Show #570 Notes: James Fox & Dean Alioto

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, August 15, @ 7:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)


JAMES FOX BIO: For 27 years, James Fox traveled across the world in pursuit of the truth regarding UFOs. He directed and produced five films on the subject, “Out of the Blue, (2003); “I Know What I Saw” & Director’s Cut Edition, (2009); “The Phenomenon”, (2020) and “Moment of Contact”, (2022)“. In 2007 orchestrated an event, with help from journalist Leslie Kean (Coalition for Freedom of Information), which to this day is hailed as the most credible civilian effort of disclosure on UFOs in history. His last film The Phenomenon was a worldwide hit and became a hot news story event due to former minority senate leader, Harry Reid, who stated in Fox’s documentary that “Most of it (UFO evidence) hasn’t seen the light of day.” For his latest film, Moment of Contact, Fox goes where’s he’ never gone before in the phenomenon — reporting on recovered aliens. Taking place in Varginha Brazil in 1996, Fox uncovers new witnesses and reveals information on a cover up that has not seen the light on day for 26 years.

DEAN ALIOTO BIO: Dean Alioto has a premium 3-part limited science series coming out next year that looks at the UFO/alien phenomenon from an entirely new point of view. It features top Harvard, Oxford, and NASA scientist and features several new theories and experiencer evidence. In addition, Dean has a feature film documentary also coming out next year featuring new alien experiencers and well known experts in the field of alien abductions. Dean’s previous work includes the enigmatic alien abduction movie The McPherson tape, as well as the Paramount TV remake, Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County. He has appeared on Paramount +, Fox, and on the BBC. Dean also consulted on the James Fox feature doc The Phenomenon.




I love the guy’s energy he’s the hardest uh I would say hands down he’s the


hardest working person in the UFO world uh that’s focused on the UFO topic I


always loved talking to him after that Dean alioto who’s also a filmmaker and we’ve got a lot to cover with him as


well uh the blog this week is a possible 1978 UFO Abduction case from British


Columbia by uh Charles Lear so a couple of things uh we are in the audio podcast


we are running some commercials so you can skip all that all you have to do is uh join patreon for two dollars or more


a month and the link is right on the website podcast and also the


audio blogs are going to be um on there as well so anyway uh I am so excited to


bring in James I’m not even going to blab anymore more James welcome oh thanks for having me on Martin yeah it’s


always fun having you on and uh I you know I posted a clip of you uh telling


Michael Shermer exactly what you you thought it was his ideas and uh that


kind of went viral a lot of people loved that uh that’s that’s really great I mean I could see you like you could see


you getting all antsy and when he was talking and like you couldn’t take it any longer and it’s true and just let’s


just recap exactly what that was about it’s the thing you always hear a skeptic say and that is they talk about the


explainable UFO sightings and encounters yeah I mean those we’re not interested


in those we know that already you’re just wasting my time like you’re just taking up space it’s so frustrating I’ve


had it and I sat there and I was like oh my God I can’t believe he’s doing this you know and I was oh I was getting I


was boiling over yeah yep and then you let him have it it


was great and then you know a lot of people said to me well what did what did Michael Shermer say to that I mean what


was it was response nothing I watched the whole interview he never had a you


know never said anything to that never had a rebuttal he he knows yeah believe


me he knows he’s not an idiot yeah no he’s a very smart guy yeah and actually he’s a nice guy I actually had him on


this show before yeah and he was very you know he was uh you know he was


polite and uh you know he wasn’t too offensive I I was all ready to go with him you know and and he he he was he


knew he was on a UFO show so he really behaved I he


I’ve had interaction with him for at least 20 years I want to say


that I sent him a copy of out of the blue


and that would have been early 2000s because I did a couple versions of out of the blue I had a I


went back to the drawing board as as one does but I I think I gave him an early copy of out of the blue


and he gave me a quote and it was a very nice quote


like I was I was shocked and you know we’ve been we’ve debated this topic on uh Larry King and oh yeah different


different places I mean James McGaha is much worse I don’t know whatever happened to that guy but James McGaha


and I went at it one time I think it might have been on Anderson Cooper and he was just oh my it was it was so bad


he was talking about how Pilots didn’t know what they were talking about and they were not you know uh better


observers yeah better qualified observers like what are you talking about you idiot


well you know you’re wearing you’re hiding your shirt you can just barely see it the phenomenon but I I love that


movie and it was on the Travel Channel the other night and you know the very


beginning of that movie when that guy is when you’re in that actually the bomber or whatever it is


oh my God and that guy talks about that encounter and what an encounter that was


I mean it was a perfectly shaped saucer flying over the field below them which


is really something I mean that’s a that’s a great military encounter it’s such a compelling encounter it was nine


minutes in duration it started it like I want to say 10 to 12 000 foot


elevation and it ends up at Treetop level where they thought they were going to collide with this disc


you know and then the guy who’s a World War II pilot and a colonel in the Air Force ends up being put like his public


spokes officer from Project Blue Book like you know eight ten years later I mean you know talk about a good


witness and of course what’s the first thing he did when they when he became involved with Project Blue Book


did he he went to look for his sighting oh he did oh he did oh wow I didn’t know


that you heard in 1955 and you know Project Blue Book was in full swing and


they all gave detailed accounts and he said that there were engineers from like Lockheed Martin I think it was Boeing


and Lockheed and they were you know these were very smart trained observers and they were just baffled


one of the things that Colonel Coleman said was that they were separated and debriefed and gave statements


and that their their testimony all aligned perfectly like they all experience exactly the same thing they


describe the same thing and um so Colonel William Coleman when they when


he was part of Project Blue Book years later he went to find his encounter and


guess what but it wasn’t there it was a project book and the reason being


the better the the better the witness the more qualified the eyewitness the


more compelling the encounter the less likely the Air Force will ever want you


to see it or hear about it because those are the cases that they cannot explain those are the ones that we’re interested


in hearing about no did they go somewhere else do you think well obviously I mean they


took they didn’t throw it away yeah yeah I wonder what if there’s footage


involved you can you could you could say that’s going to go magic bye-bye as well yeah I’ve been in touch with a colonel


right now for the United States Air Force who’s a fighter pilot and had this dramatic encounter in 1980 I mean it’s


it’s phenomenal and I’ve been he came forward anonymously um recently I think I posted it on my


