The Aguadilla UFO

by Charles Lear Because of all the media coverage regarding the Pentagon UFO videos, an extraordinary video reportedly captured by Department of Homeland Security personnel has fallen into the background. It has become known as the “Aguadilla” video and the identity of the object caught on video remains a mystery. The case was investigated by […]

R.I.P. Mr. UFO

By Charles Lear This past Memorial Day, May 31, 2021, UFO and paranormal researcher Timothy Green Beckley passed on. He was a colorful character who stood out in a field full of colorful characters, and while he might not have been the most serious of researchers, he was part of a circle of legendary characters […]

Injured by the UFO, Part III

by Charles Lear This is the third in a series examining the rather grim subject of UFO related injuries. While we don’t want to dwell on this aspect of the mystery too extensively, it would be remiss to leave the subject without exploring what happened in Brazil in 1977. The events there were extraordinary, as […]

The Faded Disc Archives

by Michael Lauck The UFO mystery is not a 20th century phenomenon, but it did in many ways come into prominence in the 20th century. Serious study of UFOs began around World War II and thrived in the following decades. During this golden age of UFO study radio was the dominant form of electronic media. […]

Show #435 Notes: Thomas Wertman

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, December 29th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-5GMT) Thomas’ Podcast:     BIO Thomas Wertman It is said we are all products of our environment. Growing up in the 60’s and watching television shows such as The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits fueled an interest in […]

UFOs and Balloons

by Charles Lear Throughout UFO history, a common explanation for sightings has been that the witness or witnesses saw a weather balloon. This explanation has often been used in a ludicrous manner by authorities seeking an easy means of dismissal, and this causes many UFOlogists to scoff at it in all cases. The truth is […]

UFOs, Contactees, Humanoids and a Thorn in the Side of the Air Force

by Charles Lear The year 1957 was a very interesting one in UFO history. In that year, UFO occupant reports were accepted as worthy of investigation by serious organizations such as the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization and Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York; Contactees were in the spotlight thanks to the Long John Nebel Show; […]