type of situation going on there too so yes we’ve seen the patents of the nuclear power tunnel boring machines that melt the debris into glass that makes up the interior walls of the craft we’ve heard of those we’ve seen those patents so that that checks out as well

01:20:14.079 –> 01:20:14.920
Actionable items.

01:20:14.980 –> 01:20:19.642
Senators and congressmen with the appropriate security clearances should locate this facility.

01:20:20.463 –> 01:20:24.826
Find out what is stored there and what underground installations this may be connected to.

01:20:24.886 –> 01:20:25.986
Yeah, that needs to happen.

01:20:26.487 –> 01:20:27.187
That needs to happen.

01:20:27.207 –> 01:20:31.670
We just took a hit last week regarding UAP disclosure legislation.

01:20:31.710 –> 01:20:39.775
So now it’s even more important that these witnesses come forward and we need to, again, this is the final curtain call.

01:20:40.355 –> 01:20:41.856
Time to make a management decision here.

01:20:43.517 –> 01:20:43.757

01:20:43.817 –> 01:20:47.499
Marine diver off the coast of Okinawa in 1991.

01:20:48.359 –> 01:20:51.460
50 foot per side triangle at a depth of 1.5 miles.

01:20:51.540 –> 01:20:57.502
I’m going to give Greer the credit for digging this up within the collection here.

01:20:57.902 –> 01:21:00.903
So this is off the coast of Okinawa in 1991.

01:21:01.843 –> 01:21:03.404
And this is what the craft looked like.

01:21:04.304 –> 01:21:06.725
Finally, finally, we got a triangle.

01:21:07.205 –> 01:21:08.625
Triangle shaped craft 1.5 miles down.

01:21:10.886 –> 01:21:14.547
So they notice that there’s radiation coming from this area.

01:21:15.088 –> 01:21:16.488
They go in a DSRV.

01:21:16.608 –> 01:21:22.270
They drop down to 1.5 miles, and they see this triangular-shaped craft 50 feet per side.

01:21:23.211 –> 01:21:37.896
They do retrieve this thing, but before they do, they could see that it was buried within the silt about probably between 3 to 4 feet, and they estimate approximately 40 to 50 years it’s been sitting there at the bottom of the ocean.

01:21:38.396 –> 01:21:39.457
So they bring this thing up.

01:21:40.097 –> 01:21:44.343
They see it has these hieroglyphic lettering on the sidewall of the craft itself.

01:21:44.963 –> 01:21:49.369
Here’s Joel’s illustration that shows you what this thing looks like.

01:21:49.830 –> 01:21:53.334
And this is just another one of these retrieval operations.

01:21:54.175 –> 01:21:54.596
This thing was…

01:21:55.857 –> 01:22:15.046
uh bigger than a well close to the size of an f-14 that’s the way they describe it in this report but and we’ve got one of these deep sea uh fish here but just give you an idea that these things are at the bottom of the ocean and we’re later if we have time we’ll go into who might be retrieving these craft okay next one mcclellan air force base 1973

01:22:17.261 –> 01:22:21.403
Chris Coffey via test pilot astronaut Ellison Unizuka.

01:22:22.003 –> 01:22:23.603
This is page 153 in the book.

01:22:23.723 –> 01:22:24.604
This is case three.

01:22:24.664 –> 01:22:29.906
So in this case, we’ve got Ellison Unizuka, who at this time was a test pilot.

01:22:30.626 –> 01:22:32.507
They’re at McClellan Air Force Base.

01:22:32.527 –> 01:22:34.367
This is near Sacramento, California.

01:22:35.068 –> 01:22:36.368
They go into a briefing room.

01:22:37.071 –> 01:22:40.213
And this is Ellison Onizuka here, a good picture of him.

01:22:40.873 –> 01:22:42.154
They go into this briefing room.

01:22:42.174 –> 01:22:44.635
There’s about 12 other pilots there.

01:22:45.356 –> 01:22:49.258
And there’s a general, Air Force general, sitting in back of a movie projector.

01:22:49.338 –> 01:22:50.338
All the lights go down.

01:22:51.039 –> 01:22:52.600
The movie projector’s turned on.