Twitter account but he’s very seriously contemplating coming fully forward he


shot gun cam footage of this of this object and um it was a very dramatic encounter and of course that footage was


taken once again never to be seen or heard of yeah what was his debriefing


like do you know he said there was a guy in a dark suit in the room huh I didn’t say anything there was you


know and then he was asked never to talk about the incident yeah and that the gun cam footage that he shot was taken


and I mean honestly he’s still concerned this to this day I mean what is that 43 years later it was in 1980


you think I you know I’ve said this before a number of times on the show makes you wonder where all this footage


is this great footage going all the way back to you know what uh Gordon uh saw


there on the planes and and uh that big uh was a Big Sur I’m trying to think of


that yeah uh Jacobs uh Robert Jacobs uh Vandenberg


Air Force Base Circa 1965. yeah and there’s so many I like


that yeah that guy is so believable there was not a you know not a iota of


doubt the gentleman was telling me the truth I mean you you heard his he’s so believable right yeah you know so it


makes you wonder where all that goes well I have to ask you James that there’s I’m getting email and I know you


are too um do you have any opinion on what might be going on in Peru it’s such a crazy


story you know I don’t I have been getting


so many I mean so many requests so many um questions regarding that incident


um I did reach out to um my counterpart Marco Leal in in


Brazil yeah he seems to think there’s some substance to it he wants to go


um and he very well might go I uh I I don’t I cannot speak intelligently about


it because I simply don’t have any valid in any more than than what the rest of


us have at this and I know you’ve been you’ve been working really really hard because I I almost had to threaten your


life to get you on this show yeah I’m shooting and editing a new movie


so I’ve eighty percent of it shot I’m dealing with some government insiders


some Intel folks insiders that are going through the process uh of The Whistleblower process that David crush


went through that want to come forward um so I’m trying to work that angle


um trying to look into the David grush accounts and and meet with representatives and you know


um schedule shoots yeah see what I come up with at the end of the day yeah well I can’t wait for


that I and I I know uh the last one uh moment of contact you put that thing


together really really fast for one of these type of of movies and uh that did


that did really well well I did but keep in mind that we spent the better part of 12 Years on and off investigating that


case and I went back and forth five times in Brazil oh I didn’t realize but but when you got


all the footage done you really put that thing together we cranked yeah I’m doing this I’m trying to do the same same


thing with this one in fact I um I wanted this one to be


very like I wanted to be the most beautiful documentary I’ve ever created


so I really like I I hired um really uh seasoned photographers I


mean the same gentleman that I’ve had DP David West but then he brought in another person Who does these beautiful uh I want to


call them time lapse they’re like motion time lapse where they set up cameras on tracks we got permits all across


Washington DC I mean if you’ve ever seen the series House of Cards on Netflix oh


yeah like that kind of photography I just wanted it because the epicenter of a lot


of what’s happening for this push for transparency and and what’s going on is happening in Washington DC right now and


it’s phenomenal what’s happening behind the scenes and I’m just getting a tiny taste of it I can only imagine how much


more is going on and uh so I wanted to I wanted the heart of the film to kind of


you know revolve around DC so we went there for five weeks almost five weeks


and we shot we’re going back in a couple weeks let me shot the most beautiful b-roll I’ve ever seen of Washington DC I


mean we got permits we set up cameras on tracks it’s just stunning oh my goodness


wow I’m telling you man and then I got a composer in London who’s doing the music and I I mean we’re going we’re really


going all out I want this to be it’s most I mean I’m trying to make it


the most beautiful dock I’ve ever made I’m trying wow I remember you saying that about the phenomenon and you did


that was your you know that that was a beautiful film all your work is great I


love all your work um I’ve it’s I’ve told many people over the years even when I first started that


you know out of the blue I know what I saw all those movies you you did way back then and you said no you didn’t


like those you wanted to do better and uh you did that with a phenomenon and uh


I know you had a lot of years since that I remember when you first I remember the


first title and the first few struggles you had in that you know the 701 I believe it was called or something like


that and uh one thing I’ve learned is I work best


solo and what I mean by that I had some opportunities when the


phenomenon came out to um do some stuff with Netflix and


things of you know but then I would have had Executives breathing over my neck when I collaborate with too many people


I don’t know I I can’t I feel restrained I’m much better


got my little edit Studio behind us yeah you know I got a core crew that I’ve been working with for


quite some time um one of which is is this gentleman Boris and and uh he worked with my on my


first documentary with me back when I was in my early 20s and we’re still working together today and uh and we just are a good team we


get along we always deliver and uh and we do it on a smaller budget in an


independent spot like this subcontract out work when I need it if I need some help with like writing or something I’ll


bring somebody in yeah but that’s it I want to do it completely independently and I want any Executives breathing over


my neck or that kind of thing and so I’ve you know that’s what I’m doing now


I’m just gonna that’s all I’m gonna do and I know my first friend uh Chris O’Brien helps you out now and then he’s


a wonderful human being love him yeah he’s great yeah he’s a vagabond he’s all over the place


I don’t know is he I don’t know where he is right now uh but yeah he’s a great guy so smart oh my God yeah he’s very


intelligent he’s got some great stories too and uh that’s you know getting back to I


heard you mentioned rush you know I mean I just want to touch on this negative thing real quickly and then get out of


it it’s just my opinion anyway and that’s the uh intercept uh Ken


clippenstein you know I I don’t I can’t see I’ve been


trying to give I know an open mind to his article but i i s I can’t see any


other purpose for that than a negative uh spin to David rush I don’t know what


else it could be you know it is it is as right as a journalist to do what he did but um you know but it kind of points to


the evidence that he got to know where to look because the names would be redacted


you know so he knew where to look and when to look for it so here’s what I do know and I’ve heard this from from two


very credible sources that the uh writers of the last two smear campaigns


um were both uh tipped off where to look and that came from inside the Intel


folks that’s what I was told yeah really that’s what happened like hey you might want to look over here I mean I I’d say


to to those those folks um we should be


putting all of our energy into uh validating the claims that are made


by this this intelligence officer David Crush um he was willing to testify under oath


he’s put everything on the line his entire reputation his life


um the the media particularly the mainstream media should be really asking questions this guy handed us on a silver


platter probably one of the biggest stories in the history of mankind and you know instead of putting the energy


and resources into uh figuring out uh the validity of of the claims he made


there seems like they’re more interested in in smearing the poor guy so I’d say


focus on uh you know up turning up more witnesses more


documents more specifics and and the best we can that’s what we should all be focusing on right now yeah I’m concerned


well I wanted to show this right here this is uh I did get to meet him and I I


it was kind of funny I was filming while I was shaking his hand someone took a picture oh that’s great yeah but anyway


um I feel really concerned now I have a major witness coming up a military


witness coming up on uh September 5th and and the ones you are speaking of as


well uh and I’m almost afraid that they’re going to see how this is being treated and say forget it I don’t want


to talk about it yeah um he’s weathering the storm quite


nicely and I know people that are in the process of of of getting the


Whistleblower protection stuff I mean it’s a process they have to go through I think it’s with the icig might be the


administer or the office of Thomas monheim I believe but in any case


they’re starting that process and it’s a fairly I understand it’s it’s like maybe a week-long process


I’ll find out more but no I thought that I thought that whistleblower situation


had a deadline of like last April or something is this has this been extended which I think it should be


uh are you aware of how that works yeah no all I know is that there’s a


process that needs to before they come out and that they can’t release you know super classified data there’s parameters


on what they can they can talk about there’s a process to get to that and um and there are other people that are


first hand witnesses that are going through that process I I’m familiar with one of them quite well and uh so that’s


that’s that’s I think it’s imminent so I mean that that would be you know


people would ask me I’m sure they asked you the same question uh you know what do you hope happens with all this you


know the movement forward the hearing and all that and my answer has been that the first-hand witnesses actually do


come forward and you know that would I mean how could that be denied if they do


well I mean you know and firsthand witness is going to come forward and guess what they’re going to say oh yeah


well let’s just talk where’s the craft where are the bodies this is baloney just more claims without any evidence


that’s what they’re going to say and inevitably and but but all the evidence would be classified I would assume you


know look my response is this because I get criticized a lot with Virginia like oh yeah it’s just more more Talking


