Often, a UFO case can be explained as being a hoax or a misidentification of natural phenomena or a human-made object. During the early history of American UFO research, these were foremost among the possible prosaic explanations that investigators explored. Then, as the Cold War developed and the American public’s trust in in its governing […]

French Hairy Dwarves and Whatzits

Chapter 7 In Charles Lear’s Book While 1954 in America was mostly about the saucers, that year in France was more about the occupants, also known as “humanoids.” It was then that French researcher Aimé Michel came to international prominence as he investigated, collected data, and tried to unravel the mystery. A young Jaques Vallée […]

Show #499 Notes: Ted Roe & Jack Brewer

Simulcast on KGRA Radio, YouTube, Facebook & Twitch – Tuesday, March 22nd, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)  Guest Ted Roe info on UAP & American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics twitter: @AIAA_UAP , and the website in development is: www.AIAA.org Bio: Jack Brewer writes “The UFO Trail”, a blog dedicated to publishing credible info on incredible […]

Cars lifted up and transported by UFOs

by Charles Lear In the 1950s, the first reports of cars shutting down in the proximity of UFOs started hitting the news, most memorably those from Levelland, Texas, in 1957. Then, in the 1960’s, there were reports of UFOs chasing cars, sometimes hitting them, and in fair turnabout, reports of cars chasing UFOs. Things didn’t […]

The UFO Newsclipping Service

by Charles Lear For UFO researchers, and especially those interested in UFO history, the internet is a treasure trove. There are many, easily accessible archives online, with Archive.org, and Archives for the Unexplained being two of the main go-to sites. There is also a lot of material available thanks to researchers who preserved it on […]

UPDATE: A Woman Transported by a UFO?

by Charles Lear In last week’s blog, we looked at a recent report from the Pampas region of Argentina that involved a missing woman who was found the next day in a town around 65 km from where she was last seen. She reported being in her yard in Jacinto Aráuz, seeing a light, and […]

Show #475 Notes: Neil Nixon

Simulcast on, KGRA Radio, YouTube & Facebook October 5th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-4GMT) UFOs, Aliens and the Battle for the Truth, A SHORT HISTORY OF UFOLOGY. http://www.neilnixon.com/ Neil Nixon is an author, journalist and academic from Workington, England. Nixon’s published works include titles on the paranormal, popular music, football and two novels published under the name of Stanley Manly. In 1999, he founded the United Kingdom’s first full-time higher education […]

Airplane Passenger UFO Sightings

by Charles Lear Pilot UFO sightings have been a constant in the world of UFOlogy ever since the sighting in 1947, that started the public fascination with the subject, by Kenneth Arnold, who was flying in his own plane near Mount Rainier in Washington State. Even though these are often single witness sightings, researchers generally […]

UFOs and Esotericism

by Charles Lear From the days of flying saucers in the 1940s and 1950s, up until the present where many now prefer the term “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP), investigators and researchers have approached the mystery using scientific methods. However, this is not the case for all who have sought answers as to the source and […]