Show #442 Notes: Ben Hansen & Calvin Parker

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, February 16th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)


Ben Hansen Bio: Ben Hansen’s paranormal inspiration stems from the series, “The X-Files.” Hansen grew up watching the series frequently, which gave him an insatiable desire to explore mysteries of the unknown. To transform this passion into a career, Hansen went to the University of Utah, graduating with a degree in sociology and criminology. After graduation, he worked for several private and public agencies investigating a wide range of crimes, eventually becoming a special agent for the FBI. While Hansen has an impressive track record investigating cases at the state and federal levels, he is still anchored in his “X-Files” roots and pursues paranormal cases. Hansen’s knowledge of criminal investigation and paranormal investigation has caught the attention of several media outlets. Breaking down captured media of alleged Bigfoot, UFO and ghost events, Hansen provides his expert opinion on some of the most current viral stories in the press. He has presented his research and findings at dozens of conferences across the globe. Most recently, Ben stars in the new series, “UFO Witness” now streaming on discovery+.

Bio: Calvin Parker was 19 years old in 1973 when he and his friend Charles Hickson witnessed a UFO while fishing in Pascagoula Mississippi. They reported seeing strange creatures that took them into the craft and examined them. Terrified, they went to the police. Their story leaked, and the incident made headlines. Hickson, 42 years old at the time, was a family friend who had just gotten Parker a job. However, Parker wanted nothing to do with the publicity they were receiving and left town. He rarely spoke of the incident until now. With the release of his new book telling his side of the story, he is now doing interviews and a few appearances before he goes back to focusing on retirement and fishing. Source:

Calvin Parker and Charlie Hickson audio interview the evening of the event, including the “secret” recording:

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Show #441 Notes: Larry Hancock

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, February 9th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

Unidentified: The National Intelligence Problem of UFOs

LARRY HANCOCK brings his formal training in history and cultural anthropology to his research and writing on Cold War history and national security subjects. A graduate of the University of New Mexico, he earned is BA with honors, majoring in history, cultural anthropology and education. Following service in the United States Air Force, his career in computer/communications and technology marketing allowed him the opportunity to become involved in and consult on strategic analysis and planning studies. Following retirement, Larry returned to his long term interest in historical research. Known as a “document geek”, he researched and published several collections of CIA, FBI and military documents prior to beginning his writing efforts. His document work led to his becoming a board member of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, a major online interactive history archive. With eleven books in print, his most recent works include an exploration of long term patterns in covert action and deniable warfare (“In Denial”), the effectiveness of national command authority and command and control practices (“Surprise Attack”) and the national intelligence problem of UFOs (“Unidentified”). Larry’s Blog

Show #439 Notes: Jonathan Lace

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, January 19th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)


BIO: Jonathan Lace served in the United States Air Force as a Computer Systems Operator at Untied States Strategic Command. He later attended the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and Emory University in Atlanta, where he received degrees in Philosophy and Theological Studies. For the last 14 years he has taught at Seton Hall Preparatory School and currently instructs in AP Computer Science and iPhone app development courses. He serves in local government on the Borough Council in Caldwell, NJ, and is member of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. His interest in the UFO phenomenon stems from his early interest in aeronautics and the space program, the recent UFO encounters by U.S. Naval personnel, and subsequent statements from the Department of Defense. He is currently the Public Relations Officer for the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies

Show #438 Notes: Greg Bishop

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, January 19th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

Interested in “facts that don’t fit” from an early age, in 1991, Greg Bishop co-founded a magazine called The Excluded Middle, which was a journal of UFOs, conspiracy research, psychedelia and new science. It ceased publication in 1999. “Wake Up Down There!,” which anthologized many of the articles and features, was published in 2000 by Adventures Unlimited.

Greg’s second book was “Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth” (2005 Simon & Schuster/ Pocket Books) which documented a government campaign of disinformation perpetrated against an unsuspecting U.S. citizen. “Weird California,” a portrait of strange and eerie history and places in the Golden State, was released by Sterling Publishers and Barnes & Noble in 2006. Greg contributed about 75% of the material and photos.

From December 2007 to November 2011, Greg blogged for the UFO and paranormal site Ufomystic. His current book “It Defies Language” is composed for the most part of entries from that blog along with older material and brand new articles written just for the collection.