Heads more it’s like well yes but people


are coming forward in droves right now on the Virginia case there are doctors coming forward forensic Pathologists


coming forward talking about having seen the body or footage of the of the creature and and um and we’re talking


about it and we’re making a concerted effort to find the videotaped evidence that we know exists yeah we’re talking


about it well we’d like to get our hands on it of course we would but how are you going to talk about something you don’t


know exists you need to learn about the fact that it exists it’s like the satellite imagery right it’s like we’re


getting that dialogue going and people are starting to learn like okay we know through some pretty credible people that


that satellite data does exist and it’s very compelling right yes we haven’t gotten our hands on it


yet I’ve actually had people contact me this is kind of funny


um I’m trying to think how much I can say here but I’ve I’ve had individuals that uh that that claim


to have had the clearances and know exactly where it is so they’ve been


feeding that information to me and I’ve been feeding it to people on the inside like this is where it is and and it’s


aligning like oh yeah that makes total sense oh yes it would be on that database oh thank you for the you know


now whether or not those people that I’m feeding it to through this will be able to release it to the General Public


I don’t know I I hope so and I certainly hope that by them these individuals with


the clearances that they can get their hands on it I mean the more people talking about it the more


you know hopefully likely that something will either leak out or like it did with the Pentagon with the the videos of the


Tic Tac or enough pressure putting on DOD where they have to eventually release some


stuff uh I mean I get frustrated too for the audience


that are you know that criticize people that are just talking about evidence and not producing it but we got to start


somewhere and what do you think about you know how in Virginia the


it seems like the Americans showed up there uh this seems like a repeating


situation that I’ve heard a couple of other different times where uh you know


people show up and you know something how they knew about it and all that I mean it’s just all it’s really bizarre


how these things seem to happen and you know there’s accounts of of people showing up on a site you know with no


Insignia and black camo and you know and and all that and uh like taking over the


project that type of thing I never believed in any of this


I heard accounts for so long about these men in suits


that show up they’re from some unknown government U.S government agency I


avoided putting them in my films I heard them back in the 90s when I was investigating the the Phoenix Lights


case or the massive UFO flyover March 13 1997 and


um I I just kept hearing them kept hearing them kept hearing them kept hearing them and I think the final straw for me was


when I was in Virginia South American Brazil and the mother of the two daughters


mentioned these men in suits and that was like okay I really believe this woman and these men were intimidating


they were um they were intimidating very intimidating


and they were somewhat um there was a there was an air of of


mystery almost like I’m not going to say Supernatural but


they had that air about them that they just seemed there was something about them according to the eyewitness


testimony from people do that there was just something menacing there was


something odd you know what I mean something hmm


I don’t want to use the word otherworldly but but odd you know it’s I find I find the oddest part of it or one


of the oddest part parts of it is all of a sudden they show up well I remember even show up I remember the woman the


mother said she ran first of all she was very very intimidated when they arrived


she thought I was one of the fellow researchers like uber genre or or pekachini showing up just to talk with


her and it was these men in suits and and uh and she was scared I mean they


were very forceful trying to get you know her to take this deal were going to get her daughters to go on a TV show and


say the daughters were lying and all this stuff and she which she refused to do and uh but when they left and she


threatened to call the police and that’s when they finally left uh she ran after him she got this long Corridor outside


with a with a metal gate and she like ran up the corridor after the gate closed and she ran out there to see and


they were just gone you know there was just no sign of them in any direction she was kind of that that was odd and


the way they had to show up and the way they’re the the way they they seem to be omnipresent with really


good cases it’s just I don’t know man there’s something very strange about them I don’t know or maybe they’re just


trained to be that way I really don’t know yeah odd yeah and then you know on


site that the camo dudes as they call them you know from what I understand in black camo I’ve heard that in two


different situations you know and who the heck would they be and what what type of like a recovery team you know


that type of situation well you know I I honestly and I was investigating Virginia first of all I didn’t believe


Virginia for the longest time right I didn’t even want to waste my time with it um and I I would say at least 10 years


or 11 years so weird to think that I was in I was making documentaries on UFOs and I


refused to look into this case and then what caught me by surprise


was while we were the last time we were filming there


which had been in my I would my guess would be about two years ago uh there


was a I wish I could remember his name Marco something he was a everybody like part of the fire


department or police department or flight safety it’s all connected to the


government so it’s like the federal police the federal like so the military is connected to the fire department the


military is connected to the police department the military is connected to you know the flight control when they look at the radar and they and they


manage all incoming flights and everything yeah that individual came forward about two years ago while we were in


Brazil we tried to get an interview with them but it’s it’s all it’s it’s he did it on a podcast and he said that he


uh you can go look for it um he saw uh you know USAF he kept saying which is USF the United States


Air Force flight that came in and it didn’t have authorization and it landed in and then and that he


was like this plane doesn’t have authorization you need authorization and then one of the higher-ups came into the


room this is all videotaped he’s talking about this I came in and said let the plane land and it landed in Campinas


right around January 20th or 21st of 1996. so you have an you have an


unauthorized United States Air Force airplane that lands in Campinas right at


the time where we have you know on-camera testimony from people claiming to have driven the


the being or beings to Campinas right around that time high level of I mean


that’s you know it’s pretty compelling evidence somebody sent me and of course I I just got


barraged with uh Twitter and email oh my gosh when I went on Joe Rogan I could


barely keep up with it I mean it was a full-time job but I was following leads somebody sent me a photograph


um in of of a uh trying to think would play was it a um


sorry guys I’m not that uh proficient with my different types of airplanes but


it was a it was the United States airplane plane and it was large enough to put a


a tank and a tank or two or or a couple of Blackhawk helicopters I think maybe


one or possibly two and um I’m working with it with the United


States uh a a retired United States Air Force colonel


that has been trying to help me locate that plane but the tail numbers in the photograph are just a little too blurry


but you can see the flags in the number and the and the colors so we’ve we’re pretty sure we know what base it’s


coming from but we don’t have the actual cell numbers so we’ve been trying to get that individual who sent me the first to


scan it better because he took a photograph of him holding it and then sent it to me but if he could scan it


then we’d probably get the tail numbers so you know we’re we’re really trying to


we’re we’re really following up on that we’re following I follow up on leads with with Virginia daily and um and I


gotta say when I watched David grush testify under oath that was a very


uh that was a milestone that was yeah that was something else and you were there I was right there and I just


barely got in I mean I was the second to last person in the door um and then you know just last night


this is funny last night I’m looking at there was footage of people going down the line and around the corner and about


