Show 405 Notes: David Halperin

Simulcast on YouTube and KGRA Radio Tuesday May 26th, 6:00-8:00 PM EDT (-4GMT)

First we have guest/listener Jacques from Canada to discuss an incredible childhood encounter, then featured guest, David Halperin to discuss his latest book; INTIMATE ALIEN: THE HIDDEN STORY OF THE UFO, He will also discuss what brought his UFO interest back after being away from it for many years and more.

BIO: Back in the 1960s, David Halperin was a teenage UFO investigator. Later he became a professor of religious studies — his specialty, religious traditions of heavenly ascent. From 1976 through 2000, David taught Jewish history in the Religious Studies Department at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Now retired from teaching, he lives in North Carolina with his wife Rose. He’s the author of five non-fiction books on Jewish mysticism and messianism, the coming-of-age novel Journal of a UFO Investigator, and now Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO.

For a more academically oriented bio, reflecting David’s work as a Judaica scholar, visit his author page on Liverpool University Press.

2 thoughts on “Show 405 Notes: David Halperin

  • May 28, 2020 at 12:35 am

    Oh my word!!! I absolutely wanted to RIP my hair out listening to the PODCAST with your guest David Halperin!!! I’m curious to know if you knew before hand that you were going to have to be the voice of reason and rationale? I think somehow Mr.Halperin has had some type of religious awakening where he can say that Angel’s appear or liken the phenomenon to scripture but refuses to believe in the incidence’s from Betty and Barney Hill to the Airel School and the U.S.S. Nimitz? I’m sure you have received more email and calls about this guest than you can possibly read in a month? I very much enjoy your PODCAST, but this guest drove me up the wall. Keep up the great show, but Woe not too sure about this guest.

    Travis Archibald
    Fillmore, Utah

    • May 28, 2020 at 12:20 pm

      Thanks for posting, Mr. Archibald. I do believe in the Betty and Barney Hill incident, and am convinced they had a real and powerful experience–but it came from inside them, not from outside. Consider that for the past 70 years most of those who’ve taken UFOs seriously (as I do) have thought of them as machines from outer space, and after 70 years we don’t understand them any better than Donald Keyhoe did back in 1950. Time for a new approach, wouldn’t you say?

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