01:22:52.680 –> 01:23:01.044
And on this forward wall is this three to five minute black and white film clip of two ET bodies on slabs.

01:23:02.065 –> 01:23:03.466
And Ellison is thinking,

01:23:04.562 –> 01:23:06.625
oh my God, I can’t believe what I’m seeing here.

01:23:06.685 –> 01:23:08.328
He’s like shocked about all this.

01:23:08.568 –> 01:23:10.651
He just, he can’t believe what he’s seeing here.

01:23:11.412 –> 01:23:13.495
And I’m gonna go to the next slide here.

01:23:13.515 –> 01:23:16.840
And I wanna reference this from Open Minds.

01:23:17.701 –> 01:23:19.263
And this is at the same facility.

01:23:19.944 –> 01:23:27.426
And this is David Armstrong claims his aunt used to work for a top secret UFO records library at McClellan Air Force Base.

01:23:28.046 –> 01:23:36.088
In his 20s, Armstrong went to visit her and knowing he had an interest in the subject, Armstrong says his aunt let him take a look at the files.

01:23:36.188 –> 01:23:49.411
So here we’ve got two independent sources that are essentially confirming that ET photographs, 8×10 black and whites, motion picture film reel,

01:23:50.126 –> 01:24:05.582
were at one time stored at a classified library at mcclellan air force base now later ellison onizuka became an astronaut and two weeks after a particular date

01:24:06.753 –> 01:24:09.375
Leonard Stringfield was going to interview.

01:24:09.515 –> 01:24:11.195
So they had this interview all set up.

01:24:11.236 –> 01:24:12.636
They had the date picked out.

01:24:12.996 –> 01:24:14.477
They’re all gonna have a fantastic.

01:24:14.697 –> 01:24:22.982
And he was gonna tell Leonard Stringfield all about this motion picture film reel that he saw back at McClellan Air Force Base in 1973.

01:24:23.482 –> 01:24:28.825
But unfortunately, Martin, we lost him in the Challenger accident back on January 28th, 1986.

01:24:31.050 –> 01:24:31.450
Oh, wow.

01:24:31.931 –> 01:24:42.457
We were this close of getting the testimony of an astronaut who saw a black and white film clip of two ETs on concrete slabs.

01:24:42.557 –> 01:24:49.262
Now, when that film was over, the lights went back on, there was no debrief, and then they all walked out.

01:24:49.662 –> 01:24:52.264
So it looks like what this is,

01:24:53.124 –> 01:25:11.029
it is a trial balloon and they’re trying to gauge the reaction of our top military pilots could they handle this new reality or would they collapse under this new reality could they handle this new paradigm shifting reality that’s what appears to be happening because within the book if you read this book

01:25:11.949 –> 01:25:16.651
This film pops up between three and five different locations all around the country.

01:25:17.091 –> 01:25:28.995
And so it looks like they ship this thing all around and they bring these military pilots into these facilities and they do these unannounced movies with no debrief.

01:25:29.821 –> 01:25:55.340
and then afterward they’re told almost nothing about this or they’re told what you just saw was a hoax and forget all about it that’s what’s going on here uh it’s confirmed by at least five separate cases within the book all right next one 1974 we’ll do a couple more here this is right patterson air force base 1974 page 327 now primary eyewitness had just given her two-week notice

01:25:56.266 –> 01:25:58.227
and she’s at a dinner party engagement.

01:25:58.807 –> 01:26:04.209
Her new boss is coincidentally also at this same dinner party.

01:26:05.309 –> 01:26:14.372
And her boss could tell that her new hire is getting beat up in this dinner party engagement because they’re talking about UFOs and she’s getting beat up.

01:26:14.952 –> 01:26:18.914
So he turns to her and he says, do you want to see the physical evidence?

01:26:19.394 –> 01:26:20.994
And she says to him, now?

01:26:21.455 –> 01:26:22.815
And he says, yeah, now.

01:26:23.255 –> 01:26:25.156
So he takes her in his car.

01:26:25.996 –> 01:26:27.837
They drive to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

01:26:29.038 –> 01:26:35.222
He had the correct security clearance to go through this magnetic card key entryway.

01:26:35.262 –> 01:26:36.943
They walk down this long corridor.