300 people down I saw this very distinct kid and I remember he was sitting three


rows in front of me somehow he’s snuck in all these people stuck in you got to


be kidding no he was like 300 people behind me and he got you know he got in


like the second row he’s he’s in the a lot of the uh the news footage so here’s


a very nice comment here uh James I’m a professor who has taught a research writing course behind uh based on UFOs


and the Paranormal the student’s first assignment is to watch the phenomenon


isn’t that nice oh that’s right that’s so nice thank you for that yeah no it’s it’s


always it’s so great I mean it’s such it’s it was so great that we that the


Stars aligned and we were able to to make the phenomenon that’s exactly what it’s supposed to be used for as a tool I


mean documenting all that history and all the archive material and stuff it


was really important to put those pieces of the puzzle together in a way that people that are unfamiliar with the


topic could make sense of it all and and uh and have a much better foundation for


uh understanding uh the complexity of of the phenomenon


so what is what is the most rewarding part of doing what you’re doing is it things like that or is it uh you know


the connections you make when you’re involved and and doing these things


I’m very curious and I always like to kind of get to the bottom of things and I’m coming to the


realization that I’m probably not going to get to the bottom of it but I am certainly learning more


and it’s been very gratifying one thing the phenomenon did for me is it’s open


doors and I I have relationships with people behind the scenes now for the first time


more so than ever before and and and and and that’s and


I I just really want to know I really want to know as much as I can learn about what’s going on and I


obviously I’ll share as much of that obviously always with the general public


um I I think I’m just very curious by nature and and um I


I just want to know I want to know I feel like we we all have a right to know


whether it’s you know a little scary I mean the unknown’s always a little scary right yeah or whatever it is it doesn’t


change reality doesn’t change I mean the facts coming forward doesn’t change our


reality it’s still we’re still you know I I think that’s a great answer and


there’s there is so many uh things that we just can’t even sense with our senses


and there may be things around us that we don’t even know are existing you know there’s there’s uh and that whole idea


of uh another dimension being a possibility I mean there’s there’s so


many things and I like one of the I think shock valet or someone says something


along the lines we may not even understand if we knew we may not even understand which I think is uh very


possible so we have someone we’re going to join us to say hi to you at least James


Richard Dean how are you sir brother what’s up not much you gotta I don’t


know if your microphones I’m hearing squeak squeak yeah your microphone’s not


Jesus I thought you were a pro man I know you hear me now well we can hear you but it’s like you have to go into


settings little piggy or something a cartoon all


right hold on here yeah so James do you have uh


do you have a working title have you thought of a working title no but but you’re overall I mean I have


a working title but I don’t like it yeah okay we’re gonna call it something but it’s not I don’t even want to announce


it because it doesn’t yeah it’s not going to be the title yeah and I I keep thinking like every time I’ve never had


a title for any film I’ve ever done until the last minute right like what I did what I did I know what I


saw I was like what’s the title what’s the title I don’t know you know and I’m in the edit Studio and I kept hearing this witness going


they’re out of frustration I look I know what I saw okay yeah stop telling me


what I didn’t see you know and I thought well it has a nice ring to it you know and I’ve had all I’ve had a lot


of people say you know just in conversation on the street talking about you know and they kind of bring up


something like that well I know what I saw and it sure wasn’t a you know it wasn’t one of ours you know that type of


thing yeah they’ll say that I still think that that Elm holds up well and it’s a great job


that’s a great title and I love out of the blue I love that title yeah I like a title that doesn’t scream


UFO it has subtle like subtle it’s subtle you know yeah like moment of contact


I was in the field because I always want I when I talk to a witness that’s got to


experience something that I would love to experience you know what I mean like whether it’s standing under a craft or


seeing a landing craft I mean imagine watching a craft land and the door open you know it’s just ah it’s unfathomable


but when I was meeting the women and I’d known them I was saying to them like gosh when you


locked eyes with this creature and I know it was such a quick like fleeting


moment but put me there what did you feel what did you see like you know time


slows down when you have those experiences and I remember I said that during that moment of contact when you


locked eyes and later I thought hmm moment contact huh that’s I like that


you know ask a couple people oh yeah that’s a winner looked it up Googled it the other day I did


I Googled I I thought about something because I kept hearing people refer to the program you know people that are


working with uh UAP or whatever and uh but then I Googled it and I was like no


but it was close it was a contender for a moment yeah you know uh summer some


acidic from uh the Ariel oh I know her well I love that yeah she’s a lovely


lovely person you know when she tells me she made the con you know the she said


to me that breaking contact eye contact with that being that was only four feet


away from her was one of the hardest things she ever had to do in her life breaking away from it you know she was


curious about how her siblings were on the playground and she had to force herself to look away from it but I mean


I but she had she had she didn’t get any message like some of the kids claimed they did you know but it’s not that she


remembers and she doesn’t really want to know I’ve asked her if she wanted to you know ever wanted to go into some type of


regression you know hypnotherapy to see if she could recall anything she I don’t think she wants to she said Dean let’s


try your let’s try your audio can you hear me yes that’s better all right good


um James always great to see you brother likewise um so what James didn’t tell you is that


before 407 there was another title of his film it was everything you want to


know about UFOs but are afraid to ask and more and more and more and more and


I said I’m not sure about that and it came back with 407 I said I just one word


Phenom do you mean uh 701 right yes I’m


like there were several number of combinations and then one word like Facebook and he said the


phenomenon and I said if that if that works for you fine


so that’s how that one happened in the edit room we heard the phenomenon


I was working with it with a gentleman Mark barish a brilliant writer really great researcher and um


we were bouncing names off each other for quite some time and we we were bombarded with every interview


people saying the phenomenon it was even like uh uh Senator or former Senate Majority


Leader Harry Reid had used that word during the interview and I hadn’t thought of it but Mark Parish my partner


at the time writing partner uh was like hey what do you think about the phenomenon I was like oh dude that one’s


been staring Us in the face this whole time like that’s and we looked it up you know of course we don’t


people people are like oh yeah I went to watch a movie and I got John Travolta I was like oh yeah that’s phenomenon you


gotta it’s got you got to put it the then it’s like you know what is it


Shameless Shameless plugin good Lord so that is that what you do James you you


Google to see if you can find any names of past movies I do yeah yeah yeah


that’s the first thing I do you kind of have to check it out yeah making a film you want to make sure that you’re the


first or I remember the Alien Abduction film I did there’s tons of films called alien abduction yeah


um but yeah you kind of want to make sure that you’re branding out there the first time and that was a perfect name


oh yeah and I love the I love like titles I was talking to Martin about


this a minute when you when you so rudely left us with your bad microphone but uh I like titles that don’t scream


UFO they’re subtle you know and uh and I loved out of the blue I know what I saw


um the phenomenon is brilliant I love that title and um moment of contact I think it’s it’s


appropriate for you know like that moment of contact I think and I and I


hope that you know we’ll come up with something similar for this one I think it should be I know you’re gonna think


I’m crazy but that should be the title that’s already taken Martin oh that’s


already taken yeah but yeah that’s how a lot of people tell me about their UFO sightings well I know you might think


I’m a little crazy but this you know yeah I don’t think that one would flow too well but yeah no uh I’m looking at


we have the entire movie mapped out on the wall right here oh if only we could see it I know I know


and I’m looking at I’m just thinking that the title is probably on one of these we have these big white uh


boards that we I actually had a friend of mine come over he’s got brilliant handwriting I was like can you do this


please I’m sorry like a storyboard type of


thing yeah storyboard yeah we got X1 X2 X3 I think it’ll be yeah I think the end result will be pretty damn close to what


we’re uh you know things change a little here and there but I think I have a pretty good pretty powerful act one act


two act three I think it’s going to be a really good I do I don’t think like people like yourselves are going to


learn that much um maybe a little bit but I think for the general public once again I’m


creating I’m trying to create you know something that could you know


explain what’s been going on since 2017 uh to a more mainstream audience because


it’s pretty it’s pretty crazy you know I want to go to watch for the time lapse footage to be honest because