For two years Greg hosted The Hungry Ghost, a radio show of interviews and music airing on pirate FM station KBLT in Los Angeles. His current show, Radio Misterioso, can be heard at Interviews with fringe-topic researchers and weird music are the usual fare. Source:

Show #437 Notes: Dr. Mark Rodeghier & David Marler

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, January 12th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

First a shout out to longtime listener, Lea MacDonald going through a rough medical situation, here is a tribute Lea did for New York firefighters after 9-11: CLICK HERE

DR. MARK J. RODEGHIER earned a B.S. in astrophysics from Indiana University, and an M.A. and PhD in sociology (the latter in the sociology of science) from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Rodeghier has worked as a consultant in statistical analysis, predictive analytics, and survey research for a wide variety of academic research studies, industries and not-for-profit organizations Rodeghier had a long-term interest in the UFO phenomenon, and became seriously involved in the mid-1970s with Dr. J. Allen Hynek and the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). He has published on an eclectic range of topics in UFO research and investigation, including a monograph on reports of UFO interference with vehicles, the psychological and sociological characteristics of abductees, attitudes of the public about anomalies, the changing characteristics of UFOs over time, and detailed analyses of specific cases. Rodeghier became a board member of CUFOS in 1980 and was appointed scientific director of CUFOS in 1986, a position he continues to hold today. David has had a lifelong interest in the UFO subject and has actively investigated and researched it for 30 years. He joined The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in 1990 as a Field Investigator Trainee. Since then, he has served as Field Investigator, State Section Director, as well as Illinois State Director. David is currently an independent UFO researcher.​​ During his tenure with MUFON, he had conducted numerous investigations into alleged UFO sightings and related experiences. He has discussed the subject of UFOs on many radio and television news programs over the years. He has also lectured on the subject to various school and adult audiences including at the university level.

DAVID MARLER has assisted the History, Learning, Discovery, Science, and Smithsonian Channel on UFO documentaries over the years in addition to independent productions. David has one of the largest personal libraries of UFO books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and case files from around the world that covers the last 75+ years. With this he has been examining the detailed history of UFO sighting reports and related patterns. Continued:

Show #435 Notes: Thomas Wertman

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, December 29th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

Thomas’ Podcast:

Salt Fork Park
Ohio Corn Crop Circle
Salt Fork, camping spot where missing time occurred


LAX Jetpack – UFO?


BIO Thomas Wertman
It is said we are all products of our environment. Growing up in the 60’s and watching television shows such as The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits fueled an interest in space and the unknown. Television shows and movies soon led to books, but unfortunately this interest had to be put aside to build a career, raise a family, and earn a bachelors in business and master’s in education.
Now with my family grown and pursing their own careers I decided to return to my lifelong interest in the unknown. The first step was in 2008 by joining the Ohio based group the Cleveland Ufology Project (CUP). CUP was primarily a discussion group that provided an avenue to explore various areas associated with ufology. In 2018 I stepped down as co-director of the group in order to allow more time for private UFO research.
The second step also in 2008 was becoming a member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Since that time, I have advanced from field investigator to State Director of Ohio. Currently have investigated over 300 cases in Ohio with one of the most interesting involving two fisherman who experienced over three and one-half hours of missing time. In addition to working Ohio cases I have also conducted over 230 investigations in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Puerto Rico for MUFONS Case Assistance Group. If that was not enough, I have participated in over 200 community outreach programs discussing UFO’s, been a featured guest on radio and television shows, participated in three documentaries, played an alien in a short film, and host a podcast called UFOdyssey.
In the back of my mind I’ve often wondered why I’m so passionate about ufology. A series of regressions explored my past in search of a possible connection. The regressions indicated personal encounters with UFOs and nonhuman beings beginning in the 1960s. These experiences if true explain that connection.