01:26:37.463 –> 01:26:43.046
There’s another key entryway section, so he brings out his card one more time with a magnetic strip on it.

01:26:43.407 –> 01:26:53.593
He inserts it into this reader, and this door opens up, leading them down another corridor into an underground morgue that has all these handles and doors

01:26:54.173 –> 01:26:55.174
Doors that open up.

01:26:55.554 –> 01:27:07.523
So he pulls on one of these handles and then off on this, call it a chassis on roller, comes out this table with this ET body half out of a zipper body bag.

01:27:08.003 –> 01:27:09.644
This thing was about four feet tall.

01:27:10.085 –> 01:27:14.148
The same oversized head, oversized eyes, slit for a mouth, minute nose.

01:27:14.268 –> 01:27:15.969
And she’s looking at this thing.

01:27:17.586 –> 01:27:22.647
basically the eyes are somewhat open and she can’t believe what she’s seeing here.

01:27:22.727 –> 01:27:23.788
She’s absolutely shocked.

01:27:24.288 –> 01:27:26.648
You can imagine she’s just like totally in shock.

01:27:26.688 –> 01:27:29.489
So he brings her back into his vehicle.

01:27:29.909 –> 01:27:35.891
He drives her home and on the way home, she’s just contemplating this whole new reality that she’s learned about.

01:27:35.951 –> 01:27:37.611
She’s shocked to her absolute core.

01:27:37.691 –> 01:27:40.372
Now, when her two weeks is up,

01:27:41.260 –> 01:27:42.982
because she had already given her two-week notice.

01:27:43.542 –> 01:27:58.937
On the Monday morning that she’s supposed to report to work, she talks to the office manager and the office manager tells her, I’m sorry, miss, but your boss died about two weeks ago and

01:27:59.898 –> 01:28:14.050
there’s no mention of him in the obituaries within the local newspapers so something happened to this guy maybe he spoke too soon he got her into the unacknowledged he wasn’t supposed to bring her but this guy

01:28:15.407 –> 01:28:32.341
uh it appears he was uh terminated for what he did so this is something that to be aware of i mean when you play with the varsity team here and you’re dealing with physical evidence now you’re on a completely different ball field here this is you know you’re playing with the big boys now

01:28:32.961 –> 01:28:37.844
And they do not relinquish their crown jewels easily to anyone.

01:28:38.444 –> 01:28:40.746
There’s a price to be paid for this kind of stuff.

01:28:41.786 –> 01:28:48.550
Well, I’m sure if he’s using an electric card that they know that he accessed it.

01:28:48.991 –> 01:28:49.591

01:28:50.071 –> 01:28:50.572

01:28:51.352 –> 01:28:57.579
So this is what this lady described on this bizarre night that she went to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

01:28:58.259 –> 01:29:12.975
So when you look at all these cases, Martin, and you’ve got military personnel, you’ve got people who handled the bodies, you’ve got people who drove these things into the base, you’ve got other witnesses who saw DC-7 four-engine cargo transport planes flying.

01:29:13.355 –> 01:29:14.436
enter these facilities.

01:29:14.936 –> 01:29:17.198
It’s coming in from all different angles here.

01:29:17.238 –> 01:29:19.519
And they’re all converging on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

01:29:19.559 –> 01:29:24.162
This is exactly what Barry Goldwater had talked about to Curtis LeMay.

01:29:24.722 –> 01:29:39.891
And he said, you know, General, I know you guys have a room in this base where you keep all this material, the bodies, the debris, the craft, gun camera footage, motion picture, film reels, glossy.

01:29:39.971 –> 01:29:40.892
Can I go in there?

01:29:41.588 –> 01:29:42.959
So he turns to Barry and he says,

01:29:43.427 –> 01:29:48.751
damn it, Barry, don’t you ever ask me that question again, because if you do, I’ll be court-martialed.

01:29:49.612 –> 01:29:52.234
And basically, he shut the whole thing down.

01:29:52.274 –> 01:29:56.637
That’s the only time he ever got mad at Barry, but that’s how it went down.

01:29:56.677 –> 01:30:02.201
So if there’s nothing to any of this, why would General LeMay go off on Barry Goldwater?