I hear you’re going to have incredible time lapse footage oh so pretty that’s that’s where I get off that’s my soap


that’s nice give me some nice time lapse yeah no oh really I I looked at it I was


like this is my guy he’s the most beautiful I’ve ever seen I’m sorry in Washington I shot their


March that’s not too bad I was there in


January shooting for my film and it was insanely cold I couldn’t work the focus


oh my God it’s really really cold in DC yeah yeah so one of the things uh that


you just said there James is is something that I have to be more sensitive of because I every once in a


while I’ll read some of the comments I get on YouTube things like that and someone wrote something along the lines


well hey you know you’re acting like everyone knows this story I know and this was actually the Ariel phenomenon


you know the Ariel School incident of course um so and they’re saying you’re acting like everyone knows this I don’t know


this story so you know it’s kind of ridiculous I’m going to stop listening and so we all have to be I think uh


there’s so many new people coming in looking at this topic because of all the publicity that we really have to you


know kind of keep everyone happy if we can somehow by giving them a nutshell of


what’s going on and James I know you’ve got to go you’ve uh you’ve graced us for uh longer than a half an hour which I it


was hard to get out of you and uh I know you’re you you said you got a lot to do so I don’t want to abuse that I’m


leaving in a few days to go to Europe and then when I get back from Europe I’m only around for a couple of days and then I gotta go doing another shoot in


DC and I got shoots all across I should be done shooting the movie by the end of


September and my goal is to have a rough cut by by you know the end of the year or early uh


2024 and have the film come out in um uh in the summer of 2024


so that’s my goal and you know inevitably well


excuse me bug that flew right in my mouth oh God this got swallowed too I saw him flying right here and he went right in


my mouth you know what you saw right yeah oh my God I know what what my mouth


that was God came out of the boy oh you’ve heard of an old cow barn so what


do you expect right before I was rudely interrupted by a bug


you were talking about how phenomenon basically took you eight years yeah well now you’re banging them out you’re doing


great remember us doing a hike and you saying or me saying you eight years I don’t know if that’s sustainable and all


of a sudden it’s like once a year or a year and a half you’re doing it you’re like in the flow bringing it and uh and


the last one I thought was a great milestone and where you’re going as a as a filmmaker and I’m you know looking


forward to this one as usual well thank you guys well I tell you I thought that that moment of contact was was risky


um and I had a number of people that were very concerned like you just came from you know where you push the


envelope a bit with the phenomenon and now you’re dealing with a crash and live aliens walking through a town like I had


a lot of people like are you sure you want to do this you know I was like well I’m yes I am


but I knew it was a Gamble and uh but I think that that uh you know I think it’s it got discovered I think three or four


months after it came out I mean the film was competing with avatar for a week


uh in the charts which is unheard of like at least unheard of I mean exactly


were calling me going we’ve never seen this like this is you know I mean there’s a demand for it right there’s a


there’s a thirst yeah for this kind of stuff and people want to know so and a new generation and a new generation yeah


yeah I mean it’s it’s tough because when you do a show like this you might mention a case


there are so many cases and that’s the point is you can’t do a deep dive on each of them if you want to see a deep


dive watch the documentaries that are out there you can watch Randy’s um documentary aerial phenomenon you can


see the phenomenon but it’s it is deep it is it is a deep well


is to find those stories that we feel are credible uh and be able to you know Spotlight


those where they haven’t been seen maybe in a new light or uh or get the respect that they should have


well gentlemen I I can’t thank you enough Dean it’s a pleasure to see you Martin it’s a pleasure thank you for


being persistent to get me on yes I do appreciate it was like look you bastard


it worked yeah anyway thank you so much James and have a safe trip over to


Europe and uh keep keep plugging on we all love you out here oh thank you so much right back at you guys all right


take care bye all right Gene so you would never leave


Jesus the guy just goes on and on it’s like the interview’s about him I don’t understand


yeah I know all right so what have you been up to Dean


um uh I finish in a new movie um that is a movie movie


um it’s called the last podcast and it’s a dark horror comedy and uh I


kid you not and it’s kind of based on my experiences hosting on your show


uh comedy uh no which was fantastic and um and was very inspiring and and um and


was terrific and and to get in a sense of the the audience and to get that immediacy back and forth and everything


I thought was just um was terrific so this is a real fun um kind of Twisted fable about this a


young podcaster trying to blow up and he’s a debunker and he debunks the supernatural and so um he uh goes ahead


and discovers one case um and it makes him a Believer uh but


the big you know twist is is he goes down a deep rabbit hole and does a


Faustian bargain in order to continue pulling in subscribers so uh I’ve seen


this happen to some of my friends who go oh I’m going to come into this Arena and do great and everything and it’ll eat you alive I mean you’re one of the OG’s


Martin and um and are still here and so um yeah so just finish that I’ve been


editing that um and um and then the other two documentaries


um that I’ve done the three-part series and the feature um I believe I’m going to be dropping


trailers for both of those at shag Harbor which um yeah we’ll meet up you’re not supposed


to know that we’re both going up there so we’re both we’re both speakers there that’ll be fun


to hang out again it’s been a little while a couple years but uh yeah so why


don’t you explain if you would what those once like you said a series of three and one is just basically a


standalone is that the one that’s on the experiencers yes yes um the the one that kind of came first


was again it was being on um uh for the new listeners


um I had made a film many years ago 30 plus years ago in fact it’s just been discovered by the


Europeans if you if you will oh no really yeah yeah so I am going to uh the


Citrus film festival and citrus film festivals in Spain uh Barcelona if


you’re a local Barcelona and um they are going to show that this program that’s called seven chances and they take seven


feature films that um or these kind of Cult Underground films mine was


um uh the purported first found footage film uh horror film made sci-fi film


ever made and uh that originally was called UFO Abduction incident uh uh no


that was the sequel um UFO k77 which later on ended up


becoming the McPherson tape and um yeah which people can still see um


um stream or Blu-ray et cetera anyway they um someone found it one of the


local film critics uh in Spain sought and so I’m going there to present the film and so anyway I had made this film


and the Baxter in the film was that um someone had edited off the credits and injected it to the UFO community so


for five years from 1989 until 84. it became this um this big underground film


where it ended up at the international UFO Congress convention where it was declared authentic by Lieutenant Colonel


with Air Force intelligence experience and a researcher and so I got calls from Unsolved Mysteries hard copy and a fox


show called encounters that wanted to know where this footage was found and so I was


very eager to debunk my own film there you go that’s it here’s the tape I love


this story this story is hilarious they took away your credits and then people are saying this really happened I


injected it into the UFO what had happened is a few Mom and Pop video stores got screeners Advanced screeners


of the film and then the not a joke not making this up the Distribution Company


Burns the ground so I lost my main master all my artwork and I thought that was it but then you know a few years


later this copy shows up and uh you know a big


scuttlebutt about it and then um so I go on this fox show I debunk the film and


I’m told still people still believe it’s real um well Dick Clark and Paramount love


the story so much they decided to do a remake so I redid the film in


1998 called alien abduction instant Lake County


um I think the original one is better we had Studio involvement Network involvement exec involvement and that is


