Show #424 Notes: Jan Aldrich, Project 1947

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, October 13th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)


BIO: Jan L. Aldrich resides in Canterbury, Connecticut, USA. Education BA History from University of Maryland, Retired US Army Master Sergeant with assignments in meteorology, intelligence, personnel, and safety. Assignment locations include four in Korea, two in Germany, one in Italy, two at the Field Artillery School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and others in the US. Also, retired from the US Postal Service. Studied UFOs for over 55 years. Contributing author of the book “UFOs and Government”, also author of reports on Ghost Rockets, the 1947 UFO Wave. Currently working on digitizing project of the Center for UFO Studies UFO report files. Correspondent for overseas UFO magazines. Website