01:30:02.301 –> 01:30:05.444
What was he trying to hide if he couldn’t even get in there?

01:30:06.805 –> 01:30:08.386
These questions just keep on asking.

01:30:08.406 –> 01:30:11.989
And maybe one or two of these witnesses

01:30:12.489 –> 01:30:36.802
maybe they’re hoaxing maybe they’re just telling a lie but when you take 119 first-hand military witnesses that keep telling us about the deba the bodies the debris the cra you you cannot tell me that all 119 are lying why would this lady lie i mean she just shows up at work not knowing anything about what she’s going to be told within the next 60 seconds

01:30:37.762 –> 01:30:59.028
and then it she just she she finds out about this new real why would she lie no i i tend to trust and we’ve other other reference librarians are telling us people who worked at uh cataloging bases within wright patterson air force base they’re telling us about these okay we’ll do a couple more here this is late 1950s air force pilot

01:31:01.357 –> 01:31:12.061
Ed Kamarek, he saw a five to six minute film clip that depicted a large 60 foot diameter dish shaped craft in a military hangar.

01:31:12.521 –> 01:31:16.843
There were three bodies off to the right that had kind of what looked like covers on them.

01:31:17.443 –> 01:31:19.724
There was a hull breach on the upper section of the dome.

01:31:20.504 –> 01:31:27.828
They showed the propulsion system and what appeared to be button switches, dials, and levers, and a display screen on the inside.

01:31:27.868 –> 01:31:32.410
This is coming from this Air Force pilot, 1950s time frame.

01:31:33.030 –> 01:31:39.274
Here’s an enlarged version of both the propulsion system and the display panel on the inside wall of the craft itself.

01:31:40.494 –> 01:31:41.115
One or two more here.

01:31:41.415 –> 01:31:42.455
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 1962.

01:31:42.495 –> 01:31:42.635
This is

01:31:46.328 –> 01:31:50.177
command fighter wing, page 88 case a six.

01:31:50.939 –> 01:31:54.426
And so these joggers who are the fighter pilots,

01:31:57.044 –> 01:31:59.886
Our primary eyewitness, he’s in charge of their health.

01:32:00.446 –> 01:32:01.987
So they’re out on a morning run.

01:32:02.368 –> 01:32:05.610
They’re walking down these, running down these rows of hangers.

01:32:05.650 –> 01:32:06.570
They look off to the right.

01:32:06.650 –> 01:32:07.931
One of these hanger doors is open.

01:32:07.951 –> 01:32:20.360
They run inside and they see this 15 foot diameter dish shaped craft that they described as two track and field discus put together with the rims touching each other.

01:32:21.020 –> 01:32:24.904
It was being propped up off the hangar floor by two engine test sands.

01:32:25.004 –> 01:32:28.608
They had a roped off section with military personnel with carbides.

01:32:29.709 –> 01:32:35.414
And they’re challenging these joggers and they’re basically saying, you know what, you guys aren’t allowed here.

01:32:35.995 –> 01:32:37.176
Get out of here immediately.

01:32:37.657 –> 01:32:42.241
Now, I want to go to what this pilot said here, which I think is very interesting.

01:32:42.281 –> 01:32:44.603
Here’s what it says within the publication.

01:32:46.021 –> 01:32:50.765
The guard challenged by saying, quote, I don’t think you’re supposed to be here, sir.

01:32:51.425 –> 01:33:01.233
I replied to the affirmative and we turned about face and departed, mumbling to ourselves that the good old US had developed or had all along flying saucers in service.

01:33:01.894 –> 01:33:09.360
Now, when you have five fighter pilots who saw this and one of them comes forward

01:33:10.781 –> 01:33:12.903
I think that they make good witnesses.

01:33:13.183 –> 01:33:14.144
I don’t think they’re lying.

01:33:14.705 –> 01:33:20.711
And we’ve got other reports from pilots that have seen things tucked away in hangars at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

01:33:21.111 –> 01:33:24.174
So these are what these military witnesses are telling us here.

01:33:24.294 –> 01:33:31.481
Okay, Roswell, the other Roswell, Noe Torres and my good friend Ruben are the primary researchers on this case.