Show #434 Notes: Jack Sliwa

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, December 22nd, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

BIO: Jack Sliwa is originally from the Boston area, he earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. and then an MS in Materials Science from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. While at Northeastern University Jack did a CO-OP at the Charles Stark Draper Labs (CSDL) in Cambridge, Mass. where he worked to design and test Inertial Navigation Instruments. He was selected as CO-OP of the year by the late Dr Draper, Prof. Emeritus of MIT, inventor of Inertial Navigation and founder of Draper Labs. That experience also got me interested in related subjects such as propulsion, communication and sensors of all types. Read more

Show #433 Notes: Tim McMillan

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Sunday, December 13th, 2:00-4:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

BIO: As a youth growing up in Savannah, Georgia; Lt. Tim McMillan (Ret.) never thought he’d one day end up a police officer. However, in July of 2002, after the murder of two childhood friends, Lt. McMillan found himself consumed with a burning desire to make a positive difference in his community. Less than a year after that tragic July night – at only 21-years old- Lt. McMillan would raise his right hand and be sworn in as a police officer in Garden City Police Georgia.

During his law enforcement career, Lt. McMillan served in a diverse number of roles, including, Patrol Officer; Investigator; Crime Scene Technician; K9-handler; Sergeant, Lieutenant and Assistant Patrol Commander.

Lt. McMillan holds numerous law enforcement certifications including being a criminal investigative and intelligence analyst. Additionally, Lt. McMillan is a P.O.S.T. certified instructor – teaching numerous courses for academy, local, state and federal law enforcement and domestic intelligence officers.

In 2006-2007, Lt. McMillan was named “Officer of the Year” with GCPD. In 2012, while serving as the Part-time Beach Patrol Commander, he was named the 2012 Police Officer of the year for the Tybee Island Police Department. Additionally, of the course of his career, Lt. McMillan was awarded seven Chief’s Accommodations for exceptional service; and in 2004, he was formally commended by Georgia Governor Sonny Purdue for his service during the G8 Summit.

1990s Nellis UFO:

Show #432 Notes: Ben Smith & MAJ David Toon (ret)

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, December 8th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

Our guest Melanie Kirchdorfer could not make the show due to not feeling well. We will be rescheduling with her.

BIO: David Toon retired as an Army Aviation Major of 22 years with a military background in both Military Intelligence and Aviation.  His background includes working as an electronics technician working on Top Secret equipment, and finished his career retiring as an Army Aviation Major with numerous hours in utility, reconnaissance, and attack helicopters.

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Show #431 Notes: Robert Powell

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, December 1st, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT)

Bio: ROBERT POWELL has a BS in Chemistry and is a former collegiate debater. He has 28 years experience in engineering management in the semiconductor industry. While working at Advanced Micro Devices he has taken numerous internal courses related to device physics, design of experiments, and statistical analysis. He helped Advanced Micro Devices develop its first flash memory technology that is used in today’s flash cards for cameras, PCs, video cameras, and other products. His experience includes managing a state-of-the-art chemistry laboratory and managing a Research and Development group that worked on nanotechnology using atomic force microscopes, near-field optical microscopy, and other techniques. Robert is also a co-holder of four patents related to nanotechnology. Robert Powell has been the Director of Research at MUFON from 2007-2017 and created MUFON’s Science Review Board in 2012. He is one of two authors of the detailed radar/witness report on the “Stephenville Lights” as well as the SCU report “UAP: 2013 Aguadilla, Puerto Rico”. Robert is also a member of the Society for Scientific Exploration, the UFODATA project, and the National Space Society. Robert is active with FOIA requests to various government organizations to obtain information on historical cases and is a co-author of a book published in July 2012: UFOs and Government. A Historical Inquiry. Robert currently resides in Austin, Texas.

Show #430 Notes: Philip Mantle & David Clarke

PHILIP MANTLE BIO: British author / co-author, publicist, lecturer, broadcaster and researcher of Unidentified Flying Objects. UFO research: Philip Mantle’s interest in UFO research began in l979 when he joined the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA), and Yorkshire UFO Society (YUFOS). 1985: Nominated ‘Investigator of the year’ by YUFOS. 1987: Appointed to Council of management of BUFORA. Subsequently acted as Press Officer, Conference Organiser, and Secretary to the National Investigations Committee l988: Appointed England’s representative for the Mutual UFO Network’s (MUFON) l992: Awarded honorary member of the Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena (RIAP), a science based UFO-study group based in the Ukraine. l993: Appointed Director of Investigations for BUFORA. Although extremely active in the field of UFO research, Philip Mantle has relinquished his various appointed positions, due to professional commitments, with the exception of honorary membership of RIAP.

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