Show 496 Notes: Chris Lambright

Simulcast on, KGRA Radio, YouTube, Twitch & Facebook
Tuesday, February 15, @ 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)


Exploring the mysteries of reality and human potential covers a broad range of subjects, from quantum physics and the fabric of reality, to the boundaries of human consciousness and experience. An interest in whatever intrigues and educates, and leads us to examine the depths of the human experience, certainly requires an open mind. But also a willingness to face hard truths. The book, X Descending, is based on the film evidence of two encounters that I have personal knowledge and experience with and I stand by the facts presented. Source:

BIO: Christian Lambright is a former investigator for the Center for UFO Studies and a contributor to the Computer UFO Network. He holds a degree in Psychology from Baylor University, has worked extensively in Computer Technology and Internet services, and has a background in graphic arts and illustration.