01:33:32.242 –> 01:33:38.946
This is spring 1955, and this is just across the Texas-Mexican border south of Del Rio, Texas.

01:33:39.587 –> 01:33:40.967
So here you see this F-86.

01:33:41.047 –> 01:33:42.568
Now I’m going to set the scene up.

01:33:43.149 –> 01:33:47.191
We’ve got at least two B-47s and at least three F-86s.

01:33:47.271 –> 01:33:49.573
They’re heading westbound over southern Texas.

01:33:50.353 –> 01:33:51.154
And here’s the map.

01:33:52.150 –> 01:33:57.173
And all of a sudden, a dish-shaped craft comes screaming right past their flight path.

01:33:57.213 –> 01:33:59.254
So one of the F-86s breaks away.

01:34:00.054 –> 01:34:01.235
And you can see the map here.

01:34:01.255 –> 01:34:03.916
You’ve got Del Rio, and then you’ve got the Rio Grande River.

01:34:03.996 –> 01:34:08.399
So just south of the Rio Grande River is where this craft came down.

01:34:08.879 –> 01:34:12.301
So one of these F-86s, he pulls away from the group.

01:34:12.341 –> 01:34:13.982
And I’m going to go back two slides here.

01:34:14.963 –> 01:34:21.352
and he does a slow pass over this scene, and he sees this disc-shaped craft here.

01:34:21.993 –> 01:34:24.197
He makes a left-hand turn heading northbound,

01:34:25.560 –> 01:34:29.442
He lands at Carswell Air Force Base, gets out of the F-86.

01:34:29.522 –> 01:34:33.384
He drives to a civilian airport called Corsica.

01:34:34.104 –> 01:34:42.268
He gets in a two-seat tandem tail-dragger Arranca with a friend, and they fly back to the crash site before it gets dark.

01:34:42.908 –> 01:34:46.650
So I’m going to move forward here, and this is what they saw when they landed.

01:34:47.290 –> 01:34:49.332
This was about 25 feet in diameter.

01:34:49.552 –> 01:34:50.613
It was five feet tall.

01:34:50.673 –> 01:34:51.894
This is a drawing by Rudy.

01:34:52.435 –> 01:34:55.958
The dome had popped up off the upper portion of the craft itself.

01:34:55.998 –> 01:34:57.839
There was a whole breach on the side of the craft.

01:34:58.620 –> 01:35:01.242
When this came in, it left a debris trail.

01:35:01.342 –> 01:35:14.273
And the primary eyewitness said that the Mexican military, because it was a cold day and it was getting toward nighttime, they were going inside the six by six troop transport that you see off to the left here.

01:35:15.174 –> 01:35:21.578
And they were taking out blankets and they were laying these blankets onto the warm debris from the crash site.

01:35:22.079 –> 01:35:26.161
And then once the blankets were warm, they were putting them on their bodies just to warm them up.

01:35:26.221 –> 01:35:30.444
This is what the witness told our researcher.

01:35:30.544 –> 01:35:32.165
And then that made it into the book here.

01:35:32.986 –> 01:35:34.167
Now, here’s a blow up.

01:35:34.667 –> 01:35:37.049
This is from Air Force pilot Robert Willingham.

01:35:37.069 –> 01:35:41.131
He described the bodies and he said, quote, they had arms that look like broomsticks.

01:35:41.972 –> 01:35:44.414
So now I want to take you to the full color rendering.

01:35:45.414 –> 01:35:49.938
And now you can see what this whole entire scene, this is by Joel Payne, what it looks like.

01:35:49.998 –> 01:35:52.020
You can see the Arranca in the foreground right.

01:35:52.660 –> 01:35:54.782
You’ve got the troop transport.

01:35:54.862 –> 01:35:56.784
You’ve got the hull breach on the side of the craft.

01:35:56.804 –> 01:35:58.605
You’ve got the dome of the craft popped off.

01:35:59.106 –> 01:36:00.507
You’ve got the hot debris here.

01:36:00.527 –> 01:36:11.716
And what I want to do, Martin, is I want to take you inside the craft now to give you kind of a gruesome view of the ET beings that had an unfortunate end here.