never a good recipe and you got fired yeah yeah everyone got fired because everyone at the network got fired so we


came back we were like Hey we’re done with the film and they’re like hey get lost so um I’m in the director scale they


went after them and I got my credit reinstalled they’re reinstalled and everything so um anyway the anniversary


of the film came up and Alejandro Rojas and uh Karen uh broad


um invited me to go out there and or I invited myself because I love the uh love those guys and and went out


there and um and gave a uh kind of like a TED Talk 75 minute Ted talk about the


film and its journey and everything and yeah I was there that’s that’s when you and I met yes that’s right yeah we


didn’t swipe right it was at the convention okay all right so we didn’t swipe but it wasn’t Tinder


okay anyway uh so I went there and I thought well this will be interesting


because I’ve always been kind of an armchair amateur you know uh expert is stretching it in the UFO phenomenon in


fact my original film was based on Whitley strieber’s book communion the incidences and also close encounters Etc


um and so um the Kelly Hopkinsville story as well what’s in there so


I started meeting all of these people um like uh Dr Michael P Masters and and


um uh and God there’s so many of them uh people who are just Professionals in in


their line of work who have had experiences I’m talking about people who are Homeland Security supervisors people


have actually done TED Talks Architects chiropractors who are all highly credible to me and after doing 20 years


of crime shows I develop a pretty good I thought meter detector and then


I went and and met with these people when I was doing that and doing um alien


con and I thought well there’s something here that I can’t deny it because I’ve


done one into our documentaries for Bravo a e Etc I thought well this is a


space uncomfortable and I’m sure probably look into this and see if there’s a story here and then I hit on


um a line of looking at from a new point of view that hadn’t been done before and that was enough and that set me on a


five-year journey and out of that came this three-part series hang on just one second I just want to say goodbye to


everyone over at kgra radio and we’ll be back next week with Dr Keith Taylor great guy looking forward to talking to


him so uh continue on uh continue on sure so then um it was originally going


to be just a feature film 90 minutes in length I was going to do 15 interviews and then 60 interviews later a


three-part series came out of that and then um I ended up going to um with um


um with Yvonne Smith going to her alien abduction support group her experience her support group Ciro’s and that


devastated me that knocked me on my ass to put it lightly because


um you know I’m in a room with 15 people who all go around the room introduce themselves and what they do and they tell their stories and again not a blip


on my BS meter so at that point I when I would mention it to people I would see


the ridicule Factor and and that really um saddened me and I


decided all right even though I feel like I’ve really put everything in this three-part series I mean when you see it


it’s it is jam-packed three continents um I mean interviewing you know people


from uh Leslie Kane to um uh dynapasulka as well as the guy who


invented um Nick Bostrom Dr Nick Bostrom from Oxford who invented or created the


simulated reality hypothesis and we look at that I mean I look at it from NASA all the way through and so I thought


well that’s it I said everything I wanted to say and then after this I wanted to say something not from here


but from here which is you know I kind of use analogy when when people scoff at me when I talk about the experiencers


experience I will tell them you know yeah craft came and these they were taken and experiments were done Etc


and you know I can see in the rise a little chuckle myself okay let me let me change this for you for a second


what if I told you that I met this person that said that A van pulled up


and they were abducted and they were put inside and they were harassed and everything else and then


later on let out what would your response be would it be oh really it was a van was it white was


it a black van you know was it duct tape was it rope inside really you would never do that but these people suffer


from some of that John Mack new which is you can’t fake PTSD


and these people clearly are dealing with something heavy and they’ve been dealing with it their whole lives so


that set me off on another year doing this new documentary which may or may


not come out before the other one so anyway that’s the unpacking of those um two projects yeah yeah and is there


anything on the horizon that we may be able to access you said you’re going to


be putting out some possible trailers fairly soon but I mean the films themselves I know they’re uh they’re in


the uh the hands of someone that’s going to be uh getting them out there at this time right


well we are there on the the three-part plus the Standalone that’s what I’m


talking about the standalone it’s it I haven’t made a deal yet with oh I see some people with regards to


who’s going to rip the film to go out um and right now I’ve got uh a


Consortium of four people who want the project so that that is exciting um the other one is in a transition of


coming uh back and and we’re gonna see where that goes um but the thing that’s interesting and


challenging is you can make a feature doc and you can sell that and and you can


get it out there when you do a three-part series or limited series


um people that have done that before when you do it on your own and you show up it’s it is nearly impossible


to get apple to get Netflix to get these other companies to jump on board because


when you go and you talk to their unscripted Department the unscripted series Department that


means reality TV documentary series Department their development


they don’t do Acquisitions because no one is usually uh bold enough or dumb


enough to go and make that and I wanted to do it because I didn’t


want I had interference with Paramount and Dick Clark on the other one and so this one was very kind of special and I


wanted to incubate and have some time and Discover it without having this go on and so what came out of it is


something that has been pulling in a lot of interest um but it’s interesting because you do


have those people who you have to say to them no no watch it don’t just look at


and say well we don’t do Acquisitions take a look at it and then you know go from there and so right now all the


animating animation is uh is getting wrapped up and everything so it’s something that I was figured it would


come out um this year and the other one the following year but they may come out both of them this year so I’m very


excited about these things because it’s uh I worked really hard to pull in people


who don’t normally work in this field and to bring them in and say look I need you to sit down and consider this yeah


and I think that’s going to happen more and more as as we go along here and what


do you you know I know you had your head deep into the editing of this uh this


thing you were talking about this movie the latest thing that you’re involved in and so you you know I I would send you a


text and you you’re like well I can’t really look right now I’m right into the editing and all that so have you been


paying attention to anything at all uh lately I I on the at least on the


surface part of it and what are your thoughts yeah um I have been uh not as deeply as I


would um like to what I normally do but enough that I’ve read several articles on what’s going on


the stuff in Peru um I know you guys were talking about that so far it looks like


um there’s a chance that you know the guy who shot um one of these you know figures uh so


it looked like it was wearing a helmet and it was wearing kind of suit in fact they described the helmet as being like in Spider-Man the The Mask right yeah


that’s pretty specific so we need to get more information on that supposedly that’s been going on for like on and off


for a month and that was the big thing culminating the seven or eight feet tall thing


if you’re going to harass people minors if you’re doing that to keep the locals away


um that seems like a pretty far-reaching um way to do that however


um there’s a movie or a four-part series on who I believe it is called the


Sasquatch or Sasquatch and it’s about these drug dealers who faked a a Bigfoot


attack and these drug dealers were pretty Insidious they actually killed some um


local workers that were helping there as a demonstration and they mutilated them


and it was this terrifying thing but there has been a president presence of stuff like that being done beforehand


I’m not saying that that’s what’s going on I’m not saying that that’s what I’m endorsing I’m just saying that I you


know I want to look into that some more um I have two contacts two different contacts in Peru and one uh you know


wrote back to me and said ah you know I think it’s just a hoax uh didn’t really look into it deeply and then another one


who’s really looking into it he’s saying that a lot of things just don’t seem to


make sense about it and one of them being uh the jet packs he says look I know what the people like in that area


they’re very very poor and the miners are very poor unless they get really lucky and get you know a really good


amount of gold or whatever it is I think it’s gold uh but he says but he’s never


seen a jet pack in Peru in his life and he’s he’s lived there all his life and been all around and there’s no jet packs


