Show #483 Notes: Peter Slattery

Simulcast on, KGRA Radio, YouTube & Facebook
November 30, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)


BIO: Peter Maxwell Slattery is an international bestselling author, speaker and educator, assisting with spiritual development, self discovery, connection to spirit guides, soul family, purpose, balance and joy to the earthly experience and God within. His E.T experiences started at an early age and continue to this day, with hundreds of witnesses to events.

Pete’s experiences have been detailed in an overwhelming amount of photographic and video evidence related to UFOs, otherworldly Beings, and apparitions, which have been analyzed by Jason Gleaves (Ex-U.K. Air Force and Aerospace), and remote viewed by John Vivanco (The Psychic Spy) and his group, which has worked for the FBI. Pete’s story also includes physical trace evidence. Continued:

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