Summer of 1981 FLYING SAUCER North of Pittsburgh, Pa

I want to first start off by saying that I’ve only witnessed one event in my life that I could not explain. Since then I tend to pay more attention to the sky than probably the average person. It has been 40 years and since then I haven’t seen anything that I could not identify.
A perfect sunny summer day in early July north of Pittsburgh, Pa. around lunchtime. I was 11 years old and was playing whiffle ball with my older brother (18) and his girlfriend around the same age. Two neighbors my age were also playing with us. I just happened to look up and saw a saucer probably the size of a jet plane flying in close proximity to our property.
We obviously all saw it and we were pretty shocked. Another neighbor playing at his house also saw it. So 6 of us in all. It was flying slowly, moving forward but spinning clockwise at the same time. We observed several of what we would call ports and also I remember it was very shiny- the metal or whatever it was made out of.
Very close in appearance to Lazar’s sport craft but different in some ways. I remember feeling pretty scared at the time thinking they could easily see us. We watched for at least 3-4 minutes until we could no longer see it through the tall trees on our property. It was very close and there’s no mistaking what it was.
With that said I don’t know and probably will never know who or what was inside. I wish I would have had a camera. It was so close that I would have gotten a great picture. Over 40 years and while details have faded a bit I still remember very clearly how it rotated and moved forward. A pretty neat experience. Of course I haven’t shared my story much but when I have most laugh it off. I’m okay with how people react as I know it is hard to believe. With that said I know what we saw that summer and their reactions/opinions don’t bother me in the least.