01:36:12.597 –> 01:36:14.138
It did not end well for them.

01:36:14.980 –> 01:36:17.862
kind of like charred and burned, dismembered body.

01:36:17.942 –> 01:36:19.663
It was not a friendly sight.

01:36:19.703 –> 01:36:20.784
It was a gruesome sight.

01:36:21.244 –> 01:36:25.067
But this is what this Air Force pilot is telling us here.

01:36:26.107 –> 01:36:26.968
Okay, next one.

01:36:27.208 –> 01:36:28.449
Coyame incident.

01:36:29.109 –> 01:36:30.751
Noe, Torres, and Rubin again.

01:36:31.091 –> 01:36:31.951
Fantastic job.

01:36:31.971 –> 01:36:36.094
This is August 25, 1974, Coyame, Mexico.

01:36:36.194 –> 01:36:42.018
So there was a dish-shaped craft that was very high altitude, over 70,000 feet.

01:36:42.638 –> 01:36:44.380
It dropped down to the same level.

01:36:45.360 –> 01:36:51.824
as a Cessna 172 that was heading southbound over southern Texas, and there was a midair collision.

01:36:53.525 –> 01:37:06.914
Here you see the map here, and off to the left it says Coyame, Mexico, difficult to describe, but this craft was going 2,530 miles an hour, and there was a midair collision because it dropped down to the same altitude as the 172 did.

01:37:09.595 –> 01:37:11.876
And we want to go to the next slide.

01:37:12.236 –> 01:37:18.919
And while all this is going on, the Mexican military is in the midst of this retrieval operation.

01:37:19.839 –> 01:37:26.542
Elements of the United States intelligence agencies were monitoring the radio traffic from the Mexican soldiers.

01:37:26.602 –> 01:37:33.585
So the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency, they were monitoring all this radio traffic.

01:37:34.265 –> 01:37:36.026
And this is what the scene looked like.

01:37:37.898 –> 01:37:41.541
They put the craft on a trailer with a tractor.

01:37:41.601 –> 01:37:44.343
They had a troop transport and a Jeep up front.

01:37:45.043 –> 01:37:49.727
And they’re transporting this dish shaped craft down this unimproved road.

01:37:50.147 –> 01:37:51.808
And Martin, do you know what happens next?

01:37:55.391 –> 01:37:55.951
Any idea?

01:37:57.393 –> 01:37:59.494
Is this the one where the military comes in?

01:38:00.415 –> 01:38:02.717
Well, this is the case.

01:38:02.797 –> 01:38:04.458
Like there’s a confrontation?

01:38:05.029 –> 01:38:08.290
Well, the Mexican military stops dead.

01:38:08.310 –> 01:38:10.230
The convoy stops dead.

01:38:11.070 –> 01:38:15.711
And there are military personnel that are slumped over on the steering wheel.

01:38:15.971 –> 01:38:16.871
Oh, yeah, yeah.

01:38:16.891 –> 01:38:18.712
Half in and outside of the vehicle.

01:38:19.172 –> 01:38:22.412
They’re laying forward on the driver’s side of the vehicle.

01:38:22.793 –> 01:38:26.373
Some of the other soldiers were laying dead on the ground next to the jeeps.

01:38:27.053 –> 01:38:29.354
All of the Mexican military were dead.

01:38:30.114 –> 01:38:38.257
And so we believe, according to Ruben and Noe, that there was a biological agent toxic to humans that was associated with this craft.

01:38:38.317 –> 01:38:44.920
So we had two UH-1 helicopters and one CH-53 sea stallion fly in.

01:38:45.620 –> 01:38:48.601
All of our boys are because they had a whole heads up on this.

01:38:48.621 –> 01:38:52.482
You know, they had a clue about all this because they were monitoring the radio traffic.

01:38:53.123 –> 01:38:54.743
So they come in with the CH-53 sea stallion.

01:38:56.929 –> 01:39:06.151
they attach this lanyard ropes to this craft, they hoist it up and they ship this thing to CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

01:39:06.191 –> 01:39:12.112
Now it took multiple refuelings to get there, but that’s where it was brought according to Ruben.

01:39:12.692 –> 01:39:15.192
So I’m gonna go over just the helicopters in review here.