I mean and they didn’t say anything about them making the jet packs are very


distinct in their noises they make and everything you know I mean there’s it’s just plain weird whatever it is it’s


plain weird and it may have you know an answer that you know it does belong to


someone trying to harass these people but it’s just strange yeah again I’d love to have footage I’d


love to have the locals be videotaping these guys filming them um another case that that’s a recent


case that that I just talked to someone recently and they said that they had communicated with someone


um um an intelligence that said that there was


some viability to the the the um the truth that the incident in Vegas


happened in Vegas yeah in Vegas yeah which ones that the


people seen you know these these uh aliens in their backyard that’s right and that came out the same week as David


grush you know came forward you know basically oh yeah it came out before the


hearing yeah and so it was kind of both were kind of conflated and it was just it just seemed too Fantastical and so I


might have to go back and and do another look into that um it sounds really interesting I I I


want to talk to this person and get more information on that uh which kind of annoys me because if it is it does seem


credible it means that I gotta dust off my camera and go back out there and well there was a detective that’s


working on that’s you know a skeptic detective uh that’s been putting some things out supposedly and he’s he’s kind


of puzzled by it from what I understand yeah yeah compliability to some other things


you know I mean but you know the odds are uh you know I mean they they came forward right after that uh thing was


seen on a a cam a dash cam I believe it was like uh and that was definitely like


something like a meteor I believe something along those lines of Fireball or whatever it was that had nothing to


do with it but it just happened to be that same night I guess well you know the dash cams aren’t


aren’t that high resolution and so you see something streaking across and people always talk about


um these these crafts being some of them being like the sun it was so bright it


comes out you know they see the fills the light fills their whole room um so


that yeah that’s that’s intriguing so I’m I’m considering going and and doing


a little bit of a deep dive uh over there and looking at that with regards to the hearing


um you know it’s a start I’m not going to get into the scuttlebutt about um the


stuff that came out uh there’s always going to be critics and stuff and um


um you know if if it’s you know if there’s some fire to this smoke it’ll


come out yeah you know it always does so otherwise I feel like


um you know we need to have more opportunities like that the thing to me that that’s most upsetting though is um


the um Republican rep uh Tim you can never remember his last name who


who engineered the whole Congressional hearing um Tim oh Timber


Burchette thank you for check I always want to say Birdwell um burchek


the fact that he went with his um with his uh kind of attaches and went to


to interview this whistleblower and then they got you know blocked by this uh


supposedly General who said we don’t care you don’t have the right to come here and intelligence defense


intelligence uh uh trumpshu which is and so that was disconcerting


because all this has been said the apparatus has been set up so that these people can come forward and then when they do this happens well that to me is


is um Kryptonite to getting the truth out there yeah right


yeah I I asked him what happened I wonder if I have that clip


now uh I asked him what happened I don’t have that clip readily available but uh


when he got bumped basically and he didn’t he didn’t want to talk about it he just said uh you know let’s move on


and you know this is this is bigger than that which uh you know it it is true and


I’m glad you know he felt that way instead of just walking away you know which he you know he could have done so


yeah no yeah I mean there’s a I don’t know what you’ve heard I haven’t heard


anything else but supposedly there’s going to be a senate hearing possibly in October


grumbling to that um I just feel like if you’re gonna do that you need to bring out the best


cases you need to to substantiate it um with things that move the narrative further along not things that kind of


reiterate what we’ve heard um because you know at the end of the day people are clamoring for that


material yeah that exotic material well the material itself doesn’t have to


be another component it doesn’t have to be metals that we don’t have if you look


at it being from another them being from another dimension or as you know Michael Masters uh


um you know his his um theory that he’s you know taken upon his


mantle to uh to carry which is that they’re from the future that would make total sense it would be earth materials


so I think it’s it’s more of getting something that shows intelligent design


that we haven’t done processing that we haven’t done and show me the goddamn bodies I want to


see the bodies yeah oh like Alejandro said when he was on the show right after uh uh David Rush


came out you know we need to see the receipts you know we need to it would be uh I don’t know here’s the problem I


think with that maybe I’m totally wrong I think I’m hearing your email pop in or something maybe yeah let me shut your


email yeah um so the problem with that is what are we ever going to


get to know you know what where is the line of what’s classified and what’s going to be available there are so many


uh ways they can put this umbrella over whatever it is to say we don’t want you


know our uh you know other countries to know that we know this could be one of it you know


I’m just our adversaries or whatever so we don’t want to share this type of thing so there’s so many different ways


they can block that type of stuff that you know even if they have a first-hand witness come forward what what can he


reveal other than talk right yeah it’s it’s strange because


um I you know I’m I’m um


I’m at heart I’m a skeptic not a debunker um by skeptic meaning that not and


skeptic isn’t the right word it’s been Twisted into you know you’re you’re someone who is a an agent of uh of


skepticism on something I’m an analyst I guess I would say I want to look at the material and I want to be able to


analyze it and right now the most compelling thing that has been the most compelling thing since the dawn of man


is witness testimony we still don’t have the bodies we don’t have the the craft and


so everything else is is just kind of hearsay and that’s it’s the person the messenger if you will that’s delivering


it and so that to me is still the case hasn’t changed and we can look at things and say well like I know Mick West said


what’s more realistic that um a uh a bunch of kids


saw at aerial School saw a UFO land couple UFOs land and some aliens get out


and had this communication with or A van pulled up and some guys took out some marionettes


and I’m like yeah well I I find equally find them equally uh challenging


however again I go with testimony and I go also with with what James Fox did which is uncover this woman who was on


the yard who witnessed this who knows the difference between marionettes not to mention that kids they know what Marianas like you know


what puppets look like so we need a better analogy than that but um until


that happens we’re still kind of you know based on our own experience and and I haven’t seen anything I did have a


very very strange dream so I don’t think I told you this two months ago uh don’t


worry you weren’t in it uh Martin um yeah and what the dream was is I was


in this like kind of um I was on this rooftop looking out and I saw this craft coming


and I looked and I went the thought in my head was oh


that’s a UFO there it is that’s what it looks like it’s making a little bit of a weird sound but there it is


and I’m looking at it and I’m going God that’s so crazy look at that and then it


lands and then I I see whoever gets out it gets a little jumbled in my dream and I


remember all the details but it was like we were communicating and and it was it was more of me kind of


watching and it was like okay we’re gonna go here now this and that and I remember in my head thinking oh that’s so strange look at them and I was


fascinated by the whole thing and um and and thinking that for the


experiencers I wonder if that was what it was like is you’re so if you’re not terrified you’re riveted by how strange


and surreal and it made me feel like you know they talk about high strangeness you know I talked with Earl Gray about


that all the time you know how great the high strangers is you can’t include it like don’t include Bigfoot in my UFO you


know sandbox um but it is that strange and everything and so when I woke up and everything I I


was talking to Charlie Parish our friend about it and uh and I said yeah I think that’s the


closest that that I’ve gotten to kind of having an understanding of when you see something that’s so absurd and shouldn’t exist what it does to you yeah and so


um I guess yeah go ahead no no I know from my own experience it was like


um it didn’t fit it didn’t fit my reality and uh you know just a a quick you know