01:39:15.252 –> 01:39:21.354
We’ve got three Bell UH-1s, one CH-53C stallion that are a part of this retrieval operation.

01:39:21.394 –> 01:39:23.174
So let’s go to the color illustration

01:39:23.934 –> 01:39:41.160
just to give everybody an idea of what this retrieval operation looked like so now we’ve got the ch-53 we’ve got the dead mexican soldiers next to the vehicle convoy uh this craft has already been lifted off the trailer and they’re moving it to cdc headquarters now let’s do a 60 degree angle look down

01:39:41.920 –> 01:39:47.782
just to give people an idea of what this may have looked like if we were there and were a part of this scene.

01:39:47.842 –> 01:40:04.226
So these are the kind of operations, Martin, that represent the deepest, darkest secrets of the military intelligence defense contractor community because we’re stealing these assets right up from under the noses of another government.

01:40:05.126 –> 01:40:10.828
So these are some more of the deep black programs within the military industrial complex.

01:40:10.889 –> 01:40:14.510
So I just wanted to go over a couple of these cases with you, Martin.

01:40:15.150 –> 01:40:21.533
And it’s clear that a lot of this information needs to come out with congressional hearings.

01:40:22.293 –> 01:40:27.756
We have enough research material and sources to track down these witnesses.

01:40:28.663 –> 01:40:32.226
those witnesses could absolutely lead to their bosses.

01:40:32.747 –> 01:40:39.273
And that would eventually lead to these underground facilities where the bodies and the craft and the debris are being kept.

01:40:39.413 –> 01:40:47.321
And those types of pieces of evidence need to come forward in congressional hearings so that we can get this out into the public domain.

01:40:47.581 –> 01:40:48.042

01:40:49.147 –> 01:40:50.287
Thank you so much, Michael.

01:40:50.348 –> 01:40:53.789
And, you know, you think about this, you know, I believe you said 119.

01:40:53.829 –> 01:40:57.450
And you think about all we need is one.

01:40:57.470 –> 01:40:58.751
That’s all we need is one.

01:40:59.271 –> 01:40:59.451

01:40:59.571 –> 01:41:03.333
We just need one to get out there and for to actually be explained.

01:41:03.893 –> 01:41:04.734
That’s right.

01:41:05.194 –> 01:41:06.134
It’s been a real pleasure.

01:41:06.314 –> 01:41:07.935
I really and really enjoyed it.

01:41:08.535 –> 01:41:10.556
Thank you for your amazing work.

01:41:11.216 –> 01:41:11.997
Oh, no problem.

01:41:12.517 –> 01:41:13.077
No problem.

01:41:13.857 –> 01:41:14.317
That’s great.

01:41:14.718 –> 01:41:15.498
Always good to be with.

01:41:16.923 –> 01:41:17.123

01:41:17.363 –> 01:41:17.563
All right.

01:41:17.583 –> 01:41:18.284
You take care now.

01:41:18.764 –> 01:41:19.384
OK, thanks.

01:41:19.684 –> 01:41:20.004
Take care.

01:41:20.104 –> 01:41:20.325
All right.

01:41:20.385 –> 01:41:20.585

01:41:21.105 –> 01:41:21.285

01:41:22.185 –> 01:41:22.706
All right, everyone.

01:41:22.726 –> 01:41:23.906
We’ll be back next week.

01:41:23.986 –> 01:41:28.768
I’ve been hoping to get a confirmation from my guests before this evening, but I do not.

01:41:28.909 –> 01:41:34.611
So if you’d like to sign up on our mailing list, just go to podcast UFO dot com.

01:41:34.671 –> 01:41:39.814
Or I believe if you are in the live chat right now, a pen to the top is where our newsletter is.

01:41:39.854 –> 01:41:42.415
So we have the upcoming guests and also blogs.

01:41:43.035 –> 01:42:05.605
so thank you so much for hanging in and remember if you are listening to the audio i might try to put some pictures into the show notes but uh at any rate you can check out the video uh that youtube video will be right in the show notes and you can check that out for you know so you can get a visual of the things that we’re talking about tonight thanks so much and remember to keep your eyes to the sky


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