recap for I I I’ve told the story a number of times but people ask me all the time can you tell your you know your


sighting it was It was kind of you know it wasn’t anything over exciting like some of the


um you know encounters that I heard but anyway I was in a hot tub I was not drinking I always have to say that and


uh something caught my eye and I looked up and it was Dusk and it was a blue


disc like a glowing blue disc you know went right over my head and the first thing I thought of was there’s


absolutely no sound how could this thing be flying and moving and I saw it stop too and be no sound at all


no you know no propulsion but the sound was very eerie to me when I was trying to like put in my mind right at that


moment like what am I seeing you know this isn’t what I’m supposed to be seeing you know it’s a very strange


feeling um yeah I mean buddy of mine is a fellow documentary


filmmaker um he never believed in the stuff in fact I think he was kind of put off that


that I had um um spent some time and in it professionally you know with


the documentaries and then he called me out of the blue and said hey can we talk


and I said yeah and it goes so um he said it’s taken me you know a few


weeks to to even talk about this but I was moving from one apartment to the


other and it was around four a.m at night and we were out in the deck kind of catching our breath because we had to


get everything moved and he’s going out of the country I think or something so anyway he said he was looking on the deck and


he sees this metallic craft moving along and it had a blue


glow around it really yeah the blue glow became more and more intense and then it


was like it like a little fire a little pulse and he said and then it was gone


and he said it’s really effed him up well you know that that’s only like the


third time I just asked the guy guess last week about anyone ever mentioned the blue glow because I’ve only heard it


a couple of times and now one more time oh really yeah yeah and he’d want to


talk about it and he wanted you know he was he was trying to get um like uh um in a way psychological


understand or help for this because he said it’s it’s really jacked me up


because I don’t believe in this stuff those are my favorite cases it’s like me too I love when people don’t believe in


it then it gets shown to them I wish that would happen to Mick West


well let me know this is this is a clip out the clip I was telling you about I know people have seen this before on my


channel but here it is hey Tim


Hey Brother Martin Wilson podcast UFO yeah nice to see you sure so uh you want


to put that on sure you’re not gonna do me like Fox and give me one that’s been somebody else’s ear


so I just wanted to thank you personally for all you’ve been doing thank you brother I appreciate it appreciate all


the coverage y’all been giving especially you brother I know you’ve been there at the Forefront of this thing a long time yeah I appreciate it


very much and uh I’m really sorry what happened I don’t know what happened it’s just politics dude it’s it’s no big deal


let’s let’s focus on the let’s not let’s focus exactly brother on the bigger picture it’s bigger than than me and all


this other stuff let’s get to the bottom of it this is a cover-up and we all know it yeah that’s right I absolutely agree


thank you so much all right really appreciate all your efforts yes sir so anyway you know here here you know


people will say well you know he’s Republican or they’ll say the other person’s Democrat but this is has


nothing to do with politics in my opinion it’s totally non-partisan and uh


you know he I think he is doing an excellent job you know pushing this thing and you know


someone had to do it I don’t care who it is but I mean and there is some mockery


you know of other of uh some other uh Congressman saying you know what a waste of time what a stupid thing you know


it’s really sad to see that because I thought everyone at the hearing was very respectful


and they asked really good questions and um there was that was it wasn’t a circus


like people are trying some people are trying to make it out to be in my opinion yeah no I mean it’s I’m on the fence


about it not being political um and why I say that is that whenever


um you know political nationality you are with your Republican Democrats or


you know the green uh the Green Team um if if you believe and you follow this


the phenomenon um you have to be aware that there’s two messages that these beings have been


saying since you know at least I think the first time I came it was in the 60s um well before where we’re at right now


which the two messages are um your technology isn’t helping you


which has been attributed to you know they’re not spelling out for us but which has been attributed to um uh


nuclear weapons and stuff I have anything that has to do with smartphones I think that makes maybe more sense


um but the other thing is you’re destroying your planet yeah


and that has gone on and on and on now we are going to be at that place if we don’t kill ourselves we’re going to be


at a place where we’re going to be visiting other civilizations if they exist and the chances everyone says you


know that the fact is numerology wise are number wise statistic wise there are


other planets that have life out there so we’re going to be checking them out and if we see telltale signs that they’re headed in


the same direction I would think that we would kind of say hey you might want to do this so when I hear that it’s not


politicized I’m kind of like well it is because that is our number one priority we are not going to be relocating to


another planet I’m sorry to say as much as we want to be able to perform that stuff that won’t happen by the time


what’s coming by all accounts seems to be coming I mean within the next five years anyone


who has been doubting this it just the statistics are and just the the


the experts in the research not just the experts I mean talking to people who I know live in Texas and stuff it’s


different who live in you know Florida um what’s going on the coast and stuff it’s it’s coming so you can still be a


republican uh and because I know that it’s it’s uh and our Democrat doesn’t


matter but even though the Democrats are known for being more climate conscious that’s how it’s reported in the news


um you can still believe it but you’ve got to vote to have those be those issues so I think with regards to


political agendas it is you know critical because all this doesn’t matter you know uh listening to podcasts it


doesn’t matter if we can’t survive we can’t go outside um and right now I don’t know how we’re


going to reverse this and I’m not expecting the aliens to come and say Here’s the technology and save us


because if that was going to happen they already would have you know I think dropped that off or maybe you know


inspired it in someone’s uh mind um you know whatever so


well I’m getting depressed I know it’s the reality of it you know the reality


of it but uh yeah it is uh it’s depressing when you really think about it and uh you know I mean I have been


told something from uh you know if a filmmaker that was doing some research


that was very Bleak when he reached out to all the world scientists to uh when


he was doing some back end work on on a series that was looking into Extinction


events so uh and it’s very they had they all


had uh you know very Bleak things to say about that scientist but but the thing


that that’s more terrifying is I’m like okay people can can challenge scientists because we do that now we can say Well


they’re scientists what does that mean what’s their agenda Etc talk to Farmers talk to people in agriculture yeah who


are suffering um the cost of food is going to go up Etc but we are going down a dark Road


here but it is it is something that again just to kind of umbrella this I think um that that is a


message that has come forward and I think I would want to listen if you’re not going to listen to


you know experts I would want to listen to someone who’s purported to be more advanced than us I want to be around to


be able to to be Star Trek you know I want to be able to go to other planets you know or other dimensions


yeah yeah well Dean I think we’re going to call it a night on a sad note


no no it’s always good to talk to you and again I I know I’ve said this last time you’re on but I uh when I was out


for uh surgery last October I want to thank you so much for covering for me uh when I could not you know I could not do


the show and you did a wonderful job and uh hope to see you behind a podcast mic


on your own at some point that would be great so uh and I’d be glad to help you


with that so thanks so much Dean you got it great seeing you again all right yeah


they want to talk soon okay all right okay everyone so next week as I


mentioned Dr Keith Taylor uh it should be a wonderful show and then the week after that I’m going to be in uh or that


next weekend I’ll be over at the mufon Symposium and uh if you’re going to be there uh please reach out to me it’d be


really fun to uh hang out and I might I just found out that I can’t do like a


show there or any type of recording there so I’m gonna have to try to figure that out see if I can do something


somewhere rent a room or something for that in particular all right we’ll see you next week and keep your eyes to the


sky [Music]


thank you [Music]

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